
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Just a Few More Days

Jill and Derick Dillard tied the knot exactly nine months ago. Not only are they celebrating their 9 "monthiversary," but they are also celebrating that Jill is 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Baby Dilly will be here very soon. How much do you think he will weigh? Derick was a very large baby, so there's a good chance that Baby Dilly will be, too.

Jill and Derick Dillard


  1. I think Baby Dilly will be around 9 lbs. Has Derick and Jill considered any names yet?

  2. Jill looks kind of tired. I'm sure they can hardly wait till baby dilly arrives. They are going to be great parents.

  3. Do any of the Dugger sisters aspire to attend college and establish a career before marriage?

  4. Oh my goodness!!! I didn't think she'd make it this long!!!! Good luck Jill... Hope your delivery is smooth.
    And I hope that we see part of the delivery... It is just something beautiful to share(as much as you are comfortable with)

  5. Hope the delivery goes well and that the Dillards enjoy the excitement that comes with this time :) ive done ut 5 times and it never gets old!

  6. I think he will weigh 9 pounds!!!!

  7. I believe Jill was one of Michelle and Jim Bob's biggest babies. So I think baby dilly well be 9 lbs 3 oz. Praying for a safe and healthy delivery.

  8. Jill looks like she has definitely dropped, so I guess it could be any day now. Good luck!

  9. Actually, since he's Jill's first baby, he has a good chance of arriving as much as a week past his due date. I hope for all their sakes though that he arrives about on time, and because I'm eager to find out his name. I bet he will be named Richard, after Derick's father. :)

  10. I think judging by her belly, I'd say she will have a 5/5.5 Kg, and I wish her the safest delivery!! Hey what about Skylar, just kidding, kind of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Praying for you, Jill and Derick, and your soon to be born son!
    May God bless you all.

  12. Accordg to her bump it will be a large baby too!

  13. Jill looks lovely! I hope the baby comes soon and she has a nice, quick labor/delivery. I predict the baby will weigh more than 9 lbs., but less than 11 lbs! Best wishes to the new parents and their sweet bundle of joy!!

  14. Yay! Jill looks so ready to pop! She looks very happy and very tired! Praying for Jill, Derick ,and baby Dilly!
    Blessings from Canada!

  15. Have they picked out a name

  16. Wow Jill looks so tired!

  17. I will guess at 8 lbs 10.5 oz, 25th March, early afternoon, 22 inches long :)

  18. I think that he will be a pretty big baby, but I'm not sure. I can hardly wait until he is born! :-D

  19. Baby dilly will probably Weigh around 9-10lbs. My brother weighed 10.5lbs so it is possible! Can't wait to see him!!!

  20. Can't wait to hear he's here. I think he will weigh over 9lbs. Good Luck. Love to watch your show.

  21. 9 pounds 14 ounces

  22. Boy oh Boy, Jill is picture perfect pregnant!! I have never seen someone so healthy looking and beautiful with such a perfect preg. belly. She is all baby! She is truly stunning.

  23. So excited! Praying for a safe delivery and a healthy baby!

  24. Sometimes when a first baby is very large, a cesarean is necessary. My prayers are that everything will go fine. Personally, I advise a hospital birth with a midwife. You still have the warm, caring approach of a midwife, but are in the hospital in case anything goes wrong.

  25. Can't wait!! He will probably be around nine pounds is my guess. Jill and Derick must be over the moon excited!

  26. Make sure you tell us when she is in labor!! Don't want to miss anything!

  27. I think Jill and Derick ' s baby will weigh 8 lbs 2 oz. Can't wait to see your baby. Congratulations to the new parents!!

  28. 8 lbs 10 oz. 22 inches long...MY PREDICTION

  29. I think You should have the names start with a D or T to get some uncommon names starting it with an A will be cute too some names I have thought of:
    I also think that maybe it would be cute if you name it a biblical name like Leviticus
    I also like Baby Dilly and maybe you could keep that nickname going for a few years or just start calling him dilly

  30. Can you post an update on Anna and Josh?

  31. I thing the baby will be 9.1 pounds!

  32. I can't believe it's gone by so fast!!!

  33. Aww, so cute! And Exciting!
    This is the main reason I like watching the show. Because I love seeing updates about new marriages, new babies and things! I LOVE YOUR SHOW!

  34. Praying for a safe delivery maybe name the baby Jonah Jesse or Emmett Alexander just a few suggestion

  35. Looks like close to 9lbs! Best wishes for a safe delivery!

  36. Derrick is too funny! What a great sport! Can't wait to see baby Dilly. :-)

  37. I'm going to guess 8lbs 12ozs. Mine were 7lbs 14ozs and 9lbs 4ozs. Praying for grace for the delivery and a healthy baby!

  38. Congrads, Jill and Derick! Jill looks like she could pop!

  39. Wow, another picture of Jill. What's wrong with just taking and posting a picture every trimester?

    1. If you don't like it then don't follow.

    2. What's wrong with taking them more frequently? I took one every month Werth my last baby (she's ten weeks old now:). It's fun to see the bump change from month to month

    3. If you don't like, don't look at them!

  40. Jill is beautiful and looks ready to go. I know they are grateful for a full-term baby and a healthy pregnancy. Derick looks so excited and I know he will be a calm yet strong birth coach for Jill. On the wisdom teeth removal episode, Jill said she does not handle pain well. I sure hope they have a plan for pain relief for her when she discovers what labor is like.

  41. Oh my goodness!!!! Only 2 more days and @ 40 weeks!!!!
    My sister was 11.5 lbs. so I know what a big baby is!!!

  42. Praying for a easy and healthy delivery! May y'all enjoy your Blessing from Heaven!
    Thank you for sharing your lives with us! God Bless!

  43. Probably 9 pounds 12
    inches I can't wait to see baby dilly

  44. Poor Jill, she looks so ready for this baby to get here! I'm not an expert, but I'm guessing baby Dilly will weigh between 8.5 to 9 pounds.

  45. Awesome! You both will experience the indescribable part of love that gives a glimpse of how God loves you, as His children. Isn't amazing how He created our hearts to expand as we are given the ability to love, and be loved. Blessings Dillard Family!

  46. Jill and Derek, Your big moment is almost here. And I know all your Fans are anxious to meet little baby Dillard.... So excited for you both. And Jill you look radiant. I can just feel the joy in your smiles. May God Bless you with an easy Childbirth.

  47. Wait I do not mean to be spreading rumors but if they have been married for 36 weeks and she is 39 weeks, that makes no sense.

    1. She's 39 weeks. Not 36. She got pregnant on her honeymoon.

    2. She's 39 weeks. Not 36. She got pregnant on her honeymoon.

    3. That got married June 21 which was 9 months ago. If you do the math right she got pregnant there wedding night which makes her 9 months pregnant.

    4. They were married June 21. Her last period according to the due date wad June 17. Meaning she conceived on July 1.

    5. Because pregnancies are counted from the day of your last menstrual cycle, since ovulation can occur anytime during the cycle usually around day 14. But mostly between day 7 and 21. I saw somewhere else where it did the math and based on the weeks of the baby she would have probably conceived the first week of marriage.

    6. Actually if you pull out a calendar and count the weeks.........they've been married 40 weeks. Yes 9 months is 36 weeks, however you need to physically count them. It's 40.

    7. She probably got pregnant on her honeymoon because the dr counts your pregnancy from the first day of your last period which is 2-3 weeks before conception.

    8. She probably got pregnant on her honeymoon. The dr counts your pregnancy weeks from the first day of your last period. That is usually 2-3 weeks before conception.

    9. I was thinking the same thing

    10. 9 months is usually 39 weeks because months don't have exactly 4 weeks in them (obviously since some months have 30 and 31 days) also you start counting days for pregnancy at the menstrual cycle prior to conception. So that doesn't mean conception was 39 weeks ago it could have been 38.

  48. That baby will be 9lbs 6oz. That's my guess.

  49. I’m praying for a safe delivery. I’m guessing that Baby Dilly will weigh 7 lbs & be 21 inches.

  50. I just want to hear how excited everybody is :)

  51. I have a feeling baby dilly will weigh 9lbs 6oz from Stephanie in Kerhonkson ny

  52. How exciting! I am guessing Baby Dilly will be 7 pounds 15 ounces :) Our prayers and love are with you all.

  53. I think this baby will arrive April 7th

  54. March 27th!! He can then share it with my daughter, Morgan, who will be 29!!

  55. I'm hoping it will be very soon . Such a blessing.

  56. So happy for you guys, cannot wait to see the fourth Duggar grandchild! Baby Dilly will be very loved.

  57. Baby Dilly will weigh 8lbs 5ozs and 21 inches long

  58. Congratulations to you both you make a beautiful couple. I have been watching the show since it has first aired and have loved it from the start and am still watching today. I think baby dilly will be born on the 28th and he will weigh 8 lbs. 8 oz. and 19 inches long and a full head of hair. What ever he weighs he will be beautiful just like his mommy and daddy. From Michele Lovell

  59. Congratulations! My husband and I just got done watching Jill and Derrick's wedding. I couldn't help shedding tears. We admire your values so much and hope to portray the same in our lives. I can't wait to see this next phase of parenthood. Jill you are glowing just like you did on your wedding day!!

  60. Congrats on your new baby. Wishing you all happiness and health. Being new parents can be fun and scary. So enjoy it and remember babies bounce (lol) guess on date:3.31.15 and weight 7lbs and 9oz and a mid day baby.

  61. I'm betting 7lbs 14 oc. I think he'll be big but not too big. Probably 21 in long.We will see.

  62. your baby will weight will be 9 pounds 9 ounces 22 in long :)it will be here by Wednesday end of day :)

  63. You look amazing Jill- I know you can't wait till Little Baby Dilly is here. Praying for you guys!

  64. 9lb? 21 inches. I will be praying everything will go great!

  65. March 26th ny birthday

  66. she will have that beautiful baby on the 27th of march because it's my birthday.

  67. Serious question, I ask this respectfully. There are 273 days between June 21, 2014 and March 21, 2015. That is how long they have been married. So how can Jill be 39 weeks and 4 days (i.e. 277) pregnant? Did the doctor/ultrasound technician simply miscalculate the due date?

    1. Your right, plus she was supposed to be married 30 days before getting pregnant

    2. You count pregnancy weeks different. Look online. You go back to last cycle date.

    3. Your not actually pregnant for the first 2 weeks so she has 14 days before ovulation thats added into the 40 weeks

    4. Doctors determine a woman's due date based on the first day of the mother's last menstrual period since the actual day of conception is usually not known. This is why a pregnancy is considered full term at 40 weeks rather than 36 weeks.

    5. Because pregnancy is counted 2 weeks before you actually conceive.... it starts from your last period. So she wouldve had her period June 17 & the actual date of conception is 2 weeks later around July 1.

    6. Just noted: To those who are commenting about a seeming discrepancy in dates, here's what's actually going on. A due date, and how many weeks pregnant a mom is, is calculated from a woman's LMP (first day of the last menstrual period), although she isn't actually pregnant yet. Most women ovulate and conceive 2 weeks after that. This is common knowledge. So, when Jill says she is 39 weeks 4 days, the baby was actually conceived about 37 weeks 4 days ago. Fully within range of after the wedding. Nothing is amiss.

    7. Because pregnancies ate calculated from the first day of her last cycle and not actual conception which usually happens around day 14.

    8. The 40 weeks of pregnancy is calculated to begin on the first day of your last period. You're "technically pregnant" for 38 weeks.

    9. You are considered two weeks pregnant on the day you conceive because they considered Day 1 the first day of your last menstrual cycle (which is usually 14 days before for the normal 28 day cycle.

    10. That's a possibility and calculations are done based on the date of the last period... There is ALWAYS some wiggle room when it comes to all babies. Their beliefs are way too strong. I'm sure I'm not alone when it comes to my level of confidence regarding their personal life. Love the Dillard's! God bless then with a smooth delivery for this wonderful baby!

    11. Pregnancies are counted when the mothers cycle starts even though baby isn't technically conceived until around 2 weeks later depending on ovulation. That's why the "pregnancy time" is longer than the time since the wedding. Hope that helps.

    12. Pregnancy is dated from approximately two weeks before conception. So technically, the first two weeks of pregnancy occur before conception does.

    13. Pregnancy weeks are calculated from the last cycle, not from ovulation or conception. So there are 14 days "added" in which the woman hasnt actually concieved yet, but that are part of the pregnancy. So at 4 weeks pregnant the baby was concieved at 2 weeks. And in this case, at 277 days pregnant, baby was concieved about 263 days ago.

    14. The due date is based off the last period, hers likely was 1-2 weeks before the wedding.

    15. Wow you are very observant it never ocurred to me until i read your post. But i think you are right. the calculations are a little off , if Jill posed for that picture on the 21st she would be exactly 39 weeks pregnant to the day. The formula that doctors use is an estimate, so that would explain the extra four days. Due dates are approximations. I doubt Jill is even aware she has an extra four days tacked on. The amazing thing really is that they were blessed with a baby immediately, Heavenly Father knows what he is doing and it must be such a joy fir Him to send a child to a couple so willing and ready to receive. It doesn't always happen as easily for many couples, but when it does, what a blessing. I had secretly longed for a honeymoon baby, but it took us several years to receive the best news of our lives. Derrick and Jill will be wonderful parents so great to see young people holding to God's standards, very impressive.

    16. Doctors calculate pregnancy from the first day of your last period. Therefore, your first two weeks of pregnancy are before you even conceive. If she ovulated and conceived on day 14 of her cycle (on her honeymoon), she would have been considered 2 weeks pregnant then.

    17. The estimated due date is calculated from the first day of the last period and counted out 40 weeks.

    18. Dating of the pregnancy starts from 1st day of last period, not conception. I.e. She had a period prior to getting married and hasn't had one since.

    19. When I was pregnant, I was told that my due date was calculated based on my last period, NOT the date of conception. Doesn't make much sense to me. But if that's the case, it's very possible that she got pregnant right after they got married. Her due date just makes it sound like it was before!

    20. I'm not an expert but I have been pregnant so I know a little about this... During pregnancy they estimate your due date from the first day of your last menstrual period. At conception you're typically already 2 weeks pregnant, depending on when your body ovulates. In reality, her baby is only about 37 weeks old, which lines up perfectly with her wedding. Out of curiosity, has anyone else thought maybe she had planned her wedding around her ovulation schedule??

      Also, another thing I've been thinking is perhaps Baby Dilly is a big boy and grew quickly, and they have pushed her due date up. My daughter was tiny and grew slowly so they pushed her due date back 2 times. I'm sure that it could happen the other way around too.

    21. Even though pregnancies are about 40 weeks long, you don't start counting from the date conceived. Instead, you count 40 weeks from her last lmp.

  68. He will be born April 1st, 9lbs. 2oz.

  69. I think she'll go over 40 weeks.

  70. Not sure of the arrival date nor the weight, as only our Heavenly Father knows the answer to these. It has been my prayer and still is for this little boy to arrive healthy as well as Jill delivering safely. One thing for sure, this precious little gift from God definitely has an awesome Daddy and Mommy that love him! I look forward to hearing of his arrival, knowing all went well! Blessings to all!

  71. May God continue to bless this wonderful couple. I pray that Jill has a wonderful birth experience that goes very smoothly, and hopefully quickly.

  72. Aww so cute! I hope all is well. <3

  73. I say he will come on Wednesday the 25th! Weighing in at 8 lbs 2 oz
    Good luck Jill!

  74. I love your family! God bless Jill during this!

  75. Aww! Good luck to you all!! :)

  76. I hope they air a special episode of Jill's baby's birth like they did for Anna and Marcus. Does anyone know if they will and when it will be? I'm thinking if all goes well their will probably be a special episode within 2 weeks to 1 month after the baby is born. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

  77. We pray that he is a healthy and happy baby and arrives soon.

  78. We are all so excited for the arrival of this precious baby!!

  79. Praying for a safe and happy delivery! God be with you always.

  80. You are a very loving and cute couple. Love your show. I think Baby #1 will be 9 lbs and 3 oz.. You both will make great parents. Hope baby is here soon for you.

  81. I am so excited for you, I think that baby will be born March 29th and will be 8 lbs 13 oz.

  82. Jill is definitely all baby! I predict she will deliver Saturday, March 28th and Baby Dilly will be 9lb 4oz. Best wishes in your labor and delivery, Jill!

  83. So excited for this baby to arrive. By the looks of Jill it shouldn't be much longer. I will be checking this blog everyday to see if this little one has made his appearance. Good luck to you Jill for an easy labor and delivery.

  84. Congrats on your precious baby boy! It's so exciting to follow your pregnancy & the anticipation of Baby Dilly's arrival! Thoughts and prayers for a safe delivery for both mom and baby. Thank you for the great example your family provide for all the viewers of 19 Kids & Counting. Love, Love, Love your show!

  85. Good luck Jill and Derick

  86. So they are more pregnant than they are married so does that mean that y'all approve premarital sex

    1. Really read up go online on calculating pregnancy.

    2. You are considered two weeks pregnant on the day you conceive because Day 1 in pregnancy is the first day of your last menstrual cycle. There was never any doubt this is a honeymoon baby.

    3. Pregnancy is dated from the start of the last cycle, so technically the mother is about two weeks pregnant when the time of conception occurs.

    4. Why does everyone seem to not understand this? Doctors calculate due dates based on the first day of your last period. If she ovulated and conceived on her honeymoon, she would have already been considered two weeks pregnant on that same day.

  87. Much love and best wishes to you both. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  88. I predict he will be born Friday, March 27th. Weighing in at 8 lbs 6 oz.

  89. Jill if u can hold out till march 28th please do so. That's my B day

  90. Since I believe it depends on the mommy's weight at birth, not the daddy so, I will guess. 7 pounds 8 oz. I was almost that big with my daughter and she was 2 weeks early, and not quite 7 pounds. Best wishes for a smooth delivery.

  91. I'm going with a 3/29 delivery date and an 8lb 14oz baby. Praying for you!

  92. So happy for you both....looks like twins, Jill! Best of luck with the birth....

  93. so excited for jill and derick I know they will be great parents!!! is the baby a boy or a girl? and when is her actual due date?

  94. I will hope your baby will be due on his due date, with being a March 24th baby myself it is an awesome day! But, I also now baby's have a mind of their own and will come when they are ready, I know from personal experience, been there twice myself.

  95. What will the baby's name be?

  96. I would say he could be between 8-9 lbs, maybe a little over 9 lbs. :) Such an exciting time though! I'm sure Derick and Jill will make great parents!

  97. It looks like she's dropped a bit. He'll be here by next weekend. I'm going to guess 8.8lbs. 20.5"

  98. I think he will be 8 lbs, 8 ounces.
    I think his name will be Caleb Michael Dillard

  99. I think that he will be born around the 23. My daughter MaKenzie was due on the 20 and still her water has not broke.

  100. Praying for a safe and healthy delivery☝


  102. I believe, like most first babies he may be a little late. But God has it under control. Blessings to Jill for an easy delivery. And COMGRATS to Jill, Derick and their families!!! Maybe 8.7 pounds and 21 1/2 inches long. :)

  103. I'm guessing around 9 pounds. Congrats to both Jill and Derick!

  104. Woohoo!!!! So excited :) I think 8.5 lbs

  105. Jill, you look absolutely beautiful!!!!

  106. Anonymous 18 and 38 and 58,
    Pregnancy length is calculated from the date of the mother's last menstrual period, and not from the date of conception, so the first two weeks of "pregnancy" occur before conception. That is why Jill's pregnancy can be further along than the length of her marriage without the baby being conceived before her wedding.

  107. 8 lb 8 oz I hope all goes well and Dilly arrives safe and sound. Enjoy these last few days you will miss them.

    A note to all the posts about time frame of marriage and due date. Please go online and read up on how to measure a pregnancy. So frustrating!

  108. 8 lbs 3 oz. And March 28 in honor of my dad.

  109. 8 lbs 7oz and about 21 long. Birthday March 31. Just my guess on the question that was asked. All the best to the family to be.

  110. The reason Jill can be 39 weeks is because they go by the 1st day of your last period when they figure out how far along you are and your due date. I think baby Dilly will weigh 10lbs and be 21inches long and I think he will arrive sometime this week, godbess you Jill and Derrick and baby Dilly :)

  111. Pregnancies are not dated from conception but from the day of the last menstrual period. Conception happens around 2 weeks after that. So the baby was conceived 37 weeks ago not 39.

  112. I think that baby Dilly will weigh at least 8 1/2 pounds. I love the Duggar show and thought it was really neat when my baby boy was born on the same day as Josh and Anna's first born, as well as also being born at home!

  113. 7#2 oz born March 27

  114. So exciting! May God bless these coming days and weeks!

    To those who are commenting about a seeming discrepancy in dates, here's what's actually going on. A due date, and how many weeks pregnant a mom is, is calculated from a woman's LMP (first day of the last menstrual period), although she isn't actually pregnant yet. Most women ovulate and conceive 2 weeks after that. This is common knowledge. So, when Jill says she is 39 weeks 4 days, the baby was actually conceived about 37 weeks 4 days ago. Fully within range of after the wedding. Nothing is amiss, just research basic science.

  115. Pregnancy is counted from last period. Which is about 2 weeks before conception. So pregnancy is really only 38 weeks till due date for anyone that's thinks baby was conceived before their marriage. Jill looks like she can't wait to have her baby in her arms. I think baby will come a week late

  116. It's unlikely that they would've engaged in premarital relations as they were always chaperoned around to prevent such an occurrence from happening. But it's not difficult to do that math and figure out that this was clearly a wedding night baby.

  117. Joyce Anglin Miller says: March 26th in the morning hours, weighing 8 lbs. 12 oz.

  118. i'm guessing around 8lbs 12oz to 8lbs 14oz, but, i do think he'll be long 21 1/2 to 22 inches. and maybe on the 28th!

  119. Well all of my boys along with many men I know are pretty darn stubborn when asking for directions, that even goes for on the way out. I know Jill is probably getting tired of this, but I think he might be an April fool's baby and born on the 1st. Weighing in about 8.12oz and 23 inches long. God bless for a safe fast delivery.

  120. @Anonymous

    No miscalulation on the side of the doctor. The "real" pregnancy starts at day 14 of pregnancy (because you count from the first day of the last period). Although the pregnancy is called 277 days old, Baby Dilly is only 263 days living in the whomb.

  121. Kathy Bagby LeftwichMarch 23, 2015 at 6:26 AM

    Congratulations Jill and Derrick, wishing you a safe and easy delivery. I love your show very much and can't wait to see baby Dilly. You both will be great parents and I am sure God has big plans for your family. I seen where you were going to use Biblical names for your children. That is wonderful. My sister named my nephew Matthew, the first book of the Bible, he is 17 now and has a very big heart. May God bless you all.

  122. 9 lbs 11 oz. That's what my son weighed :)

  123. Picture Perfect Pregnant!!! Jill is beautiful.

  124. I love the show I think baby dilly is gonna be 8 lbs 14ozs 21 inches long. I pray for a safe delivery

  125. That baby has GOT to be between 9 an d10 lbs.! He will be a beautiful baby and he will be born into a family that is filled with love and the Lord. I've been watching the Duggars for years, and while I don't always agree with their lifestyle, there is no doubt that they adore one another and that God is in the enter of their family. No one could ask for more. God bless you both, Jill and Derek!

  126. @anonymous 38. It is a little misleading but it is the way the medical community calculates pregnancy. When Jill says she is 39 weeks and 4 days, it means that it has been 39 weeks, 4 days since the first day of her last menstrual period (LMP).

    So, if she is due March 24, 2015. The first day of her last period was June 17, 2014. Conception date was likely July 1, 2014.

  127. To those wondering about the 9 monthaversary, (which is 39 weeks), versus the gestation age of 39 weeks 4 days, Gestational age is counted starting at the date of the beginning of the last menstrual period. Conception happens about 2 weeks AFTER that. So in this instance,the gestational age would be counted from a few days before the wedding, although the baby was not conceived until about one and a half weeks AFTER Jill & Derrick became Mr. & Mrs. Dillard. Sorry to disappoint the nasty-minded, but there is no scandal here.

  128. Love the pictures! You never know with weight of babies! I looked like that and all four of mine were less than 8 pounds. Mom's build has something to do with it, too. :) congratulations, whenever it happens and wishing Jill and Derick a safe delivery and healthy baby!


  130. Because pregnancy is calculated from the last menstrual period. Therefore, her last period started 277 days ago, meaning that the baby was actually conceived around 14+ days after that.

  131. Thanks for posting! Loved seeing pictures throughout Jill's pregnancy!

  132. @Taylor
    He's a boy and due tomorrow, March 24, but he can come at anytime.

  133. It is impossible to be accurate to the day of conception. A few days to one side or the other. It is pretty clear that she got pregnant close to the time they were married. I doubt the baby was convex before the wedding because they were never alone. Due date is an educated guess.

  134. @Anonymous
    Jill didn't get pregnant until after they were married.

  135. @Anonymous
    They have been married 9 months and full term babies are 9 months, which means they have been married for about 40 weeks.

  136. not under 9 pounds

  137. I would say 8 lbs 12 oz. maybe 21 1/2 inches long. can't wait to see pictures. Checking in every day to see if he has come yet.

  138. To those who are asking about how pregnant she is compared to how long they have been married, remember that a due date is calculated from the date of last period, so when a woman finds out she is pregnant, she is already considered 4 weeks pregnant (2 weeks from the last period to conception, and then 2 weeks from conception to when period would have been due) If she conceived on the night they were married, she would have been considered to be 2 weeks pregnant because a 40 week pregnancy includes those 2 weeks before ovulation.

  139. To the question how can Jill be e pregnant for more days than she is married. Because the doctors estimate your due date from your last period.. Let's say her last period was June 5th. They count it from that date. And let's say she ovulated on her wedding night and she got pregnant. And she missed her period on July 5th. The doctors count the due date from the last period... Not from ovulation. Ovulation... The day when you can get pregnant is 2 weeks after your period. I hope this makes sense.

  140. Also, if anyone has doubts about the conception date related to pregnancy, go to a web site that calculates due dates. Put in the conception dates around July 1 or so and see if the due date comes out around March 24. God bless Derick and Jill. It must feel bad to have people question the dates like that when information is out there to show otherwise.

  141. @Anonymous
    @ Anonymous 38:
    A pregnancy is calculated by the first day of your last period. So at conception, she would have been considered 2 weeks pregnant. So if you took away 14 days from the 277 days pregnant (average of 14 days from start of period to ovulation) that would put her conception at about 263 days- 10 days after their wedding.

  142. Happy for the baby that it is a boy. Duggar boys have a much much better life than Duggar girls...

  143. I saw a few people questioning the timing of her due date vs how long they've been married but I saw no answers yet so I will throw one in. The 40 weeks of pregnancy count from your last cycle, not from the day you actually conceived. So the baby was indeed conceived after marriage. If for some reason they slipped and it was beforehand do you really think they would be so forthright about the due date when they could just as easily lie to cover it up? Let's quit trying to find faults in them and instead rejoice over this blessing.

  144. They were married 39 weeks on March 21st. The count back for pregnancy dating goes to LMP date. So yes she can be more pregnant than weeks married if you do the countback properly!!!

  145. Since it's her first, I really think she'll go past 40 weeks. My guess is that he'll weigh 8 lbs. 2 oz. Can't wait for his arriva and Jill looks great!

  146. The date is calculated from the date of the last period, not the day she got pregnant.

  147. Holy cow, that's a long pregnancy!

  148. Congratulations!

  149. Congratulations, can't wait to see Baby Dillard! He probably weigh 7lbs. 9ozs.!

  150. @ anaymous 18
    Omgosh your right!!! mabe it is a typo?? :-( so sad if their had him outside wedlock...

  151. The day the pregnancy starts is the first day of last of the last period. She was ovulating right when she married, a few weeks after her cycle. The 9 months isn't from the pregnancy test, weeks after the conception, but the two weeks before ovulation. They said they wouldn't. It didn't matter they were never alone. They would have not done things anyway.

    Babies come when they come.

  152. God bless you in this special time!!!!!
    God is obviously still sowing together all the wonderful things into your son and just isn't quite finished yet.
    All of my four children were late and obviously its all in Gods time.
    Our God is awesome.
    God bless!!!

  153. I love your show!! I think the baby will be born on 3/29. He will weigh 10 lbs. and will be 21 inches long. I think the baby's first name should be Daniel and his middle name should be one of Derrick's dad's names.

  154. To those not understanding how a pregnancy is calculated you are considered 2 weeks gone at point of conception as the average woman ovulates on day 14 of her cycle and they date you from the start of your last period.

    So at 39 weeks pregnant she would of conceived 37 weeks ago.


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