
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Duggars Celebrate their Team's Win

The Duggars (and Seewalds) are loyal Razorback fans! After attending the Arkansas Razorbacks basketball game this evening and watching their team beat Vanderbilt, several of the kids went out to celebrate. Tabitha Paine, sister-in-law of Erin (Bates) Paine, also went with them. The group grabbed ice cream at Braum's, which also happens to be Michelle Duggar's favorite date night destination.

Ben Seewald, Jedidiah Duggar, Tabitha Paine, Jeremiah Duggar, Jessa Seewald, Jackson Duggar


  1. I love Braum too! :)

  2. How old is Tabitha?

    1. I saw on the Paine family website that she was 29. Not sure if that's correct, but that's what I saw.

  3. Could Tabitha Paine be a courtship potential for John David or Joseph? :-) How old is she?

  4. Do you know why Tabitha Paine was with them and how old she is?

  5. I'm calling a Tabby Paine/John David "friendship" ? I was suspicious anyway as I heard John flew Erin and Chad to Oklahoma City for Christmas. Just a guess, of course, but I think a good one. Not sure how old Ms. Paine is.

  6. Love seeing pictures of other family members. Thank you so much!

  7. love how the chaperones are just young boys what are they supposed to do if the courting couple say to them i will give u a few dollars to leave us alone for a while wonder what would happen then

  8. On the Paine family website, it says that Tabitha is 29 for all who are asking

  9. Tabitha Paine is 29 years old according to the Paines website.

  10. They should also try one of the greatest pastors of our time, John MacArthur. He is
    from California and his ministry is Grace to You.

  11. Looks like they had tons of fun!!!
    -Brittany :)

  12. I have noticed that the Duggars have (seemingly lately) become quite vocal Razorbacks fans. I am curious how collegiate sporting events mesh with their conservative views on entertainment? Cheerleaders and dancers at these events are frequently - if not always - dressed extremely minimally. Also they are dancing. To popular music. Football players wear skin-tight pants. Football is a very violent sport, and the glorification of it often leads to schools and law enforcement turning a blind eye to criminal and violent or abusive actions by their players, as we've seen time and time again. How do the Duggars reconcile football/sports as a breeding ground for what they would label sins with their enjoyment and support of it?

    1. My 17 year old son plays high school football, and is looking forward to playing in college as well. My family, who I would describe as conservative Christian, enjoys his games every week. I do not consider this a violent sport, but it is a contact sport so necessary steps are taken to protect the players. Injuries are actually very rare. Most activities in life, even within the home, carry risk and we accept the small risk that my son faces because the benefits of his participation are so great. Football players are not “glorified" at his school, and neither are they “criminal, violent or abusive." Participation in sports develops Godly characteristics, including cooperation, putting your teammates first, working to raise the funds necessary to offset the costs involved - which is good training in financial management, time management, the importance of physical fitness and healthy eating - among many other benefits. I have found no downside to my son's participation in football, except that he does have a very long day during the season. For those who are interested, the Duggars also participate in organized sport. Mr. Duggar has spoken often about how they play broomball at a local facility every Friday evening, and there has been at least one television show depicting their enjoyment of this sport - which is on iTunes, Google Movies, Netflix and YouTube.

  13. Tabaitha's family has a blog if you want to fnd out more info about her. It is

  14. According to the Paine's site, Tabitha is 29.

  15. Aw that's great! Thank you so much for posting!

    ~Hazel S.

  16. Nice pic!!!!!!!!!!! Is John David in a courtship?

  17. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 17,

    The Duggars have not made any courtship announcements, but stay tuned. With 19 kids, there is bound to be one sooner or later. :)

    Lily and Ellie

  18. I admire your family so much. If we all went by your Christian principles, what a wonderful country we would have. Please keep trusting God to help your family to overcome the temptations which are so great today. Looking forward to seeing your programs in Feb.
    May God richly each of you.

  19. I admire both duggars and the bates family. God bless all of y'all.

  20. As I recall, Michelle Duggar was a cheerleader in high school. So, I'm sure she has no problems with the cheerleaders at the games.


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