
Monday, January 5, 2015

Duggars on 40/29 News

Angela Taylor from 40/29 News recently sat down with the Duggars to discuss the family's 2014 highlights and what viewers can expect from the super-sized clan in 2015. Video below:

Have you visited our new blog? Check out the Bates Family Blog ( for all the latest updates on Gil and Kelly Bates and their 19 children, as well as recaps and info on the brand new reality series Bringing Up Bates.

Video courtesy of 40/29 News


  1. What a wonderful family!! Many Blessing for the New Year.

    Love the Foster Family from Ca.

  2. I would like to know more about Jessa & Ben since getting married.... like where are they living. Is Ben still working for Jim Bob or going to school... is Jessa working. I suspect they are keeping this quiet til the new season airs but it would be nice to know a little more.

  3. Are Ben and Jessa pregnant?!!?!!? Hopefully they will get pregnant soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Nice video. Although the sound is a bit weird on my headphones. Why is that? After I watched this video, I went on YouTube and found more clips of the Duggar on 40/29 news. There was one of Josh saving a little girl in front of his old car dealership almost five years ago this year. Plus more videos too.

  5. I think there is a problem with the Bates Family Blog link or web address. All I get is a blank page.

  6. Do you know if Jessa's interview was at her house? I thought they got Josh &Anna's old place, but this definitely didn't look like it.

  7. Blessings and best wishes for the new year to everyone!

  8. I know you all don't believe in birth control as far as taking the pill or those kinds of ways but do you believe in any natural ways like timing of the month since ovulation kits are plentiful now a days just like pregnancy tests are and that way you all have some kind of control? I too believe children are a blessing and wouldn't have minded a bunch of kids but having some time in between to heal and enjoy and prepare all seem to me to not be against anything the bible teaches. So just wondered if you can share any details of your believes in that area? And I hope you are able to answer this!

  9. Wow, I think for a family who calls themselves Christians that they are wearing way to much makeup and shouldn't have their ears pierced.

    1. They dont call themselves Christians, they live that kind of life to honor God. As far as the makeup goes, I think that is most likely for TV.

  10. @Jamie

    Hi Jamie,

    That's strange. The link works for us. The url is

    Is anyone else having issues with the link?
    Lily and Ellie

  11. @Lily and Ellie
    Yes that think is not working. If I type in in my search engine it comes up but not if I use that link.

  12. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 3,

    No pregnancy announcements yet! :)

    Lily and Ellie

  13. hannah baker it was filmed in Jill's house

  14. The Bates website works for me! :)

  15. I'm also having issues with the link. It takes me to this Go Daddy page and not what I saw when I went to the link before.


  16. I think a so called christian family especially with so many small children shouldn't have so many guns in their home. I assume Jedediah's new gun for christmas is not the only one....Does anyone remenber the tragedy in a Walmart in Idaho New Years eve? I know it ia constitiunal right, but, well, where to begin?

  17. How many weeks is Anna now? I saw a site that said she was 19, but some say she's only 14 weeks pregnant.

  18. Nothin' wrong with wearing makeup and having pierced ears. it's a personal choice. just sayin'.

  19. The Bates Blog works here. (I'm in Canada).
    Thanks ladies for the Bates Blog.

  20. Lily and Ellie

    strange thing, but without "www" phase link doesn't work for me and all I can see is a blank page.

    I also notice a questionnaire on the left side. I miss an "More updates from younger children" option. I can't stand another "all about Jill episode/season, but i'm interesed in knowing middle kids. We see Josie very often, but what about second twins, Justin, Hannie? They are usually somewhere in the background and it's hard to say something specific about them. I hope one day someone from production crew will hear my voice ;)

    Another thing, so i'm just writing a post... Did you interview Anna with with our questions already? I'm really curious about her answers :-)

    Greetings from frosty Poland :-)

  21. When will your show be returning? No one has ever answered my question. I am still wondering why Josh & Anna have a Menorah in their home? Someone please tell me.
    Very Big Fan!

  22. A Christmas tree!!! Yes!!!

  23. Batesfamilyblog worked fine for me didn't have any problems

    Thanks Lily and Ellie for makeing a website for the Bates.

  24. HI Lily, Ellie ( AND blogger no. 4 - Jamie),

    I had trouble with the Bates link the second time I tried to connect to the site but not the first time or the 3rd time, the latter being when I watched their 1st episode with my young niece yesterday morning Australian time . ( I was amazed that she watched the whole thing as it was all about baby showers and pregnancy and I didn't figure that particular subject would hold an 8yr olds interest for that amount of time !)

    As for my one time failed connection I had just figured that it was either my laptop being difficult or just a typo error with the Bates family blog address placed in one of the Duggar stories as it appears more than once on the Duggar blog. I just kept trying until it worked for me. I have tried it just now and all connections on the current Duggar Page to the Bates Family Blog appear to work fine.

    JAMIE if you are still having trouble with the connection to the Bates Family Blog then just try Googling the web address given by Lily and Ellie, you should be able to get it this way - Good Luck !

  25. Ben and Jessa are a great couple God bless them

  26. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 19,

    Anna is almost 13 weeks pregnant.

    Lily and Ellie

  27. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 22,

    Thanks for your feedback! We have some answers from Anna to the questions you all asked and are working on writing posts. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  28. Thanks for all your feedback on the blog URL. We are working on it. Please let us know if it continues to be an issue. :)

    Lily and Ellie

  29. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 23,

    New episodes return to TLC on February 17th.

    Lily and Ellie

  30. @Lily and Ellie

    thanks! i thought you forgot about it ;)

  31. I disagree that the makeup is all for TV. If you look at most of the Duggar girls pictures lately, most of the older ones are wearing a lot of makeup

  32. it sounded like while jessa and ben are pregnant

  33. Since Jim Bob constantly repeats the phrase "be fruitful and multiply," they wouldn't be inclined to even consider natural methods of birth control. They believe they are to constantly be having children. That is the woman's role. I agree the makeup is way too heavy. They dress cute and modestly but the eye makeup is certainly plastered quite heavy on a few on the girls.

  34. I love the duggars. Ive been watching their show for a long time.


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