
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Grand-Duggar #5

Another Grand-Duggar is on the way! Josh and Anna Duggar are elated to announce that Anna is nine weeks pregnant with her fourth child. She is experiencing heavy morning sickness but is thrilled to be expecting. Watch this video to hear from the elated couple:

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  1. Congratulations!! Wonderful news! You are both excellent parents and a child of yours will be truly blessed to be in your family.

  2. Cool congrats! What is with the scarfs? I like them but just wondering why everyone wears one?

  3. Wow Anna looks amazing!!

  4. Congratulations to you Joshua, Anna, Mackenzie, Michael, and Marcus! Children ARE gifts, and blessings from Our LORD God. Excited!! Supporting you from Canada! The Yips up North

  5. Congratulations Josh and Anna praying this baby will be a girl

  6. I hope its a girl!!! Mackenzie needs a little sister :)

  7. YAY! I am so happy! God, please keep baby Duggar and Anna safe and healthy! Such great news!

  8. congrats so excited. We just saw the episode that aired where you took the test and it was negative. Boy did I feel bad for you as I know how that feels.

  9. So happy for you all! What a lovely seasonal surprise! Wishing you all the best in your pregnancy and a Merry Christmas to all the Duggars.



  11. I wish your growing family the very best. When I was pregnant with my son my sister-in-law was pregnant with her son (6 months behind) and I can only imagine it's exciting for Jill to be pregnant along with Anna; even if they are in different states.

  12. So when are the due? I'm guessing June or early July.

  13. Congratulations.......gotta change the name of the show to "19 kids and a bunch of grandkids"!!

  14. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO exited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGARSULATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it is a baby girl!!!!

  15. Would love to see you guys come to Greenville, S.C. We are big fans of your show also. Praying for the Lord to continue to work and bless in all of your lives.

  16. awesome news... so happy for them

  17. I believe in DC you can't have a home birth, but there are a few birthing centers.

  18. So happy for you! We have 3 (all teenagers) and are wishing now that we'd had more.

  19. SOOOO EXCITED! I hope that Jessa gets pregnant along with them also. That would be really fun! If Anna is 9 weeks along, that means she's due in early July. So, her kids are getting just a little farther and farther apart. 20 months, 23 1/2 months, 25 months. She's hoping for twins, so I hope that they get twins this time. That would be super fun!

  20. That is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITING!!! Congrats to you all!!!! =)

    Love in Christ,

    Mary =)

  21. Congratulations Josh and Anna. So many things happening with your family, what a joy. Anna you look great can't wait to see your new little one. Wishes for a happy and healthy baby!

  22. Congratulations! I always wanted 4 children; but my husband wanted 2- so, that's the number of gifts I received from God. Anna' s mouth looked different, actually her skin did, too? Is she trying new products???

  23. Congratulations from Holland!

  24. Called it! I KNEW we had to be coming up on this announcement soon. SO excited for Josh, Anna and family. Congratulations and All the best for a safe, healthy pregnancy and birth, and of course for another happy, healthy, beautiful baby! :)

  25. Oh such exciting news!! So happy for your family!! Will the "M" name trend continue?? God bless!

  26. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for them. Congrats to all the Duggars. Hope it's a girl!

  27. Congrats! So happy for Y'all

  28. Unfortunately, by the time TLC shows the episode announcing the pregnancy, she'll have probably already given birth.

  29. Congratulations to you both and your beautiful family! God bless!

  30. yayyyy!!! soooooooooooooooooo excited for them!!!!!:) I REALLY hope its a girl!!

  31. Josh Josh Josh, please take your time and enjoy the family you have now....No more for are blest, but you appear exhausted on the show....

  32. Congratulations ! Thank you for sharing the video on your blog. We can see here in the uk (we get which doesn't show the same stuff)

  33. she can always go to either her parents, her sister or in law's or sis in law homes to have baby as a home birth if they chose to. always a way around laws of diff states

  34. Congratulations! Such a wonderful blessing god has given them!

  35. I read it this morning so happy for them both I know how much they were wanting more

  36. Wow Anna, you are so beautiful!! congratulations to the entire family!!

  37. So, I have two kids already myself. When I was pregnant I didn't feel the need to broadcast it to everyone. What ever happened to our private lives being private??

  38. Congratulations Josh & Anna! ? I hope its a girl so Mackynzie has a little sister. If its a girl you should name it Mary Elizabeth.

  39. Eeeekkkkk!!!! Josh and Anna, I`m so excited for you! I have been watching since Jackson was born, and I can`t wait to see what this Duggar baby looks like! <3

  40. Congrats Josh, Anna, Mackynzie, Michael & Marcus! Wishing you God's blessing throughout this pregnancy, and hoping that all may turn out well!

  41. Yayy Im so excited for them! Anna looks GREAT and they all look really happy!!:)

  42. Congratulations! I hope your feeling better now Anna, I know your choice will be right for you. It's probably too early for names, but it would be wonderful to know what your thinking of. I always thought Maisy was lovely. I'm certain they will be beautiful, just like their big brothers and sister!

  43. Super excited for Josh and Anna! Hopefully a little girl; they could name her Makayla!

  44. I am so happy for Josh and Anna! I almost cried for her during the episode of the negative test. Most of us have experienced that disappointment one time or another. I am so glad there is now a baby on the way!

  45. oh man this is way exciting news!!!! Also.... Josh looks WAY good in scruffies. Beautiful couple. God bless the duggars.

  46. Congratulations Josh and Anna! I'm so happy for you both! Can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl! (I'll bet Mackenzie hopes for a girl!) ;) God Bless ya'll!

  47. Congratulations. So excited for you.

  48. Awesome news ..such a Blessing Congratulations to Josh, Anna and family

  49. Great news Josh,Anna,Mackynzie,Michael and Marcus.
    We will all be waiting with you for the appearance of the new family member.
    Marion and Family

  50. Congradulations Anna!!!! I'm excited and hoping it's gonna be a girl :)

  51. Josh and Anna have such a beautiful and very young, active family now. Why can't they be satisfied with what they have. How is she ever going to have a close relationship with each child when she is stretching herself thinner and thinner? They really don't have to keep up with the Joneses (an old expression) meaning they don't have to keep up with the others.

  52. So excited for Josh and Anna!!! Hoping they have a girl this time!!!

  53. Congratulations to all,
    What a beautiful blessing,another child to cherish and love,
    Marilyn and Family

  54. Congratulations!!!!!:-)

  55. @Anonymous

    Hide/cover their low neckline?

    1. I don't have a low neckline and I wear a scarf almost actually every day! Because it's pretty! And I think thats why they're wearing them too!

  56. please have this child in a hospital were you can get the right care. I saw your last two home births and you were in so much pain and you should be being doing that and the last child marcus came out blue so please go to a hospital were you can get the right care. May God bless you.

  57. So excited for Josh and Anna! Congratulations!

  58. Congratulations to your family. I myself think it's time for a baby girl lol Maybe Jill and Jana can come to D.C. to help deliver the baby. That would be awesome Congrats again

  59. Congratulations Josh and Anna! With all the morning sickness you're experiencing maybe it's twins! : ) I always get morning sickness but it was way worse with my twins. I'll be praying for you, Anna.

  60. Try my mom's birth center in Chantilly, VA. She is a wonderful midwife and has a beautiful facility:

  61. Congratulations Anna and Josh!!!

  62. Sooooo exciting. Jill and her are only 4 months apart it well be so cool if Jessa is expecting in a month or two. I hope she has a girl Kynzie needs a little sister to look after. Also if the baby is born in June that well be 4 birthdays in June. Congrats Josh and Anna and kids

  63. Yay! I am so excited for them that is awesome!:) Hope a girl!

  64. Congratulations Josh and Anna. You have a beautiful family. We aslo believe in letting God decide the size of our family and currently have 12 precious, homeschooled children. God bless you and your family. I will be praying for a safe delivery and a healthy baby!

  65. Congratulations to josh and anna

  66. I am so inspired by your joy! So many people now days say having a baby is horrible and brought nothing but difficulties into their lives. Watching your show and you all has kept my spirits high when deciding to start a family with my husband! You all inspire me so much.

  67. If the baby comes in June, that will be four June babies 😄 Congrats!

  68. Nice the way mom isn't alone in this and it is a joyful group effort!

  69. Good for them!!! Now if Jessa gets pregnant soon there could be 3 Duggar grandbabies born within a few months.

  70. Congrats !! How about Madelyn, or Margo for a girl ??

  71. Anna looks so nice in this video, even with feeling sick.

  72. Congratulations Josh and Anna and Family, sooooooooooooo excited for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  73. Congratulations, Josh, Anna and family on this wonderful news!! I hope Anna feels much better soon, and pray that the rest of the pregnancy goes well.


  74. congrats from oregon hope its a Girl for your older daughter to play with.

  75. @Anonymous

    I think Josh and Anna live in the suburbs. Regardless, I live in DC and many of my friends have had home births. All were attended by certified nurse midwives. There are no regulations against home births here.

  76. Oh, wow, so Anna is probably due sometime at the end of June?
    I'm sure she can have a home birth in DC too, just how would they go about other 3 kids? They'd need someone to stay with the kids. I would hate see Jana being exploited to babysit the kids of her brother, while she could marry and have kids on her own. I understand that it's cute to have another baby, but parents should rely on themselves and not on some "built-in babysitters".

    1. Wow, what kind of a selfish world do we live in when helping family in need is considered exploitation? Where I come from it's called familial love, or Christian charity!

    2. Jana says she will marry in Gods time not anyone else's. I don't feel she would let herself be exploited by anyone! She would speak out. In one episode she let her sister deal with the kids even though she was chaperoning. She didn't assist. She just watched. So my point is she's stronger than you think! Also Josh's parents will probably be there for the birth as well so pount is moot!

  77. Congradulations to the five of you. So excited for another granduggar next summer. I hope it will be a girl this time, because you two need another girl and the Duggar family needs another granddaughter and niece for a change. Because after next spring, the Duggar's will want a girl after having three boy's in row.

  78. I know I've missed a lot due to not having tv,,but where does #5 come from.? What did I miss ?

    1. She was just counting "Baby Dilly". :-)

  79. HI from Abbotsford BC
    I WANT TO SAY WOW, WOW, and WOW again!!!!!!!!!! I think you guys make very wonderful kids, so I can't wait to see this one. I just hope you two will have lots of support, and Anne take good care of yourself!!!!!! Josh you look like you lost lots of weight, and you look very healthy too. Well take care, and I look forward to see you new little one soon!!!!!!!!!

  80. Hopefully it will be a little girl so Mackynzie can have a sister!
    If Anna is 9 weeks now, it's another 7 months to go, so she is due around end of June?
    And if Jessa gets pregnant right away, she might have a baby at the end of July or in August! What a fruitful year for Duggars!

  81. Wow! That is great news! I know Anna has been saying she wants another child. She looks great!

  82. I'm so happy for you both! Josh and Anna you have an amazing family and I wish you all the best in the world. I really think a child is always a gift from God and I'm glad another baby is on the way. He or she will be raised in a home full of love and faith. Anna you are such an inspiration to me. I don't know how you can manage 3 kinds, the house and the sickness of the pregnancy but I'm sure you'll be fine. Congratulations and God bless you all.

  83. How can you say Jana is being exploited?I'm quiet sure she doesn't look it that way

  84. Now to wait for Jessa's announcement.

  85. Congratulations! Thank you for the inspiration you are to so many. I am hopeful that the example that the Duggar family is setting in modesty, courting, loving each other, being open to bearing and raising a large family and most of all living their faith and values for all to see makes this life style an option for others to embrace.

  86. Congrats to you, Josh & Anna! I suggest the name Maryellen for a girl. :)

  87. So happy and excited for your newest blessing!!!!

  88. Congratulations!! So happy for you all! May God bless you!

  89. Cute picture of those two:-) So cool that Jill, Anna, and most likely Jessa will have a baby in the same year.Oh, lets not forget the Bates, Zack just had a boy and Alyssa is expecting in April.The next generation is coming fast:-)

  90. When most of the Duggar children get married, there will probably be years with several grandchildren coming along!

  91. Congratulations! What a beautiful family!

  92. Name it madalena or Mirabella those are my two youngest little ones names!

  93. Congratulations on your pregnancy Josh and Anna! I was so encouraged that you had Mackenzie, Michael, and Marcus either at home or at a birthing center. I had all three of mine in a hospital, and I am also pregnant with my fourth baby. I hope you continue the home birth trend with this baby. I am finally going to get to experience that with this baby. NO more hospitals. No more blazing lights, IV's, monitors, strangers coming in and out of the delivery room, etc...Maybe your family could come out the week of your due date to help? God bless you with a beautiful birth experience. I'm so excited for you guys. You two make awesome parents!

  94. Yay! Now we have a Baby Dilly and a Baby Duggar!
    Madison Grace or Madelyn Grace!

  95. I can understand how many people think it would be nice for Mackynzie to have a baby sister, but really, you shouldn't say "praying it's a girl." Though it's too early to tell, the baby's sex is already there. It has to do with the X and Y chromosomes which are decided at the moment or conception.
    I'm not trying to nag or troll anyone. PLEASE don't take it that way. I just wanted to educate.

  96. wow a new blessing!

  97. So exciting!! Congrats to you both and to your children!!! What a blessing.

  98. Congrats Josh and Anna!!! So happy for you guys! :)

  99. I hope it's a girl!

  100. Josh you look good in a beard, keep it

  101. why cant she wait and announce after she makes it thru the first triminster ? makes more sense. thought she took a pregnency test not to long ago and came back negitive, what was that about ? esther graber huntsburg ohio mennonite mom of 13 beauitful children and LOVES GOD!

  102. @Amanda Riendeau
    You mean 3 June babies. Mackynzie was born in October. :)

  103. Congratulations Anna and Josh. On your new bundle of joy I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to see you on your next show. Godbless you all.

  104. Yay! Congrats!!! I am 12 weeks today so we are not that far apart. This is our 5th too but we only have one here with us. So I am so excited that my son will soon be a big brother here on earth. Love you guys!!

  105. Anna is a very pretty woman.

  106. Wow-wee! Great news for the cute couple! They truly be outnumbered, but it looks like they can do it! I'm sure they will find a great way to do the birth in DC or even going back to AK. DC has been so good for them! It is really fun to see this family coming into their own more and more. Anna has morphed into a stalwart mother and wife since we were first introduced a few years back. Very encouraging!

    ***Side note, I would love to know how she and Josh plan to handle screen time/devices for their children, as well as how they are handing it for themselves

  107. Congrats to you Anna and Josh. All the best wishes for a safe pregnancy and delivery. Hopefully the morning sickness will subside soon. Cheryl Taylor

  108. She is due in the beginning of July.... :-) she looks absolutely abasing! so pretty

  109. Josh looks less than enthusiastic

  110. Wow!! Such great news!! So excited for your family!!

  111. Congrats! So excited for Anna and her family!!

  112. Congratulations Josh & Anna. If Anna is due at the end of June she can have it on June 30th thats my Moms birthday.

  113. They have birthing centers. Easy transition to hospital if necessary yet homelike environment. They should also have friends or could actually hire a sitter. They don't have to have the baby at home for child care purposes.

  114. congrats josh and anna

  115. I just watched the episode where they got married. They sure have grown as a couple and Anna has really grown in confidence and come more into her own. To me that shows what a great marriage they have and how they have grown together. They seem to be able to laugh a lot and not take themselves too seriously, which I think is awesome!!

  116. For a girl, Mary, or any variation of it: Maria, Mariana, Maia, etc, and for a boy, Miles or Maximilian (Max)

  117. Congrats on your newest blessing! It would be nice to have a girl so Mackynzie could have a sister. But God gives us what he sees fit for our families. Either way, he or she will be born into one of the most loving families in America. That baby is definitely a lucky little one. You can see the excitement and joy Mackynzie and Michael already have. Congratulations, once again!!

  118. Congratulations! So happy for all of you. Many blessings♥

  119. So happy for them! Anna looks gorgeous!

  120. Mackynzie is 5 now, so she can be totally helping with the new baby. And maybe Jinger or Joy can move in with them to help. Jana seemed to be so exhausted in the episodes of the show, she probably would need rest from sewing ties for Jill's wedding and babysitting Anna's kids on their trips.

  121. Maliki for boy Mercy for girl

  122. Why are my posts not showing Ellie and Lilly?

  123. Congratulation!!! As for names I would recommend Mathew or melody. I am thinking girl.

  124. Why is everyone so insistent on saying Jana is being used by her family to watch the younger kids being forced to sew for Jill's wedding? If anyone has listened to Jana she enjoys doing it helping her mom teach whatever, she does get to do things she wants doesn't she ofuten go to retreats and instill in other young girls the joys of worshipping the Lord and of giving yourself to reach out and help others. I don't think she's being held back by Jim Bob bbc and Michelle,she has often stated she will court and get married when it's right for her. I'm sure she would be thrilled to help first time mom to be jill or sister in love anna when she has number four. Don't forget Jim Bob and Michelle often tell their children God first family second and yourself last. Jana will find a man when God finds its her time. Fingers not courting neither is John David or Joseph. And Josh was married when he was John David and Jana age. Don't worry about her she's just fine.

  125. Why do fans insist in picking baby names anna and Josh already said they had names and I'm sure so do jill and derick I have a feeling it's going to be in honor off dericks dad

  126. Congratulations Josh & Anna!!!!!!! You'll must be sooo excited for baby# 4 !!!! I was totally shocked, and thrilled at the same time!!!!!! Praying for baby #4, and hope you are blessed by this new little ones birth! : ) Love in Jesus, Grace

  127. Congradulations Josh, Anna,and kids.
    You can always have your Baby on JUNE 30TH?Thats my Moms birthday.

  128. Geez people Jessa and Ben have barely been married a month give her at least two months before she announces

  129. Lucky woman, never has to work!

  130. Congratulations! Anna really gets better with age! She looks fantastic! That smile! She has really grown up since marrying and she gets prettier and prettier!

  131. Madison, Madelyn, Meghan, Mikayla- micah, Mathew,myles, mason, mathias

  132. @Marilyn

    Hi Marilyn,

    We had a bunch of comments to read through, but we are caught up now. Yours should be showing. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  133. Félicitations à vous et à vos proches !

    With love, from CANADA, QUÉBEC
    Brigitte Estelle♡♡

  134. So excited for you guys! That is so neat! God is so AMAZING! RIGHT??

    You guys will be in my prayers!

    Mary =)

  135. congrats on your pregnancy, I pray all goes well for you. God has blessed you with another baby, we were blessed with 6, 5 boys and a girl, Now we have 17 grand babies and counting

  136. I think that Madalyn or Mara for a girl and Malchy or Kasey

  137. I hope there will be an announcement for a Seewald pregnancy soon!!

  138. @Anonymous Please don't be a hater.. why can't you just wish them well or not comment at all?

  139. I predict that this baby will be a girl!👛🎀🌂💄💗🌺💐🌸🌷🌹💝🚺

  140. F A N T A S T I C! What a joy! I sure hope it is another healthy little girl. Kynzie needs a sister. Love to you and Congratulations!

  141. soooo happy for Josh & Anna! I hope its a girl! there are so many cute "M" names !

  142. Marilyn I agree completely & exactly how does one have a "built in babysitter" when this person doesn't even live with them? I've a DIL who's about to have her 2nd & it's simply a fact that she'll need someone to stay with the first & none of us feel "exploited"? I think it's ridicules & just more negativity by people who are jealous @Marilyn

  143. I think you are right entirely

  144. congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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