
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Huckabee for President? Duggars Say YES

When Governor Mike Huckabee ended his show on the Fox News Channel on January 3rd, the Duggars were thrilled to hear that he is seriously considering running for president in 2016.

The Duggars met Mike Huckabee while Jim Bob was serving in the Arkansas House of Representatives from 1999 to 2002. Jim Bob and Michelle were interviewed on Huckabee's show in 2013.

Not only do the Duggars support Huckabee, but Huckabee supports the Duggars.  

"I've pointed them out as an example of something that's wholesome and wonderful, and I've known them since Jim Bob was in the legislature when I was governor," Huckabee told PEOPLE.

The Duggars eagerly await Huckabee's announcement, which will be made sometime this spring, on whether he will run in the next presidential election.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their children campaigned for Huckabee during the 2008 presidential election. "Should I run, I'm hoping they'll do it again," Huckabee told PEOPLE. "And now there's more of 'em!"

"If I can get 'em registered in each of the states, I'm going to win just by virtue of their votes!" joked Huckabee.


  1. I hope so too! If he runs for president, I voting for him! I will be able to vote in 2016, and have always liked Mike Huckabee! :)
    God bless,

  2. I used to like this show when it was just about the day to day of a large family. Now it seems to be a political lobby machine. Disappointed.

    1. I agree. These celebrities lose me when they start trying to persuade people to vote for certain politicians. I am not a Huckabee fan and will not vote for him.

  3. Is Jessa wearing pants?? Thats a first, I love the way Joy is dressed, she has always been my fav.

    1. Yeah, I think she's wearing leggings with a longer shirt! Yikes, I wouldn't even wear that!

  4. I wonder how he will be able to excite and inspire the majority of voters. It didn't seem to work last time. Some talk was about Dr. Ben Carson. I don't know. I'm just gonna sit back and see how this election process and campaigns go goes.

  5. The family looks great:)) however.. I noticed that Jessa is wearing a VERY SHORT dress or if its not a dress, its the first time i see a Duggar girl wearing pants. Thats something new... and her coat makes it look like Seewalds family is growing too!!!

  6. GO mike huckbee
    but i am not from aransas state
    Fredonia ny my home

  7. Jess's dress or skirt is really short. Slacks would have been more modest.

    1. If you look at the picture properly you will see that she is wearing a skirt and tights which there is NOTHING wrong with. Also if she is expecting why not say congrats instead of leaving the sentence hanging like there is something wrong with that too

  8. so if he says he is running then the duggars and tlc will be following him around the country? I hope he does run and I glad the duggars support him. But this show needs to show others things then a man running for presdient and the duggars following him around the country.

  9. I totally agree with #2. They need to tone it down a bit with the politics, especially when they are in the public eye so much. I also personally believe that Huckabee is a horrible candidate and will be very disappointed if he runs for President. I cannot understand why anybody would support him.

  10. Cool but Jessa skirt is really short.........It does look look there fam is growing!!!

  11. Jessa is as cute as a button, all grown up and making decisions for herself. Looks perfectly modest to me. Joyanna looks just like her.

  12. Jessa is wearing a short dress/skirt? Wow! It looks good on her & she still looks modest with the tights. Mike Hucksbee for President!

  13. Hi Lily and Ellie I have two questions
    1 is Jessa wearing pants?
    And please post some more baby bump photos I love love to seeJill with her baby bump photos! They are my favorite posts!
    And I love your website!
    From a loyal reader Ashley

  14. Lily and Ellie,
    Can you confirm when TLC is going to bring 19 kids and counting back in 2015. i got 2 different emails saying 2 differnt thing. One states Feb 17, 2015 and one state they arent going to be one any word on this.
    thank you

  15. If Jessa is the one with the pink coat, it looks like she has on black tights, or leggings.?

  16. They could be jeggings. I wearleggings or thick tights under all my skirts this time of year. Even if they are pants she is married and out from under her parents thumb. She's can wear what she pleases.

  17. No probably not. The duggars used to be a loving wholesome family who stood for truth and righteousness, but now they are more using their show and public appearance to be politions launch pad and are using their influence to become more politically active in that way. It is sad and I don't want support that. I love you duggars. Please don't become those people. :'(

  18. Yay! I got to see the Duggars at the Capitol that day!! It was a nice surprise!

  19. I can't believe Jessa is wearing a mini skirt??!!??!!

  20. How difficult to constantly be judge by the public, even their supporters. Personally - the only flesh I see in this picture are hands and faces. We do not personally wear revealing clothing, not leggings with short skirts or long shirts. But - the only statements I post - are to always point out - the Duggars do not speak out against all those that say negative things about there family. Surely, this shows the realness of their faith and desire to serve the Savior.

  21. What,Huckabee for president? Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Is he not the one who has the free history DVD's? If so, I have read that he is a supporter of the Common Core, which would be "againist" homeschool. I would like to find out his beliefs in that.( I homeschool my 3 kids)

  23. Jessa's dress isn't that short- a few inches above the knee at most! Personally, I'm glad to see her branching out and finding her own standards. I really don't think seeing a bit of knee is immodest and clearly neither does Jessa! Her outfit really suits her.

  24. Why is Jessa wearing such a short skirt? I guess all those years of long skirt wearing are gone with the wind! :-p lol But Ben looks like he is on the wild side most of the time, so he is probably wearing off on Jessa.
    Phyllis K.

  25. Their dress code standards loosen up year after year...o_O. :-\

  26. Is Jessa wearing pants? I am surprised that the Duggars are always involving the show in

  27. Hello Lily and Ellie,
    Thank you so much for creating and keeping up with this and the Bates blog.
    I was wondering if Jessa is allowed to wear a shorter dress with leggings or pants.. I know Ben is allowed to wear shorts but I don't know about his siblings wearing pants shorter skirts and dresses. Thank you so much again and if you have a moment to get back to me that'd be great!
    God Bless!
    Also do any of the duggars read the blog?

  28. Seeing the photo with Jessa in it and some of the comments above thought I would do some investigating so I put the magnifier on - up to 500 % to see if Jessa is really wearing pants as I thought it could be a long skirt with a bigger top that just looks like a short skirt. Result - She is wearing pants - I thought at first leggings with a skirt but no it is jeans with a long top, hence the " skirt " appears really short as it isn't a skirt but a long top. It took me a while to figure this out but realized she wouldn't be in the photo shoot with a skirt that short, maybe just above the knee but not that short. It is definitely jeans with a long top. So it appears that the married children are choosing their own rules - which is fine as Josh wears shorts that stop just above the knees regularly and recently his daughter wore a long grey jumper dress that stopped above the knee - with leggings underneath. I noticed this right away. But Jill is sticking to her long skirts which is perfectly fine and probably more comfortable in her condition. In addition to this some of the older boys and spouses of the girls have either 5 o'clock shadow beards or grown proper beards.
    All are non issues and besides they are adults and can make their own choices now !

  29. Is jessa wearing pants with a long shirt????! Omg! So excited! Finally coming into the 21st century! Jessa was always the rebel in the family, glad to see her changing into these type clothes. She is still covering everything up, she is just more in style! Yay!

  30. I am growing quite tired of this family flashing their political views at their tv SHOW viewing audience. We aren't interested in their politics or their particular religious beliefs. They are entertainers on TV and their public is more interested in the daily dynamics of such a large family. Plain and simple. They need to curtail publicizing their personal politics.

    1. The Duggars don't control the blog therefore don't decide to put this on here lily and Ellie do. Maybe just don't read the bits about the political side they post and it won't upset you as much

  31. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 21,

    Jessa is an adult and is married, so she is able to make her own decisions regarding clothing. The Duggars do visit our blog periodically. Anna told us that she uses our blog to locate family recipes when she can't find her written copies. :)

    Lily and Ellie

  32. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 15,

    We heard from a reliable source that that new episodes will return February 17th. :)

    Lily and Ellie

  33. I personally love Jessa's outfit. It fits her personality so well.

  34. Has it really come to seems strange to me on what post gets the most comments.Usually it has to do with what someone is wearing or how much make-up or how they wear their hair, that is so trivial and doesn't matter one bit in the big scheme of things...come on folks...really! We can do better than that...right?

  35. I don't understand why people think Jessa is wearing pants. Seriously, you can see that it is a skirt with a legging or tights. I love it ! It is still modest.

  36. Does anyone know why Michelle wasn't there? Thanks.

  37. The Duggars have made the choice to place themselves in the public eye and and are making a great deal of money by doing so. Whether you are running for public office or a celebrity on a reality show, you are opening yourself up to criticism. I am sure the Duggars would take themselves out of the spotlight if it was too difficult to manage.

  38. @AnonymousJessa is wearing tights. Not pants.

  39. Disappointed the dress code seems to be changing.

  40. I agree. Jessa is an adult and can wear whatever she wants. However what irks me is all these years they've been saying (among many) that wearing long skirts only, is a personal conviction of theirs. Which clearly was their parents conviction. That's fine but please just say the truth " it's our parents rule in our home that we girls wear long skirts and no pants." As soon as they leave home their dress code changes so it's very obvious that before it wasn't their own personal choice of style. What happened to being honest?

    1. Exactly. That's what I've been thinking.

  41. I won't speculate on whether or not she's expecting or not (she will announce it if she is), but I also zoomed in on the photo and it's definitely pants. Leggings do not bunch like what she's wearing in the photo. I'm happy for her to wear what she wishes.

  42. Vote for Dr. Ben Carson!!!

  43. I belive that a woman can dress modest and feminine wearing pants too.

  44. Hey From Abbotsford!!
    I want people to know that I looked at the picture of Jessa's outfit, when one wears a dress that is not straight down, then wears a long jacket, some times the jacket will pull the bottom of the hem up, I bet when she removed her jacket, the hem came back to knee length, and Jessa would never wear a mini shirt to visit someone like Huckabee!!!! STOP putting the family DOWN, they have always been political, Jim-Bob was in politics, from the start, even WAY before the show started, and that is THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. A Duggar girl wearing leggings? Revealing the knee? When I saw that, something left me, and I think it was my loyalty to this family. The girls are always teaching people very bluntly that they NEVER wear skirts above the knee, and then they do it themselves. The say that they never even show the knee, and then they do it themselves. It doesn't make sense, and it's not very nice way to act towards their fans. After all, what person says "This is what we do, and we'd never do otherwise," and give a strong impression that everyone should do it, and then they do that exact thing that they claim NOT to do. I love the Duggars, and I pray they'll practice what they preach. God Bless them!

  46. Why is everyone making such a big deal about Jessa's pants/leggings?! She is a grown adult and married, and it's really up to her what she does and doesn't wear. Personally, I think that Jessa has great style and taste, and her outfit is very pretty:)

  47. btw, I love the bowties! very hansom:)

  48. Huckabee will be discussing his book on the Daily Show at 11:00 Monday night. I'm sure his comments about the Duggars will come up!

  49. #54: I think you misunderstand the other comment's meanings. You see, we have nothing against Jessa personally. We know she can make her own decisions just like the rest of us. The reason why we're a little flabbergasted about it is that she and all the girls professed strongly how much they never wore pants/show the knee/uncover the knee. Also, some of us are just a bit sad that their publicity is getting to them. The change between the start of the show and now show great changes to all their ideas and rules on how "worldly" they can be. Modesty rules seem to be one of the most dramatic changes, and we should all pray for them, not pick on them. It must be very difficult to not become worldly when they're on the camera all the time.

  50. Dr. Ben Carson is awesome!

  51. Love the Duggars but hate the vile Huckabee. I will be very disappointed if they start rallying support for him. I think they will lose some of their loyal supporters if they do this.

  52. I love you Duggars! But for me God's quite clear on makeup and modesty. An inch does cost a mile. Preserve full modesty until the end! It's easy to do the wrong thing, but takes strength to endure in truth.


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