
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Read the Bible with Jill and Derick

During their first full year of marriage, newlyweds Jill and Derick Dillard plan to read through the Bible chronologically. They started on January 1st in the first chapter of Genesis and will end on December 31st in the 22nd chapter of Revelation. Want to join the Dillards on this spiritual journey? Click here for a copy of the chronological Bible reading plan.


  1. My first question to these Biblical scholars Duggars and family is why does the Bible refer to the "heavens" p[lural heavens? Really, I am serious. The Bible in most translations refers to God created the heavens plural. I never have gotten an answer to that one.

    1. Pastor David Jeremiah explained that he believes that the first heaven is the air where the birds fly and the clouds float. The second heaven is space with the stars and sun and the third heaven is where God's throne is. The apostle Pail talked about being caught up to the third heaven.

    2. The Bible actually refers to three heavens. The first, we see during the day (where birds fly), the second we see at night (outer space), and the third we see by faith (where those who have accepted the Lord as their Saviour go when they die).
      I hope that helps you. :)

    3. The original language much like ours had one word describe many things. Heavens: sky were the birds fly/atmosphere; space, where our sun moon stars are and; where God dwells.
      Hope this helps.

    4. The bible talks about three heavens.
      First heaven is the heaven we see when we look up at the clouds, the heaven that rains: Genesis 7:11
      The second heaven is space where the planets are and all the stars: Exodus 32:13
      Third heaven is the heaven where God is sitting in his throne: 2 Corinthians 12: 1-4

    5. Here's what I have heard on that one:

      In Bible times, they called the skies "heavens." I believe the first heaven is the sky, the second the universe, and the third actual Heaven. :)

    6. If you visit it will tell you why we believe it is referred to as the "heavens" great question.

  2. I'm sure this family has already read the bible cover to cover during their lifetimes. Why do they see it necessary to continually re-read the same thing? The bible is there for reference to those when a situation calls for reference. Can't they expand their reading library?

    1. Because every time you read it, you discover something new. God's gift to us so we won't get bored

    2. The Bible isn't like any other book. It is an eternal book. I can't tell you how many times I've read a chapter and a verse has jumped out at me so much that I felt as if God must've added that verse especially for me. :)

    3. God's word is " living and active, sharper than any two edged sword" God's word is our weapon against the enemy. We are to study it and have it written on our hearts(memorize it).Its not to be read once and then put away, but we are to be studying it to know God's instructions for us

    4. I am sure they have many different reading avenues as well. You are probably right that they have read it cover to cover before, but the Bible is Gods Word. It is living. Which means the every time you read it, it reveals something new.

    5. My grandmother is 86 years old and has read through the kjv bible two times a year for over 60 years. She's the most precious lady. The love of Jesus shines through her! If you're really sold out to Christ you want to eat and breathe God's word. You don't just use it in emergencies like a band aid. It's your life! Pray and ask God to give you that hunger for his word.

    6. To memorize, to have it in their hearts, to preach God's truth, for God's everyday guidance and assurance! And I'm sure they read tons of other books too.

    7. Every time I read something (no matter how many times I've read it before), I learn something new. There are things we miss, things we didn't catch before, etc.Just as they have read the Bible, I'm sure they have also read many other things.

    8. We are to KNOW the word of God. We can't possibly KNOW it by reading it once. We have to continually read & re-read.

    9. Basic

      The great thing about the Bible is that God teaches us something new through it each time we read it!! :)

    10. Every time you read the Bible you garner something different from it. It is a love letter from our Savior. Reading it over and over is a wonderful thing to do and you learn so much about our great God and all He promises for you.

    11. No matter how many times you read the bible yoy always learn something new. If you have that personal relationship with Christ than everytime you read the bible He teaches you something new, speaks to you, etc. Like you said it is good to use a reference, but as Christian you continually want to grow and be like Jesus. You never know enough no matter how many times you read the bible.

    12. The bible says to hunger and thirst after righteousness. The bible is our daily bread. We can turn to other godly books and such... But why not go straight to the source? Anything written in Christian books is inspired from the bible. It's like a home cooked meal vs fast food. Yes you're still getting fed but in the long run... which is more nourishing?

  3. I am so happy for this couple.
    Their maturity in the Lord will serve them well in all they do.
    May God bless them and their growing family!

  4. Their plan to do this encouraged me to look for a Bible set up to read that way. I downloaded the One Year Chronological Bible in NIV. I started it two days ago & am really enjoying it. It has 15 minute readings a day that take you thru the Bible in year.

  5. What a great thing! Please, more baby bump shots!!!! Thank you!!!! God bless you!

  6. Good idea, maybe i will join!

  7. i own 3 bibles children's bible Catholic , Catholic bible & Protestant so right now i am reading children's bible Catholic i plan to read the other 2 after .

  8. Just what I needed! I wanted to start reading the bible, so this looks like the perfect guide. The idea that I'm not alone feels very encouraging...

    1. Many of us read the Bible regularly. There are many, many devotonal sites and blogs to help you through. You will never be alone, we will be with you in prayer

  9. That's so sweet...great time to spend with each other in God's Word!!
    Keep shining for Him alone!!!
    Your sister in Christ,

  10. This is wonderful idea. There are so many different reading plans out there, but for many people they give up in Leviticus or Numbers, but if you get stuck in those books, just skim them.

    You're reading through the Bible, you're not studying the geneology or numerology of that info, you're reading to get deep into God's Word. Chronological reading of the Bible is great idea.

    Hope everyone takes the time this year to read through the Bible. Most people have never read through the Bible in their life, especially non Christians. So this is a great idea and i hope many do follow the Bible Reading plan with you this year.

  11. I'd love to read along; but they have already gotten a head start since this post is late! Also, will they be offering study guide notes and interpretations?

  12. I'm incredibly excited to join the Derick & Jill on this amazing journey through God's Word. May I make a request? Would they pray for me and my family as we travel this road together? I will do the same for theirs. Thank you for this opportunity :)

  13. What a fantastic way to begin your life together!!! My husband and I did the same thing. We used the NKJV Couples bible and read some of the commentaries that went with it. Fabulous! Btw: can't wait to see pics of your precious baby!!!

  14. Would you call this 'chronological' reading?.....just wondering. I thought it was just reading the Bible...beginning to end. Since there are different accounts of things in the Bible that are in different books in the Bible if you read those in the order that things happened isn't that chronological order?

  15. I'm on board! It's really encouraging when couples are "on the same page" in Gods' Word. Have you Dillards/Duggars considered joining an established bible study group such as CBS (Community Bible Study)? I've been blessed by CBS for 3 years now and I just value the fellowship and digging deep into Gods' Word each week. Maybe you could start your own young couples bible study group! You are a blessing and an encouragement to all! God Bless!

  16. Okay. Can we get off of Jill and Derick would love to hear about the other family.

  17. I think that is a great idea as they plan to follow God's will! 📖📜

  18. My problem is in trying to understand it. How to they interpret what they read?

    1. I have a niv version bible and it helps because if u read king James version it confuses me with those "thou" and hope this helps u anonymous! :)

    2. That's where the Holy Spirit comes in. A lot of times, I have to pray for the Lord to help me understand what a verse, etc means.
      Of course, the Lord has blessed me with a pastor that is an excellent teacher. So if I don't understand something, he always is willing to explain.

    3. Before anyone starts to read the bible and before every daily reading you pray and ask God to guide you in your reading and understanding. The bible was inspired by God so only He can help you interpret it

  19. Thanks Lily and Ellie, could you tell us how long those readings take for the Dillards? Do they get up really early to read or is it a late night time of reading as it is a lot of reading? A great idea to do with others. Thanks for posting.

    1. From personal experience to read through the Bible in a year you only need to read 3-4 chapters per day and that normally only takes 10-20 minutes per day.

  20. I'm doing this too. Though I got the Chronological Bible as a Christmas gift. I'm a little behind but plan on catching up tonight.

  21. I'm reading my Bible in 90 days! I started on the 6th!

  22. What a great way to connect with God and each other! I will join you on your journey with God!!! Bless you as you continue to walk in the light of Christ and inspire others to do the same! You have inspired me!! Lily & Ellie, will they be sharing notes/words of encouragement with the readers of your blog as well??

  23. @Anonymous
    Heavens stands for the sky filled with stars. When the Bible refers to heaven singular it means the place where true Christians will go when they die. Heavens just refers to the sky.

  24. i read your bible not my thing

  25. I never thought I'd see this coming from the Dillard-Duggar's. I wish I would have found out about it sooner so that I could "read along" with them.
    Anyway, it's good for all Christians to at least read their Bibles at all; and some don't even know that having a Bible is a blessing.
    There are some countries in which some people are not allowed to have Bibles, or that there is no Bible in their language. We only have the gift of God's Love to pray for those people who work so hard to translate Bible for the people in their part of the world.
    Thanks for the update Lily and Ellie. I can't wait to see what else may happen this year.
    Cheers all the way from Ecuador!

  26. Not really related...but baby bump picture please! :)

  27. The Bible is so much more than a reference book and although we do refer to it for life questions, it is also so good for learning to know Who God Is and what He wants us to be. It is a living book not just another book that will lose value in time. I am well read and widely read and continue to read but my most precious possession is my Bible

  28. Lily and Ellie,

    Can you please confirm when 19 Kids and Counting will air in 2015 please.

    1. It has been said that the new season will start in will feature Jessa and Ben wedding and some of jill and derrick new excited can't wait!

  29. Anonymous #1: Plural "Heavens" refers to the atmosphere, planets/solar systems, sky, and all outer space, etc.

  30. I asked my pastor, who recommends NIV, why are there so many different Bibles, and how do I get God to tell me which one is the true Bible? I meant the Catholic version, the Koran, etc. He could not answer that one. I have never found an answer to that one myself either. If you are brought up to be Baptist, or Methodist, or Presbyterian, or Unitarian, or Church of God, is that God telling you what to believe? I could go on and on and on. How do we know which version of the Bible is the true word of God?

  31. The "Heavens" referred to in the Bible are these.
    1. The first heaven is the sky and what we see above us.
    2. The second heaven refers to outer space.
    3. The third heaven is where God dwells.
    The King James says "heaven", not "heavens" in Genesis 1. This is because the stars and sky etc were not yet created . Only the third heaven existed..

  32. Saved a copy to attempt to read it with my daughter. It has been quite a while since picking up the Bible and reading, but each time I used to I always got something new from it. Thanks for the was a nudge back to the right direction for me.

  33. Anonymous #1: That is a VERY good question...I think it's because Jesus said that there were many mansions in His Father's house, didn't he? I think there are many levels to the peace that a heavenly state of being brings to each of us after this life. The Duggars don't believe that.

  34. Anonymous 1 re: heavens -- Heaven 1 is the sky, heaven 2 is space, heaven 3 is "God's heaven"

  35. If it's in chronological order, I believe they would start with Job and not Genesis. Job is the oldest book in the Bible. Genesis is about THE beginning but it wasn't the first written.

    Either way, it's very commendable of them. The same was put on my heart last year and, unfortunately, I slacked off and did not follow throw. I've been praying that the Lord would increase my appetite to be in His word and by golly, I haven't missed it in over a week yet! Really enjoying my one-on-one time with the Lord (and the studies with my husband).

    Anyway, I just love Derick and Jill! Thanks so much for keeping up the blog! :)

  36. @AnonymousIt is a commitment to God and yourself and helps you relearn things you may have forgotten or answer questions you may have. But, it teaches you where to look when you have those questions or troubles or even how to give thanks.

  37. My daughter is using

    One Year Bible Reading Plan

  38. @Anonymous
    Whilst I'm not a Duggar or related to them, I think I can answer your question as to why the Bible refers to the heavens plural. According to the Jewish tradition from the Bible there were three heavens. The first heaven is the sky that we can see, the second heaven is outer space that we can't see, and the third heaven is the dwelling-place of God (i.e. throne-room). Hope that makes sense.

  39. @Anonymous
    One of the reasons many Christians read the Bible many times is that they believe it to be the very Word of God. (i.e. 2 Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." One can read the same text many times and see something fresh each time because the Holy Spirit "quickens" certain phrases to you, often being just what you need to hear when you need to hear it. Plus, it is a good way of getting to know God better. It has been well said that "If you want to hear God speak, read the Bible; If you want to hear Him speak audibly, read the Bible out loud!" (Sorry I can't remember who said it!) Does that make sense?

  40. Anonymous 15. Maybe the other family not doing anything right know. That why they are taking abiut Jill & Derick.

  41. If Jill can keep this schedule with a newborn arriving in March, more power to her. I never would have been able. I was so sleep deprived that any extra time I napped.

  42. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 34,

    Right now, the show is scheduled to return on February 17th.

    Lily and Ellie

  43. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 14,

    Jill and Derick are reading through the Bible chronologically, which means in the order that the events took place. You are right that reading the Bible from cover to cover is not the order in which the events actually happened. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  44. Does Jill and Derek have a KJV Bible? Can't wait to see pics of Jill and Derek's baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also can't wait to watch Duggar's show in February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. I feel warm and fuzzy and full of peace and love, I love the Duggars and I think this is why they are so popular with people.

  46. I made it my goal to read the Bible through last year myself. I began on January 1, and ended on December 18th. My husband is VERY Bible knowledgeable, so he explained what I didn't understand, or when I had a question for him. I have also started this year to go through it again for the second time. I am almost through the book of Genesis.

  47. Dear Anonymous 45,
    The KJV Bible is the Bible that was inspired by God. All the other Bibles man has written and Changed words in. Hope that helps.

    1. And the other bibles weren't inspired by God?

  48. Anonymous 16. Maybe the other family members arn't doing anything right know. And Jill and Derick are.
    If you don't like us talking about Jill and Derick then don't read the blog. I love all the Duggars.

  49. Is anyone else having trouble open the Bible for the year schedule? I can not get it to open !

  50. They must be reading at a very slow rate, its never taken me a year, but then again they have busy lives I'm sure :-) I'm going to start now and I'll catch up with them in a jiffy :-)

  51. Have you ever watched a movie or read a book more then once...well every time you see or read something more than once you see something you didn't the first time or what you have read coinsides with something in your day.....and the more you watch or read something the more you get out of it and as far as the bible the more you read and study it the more it becomes a part of and second nature....God says Thy word have I his in my heart that I might not sin against can NEVER read the bible enough as far as I'm concerned.

  52. @Anonymous Heavens is also another way to refer to the sky, planets, stars, etc. Not specifically the eternal resting and worship place with God.


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