
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Recap: "Jill Says Yes to the Dress"

19 Kids and Counting "Jill Says Yes to the Dress"...
  • Michelle boards a plane to Washington D.C. with her five oldest daughters (Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy-Anna) to shop for Jill's wedding dress.
  • Jill says she is "excitedly nervous" for her big day.
  • "I'm very excited for the moment that Jill is going to try on these wedding dresses," says Michelle. "But at the same time, it's kind of surreal because I realize, 'Wow, we're really here.'"
  • "I think having so many siblings and weddings coming up in our future, I think we are going to be doing a lot of wedding dress shopping," adds Jana.
  • When they arrive in D.C., the Duggar ladies meet up with Anna and her kiddos for brunch. During the meal, Jill asks Jana to be her maid of honor and asks Jessa, Jinger, and Joy to be bridesmaids. (Johannah will also be a bridesmaid.) "I chose Jana as my maid of honor because growing up, we've always been really close," says Jill.
  • The girls are thrilled, especially Anna, who was not expecting to be in the wedding party.
  • At Ava Laurenne Bride, Jill gets the "Princess Treatment" package. First, she has her hair and makeup done, and then the girls share heart-felt notes with the bride-to-be. Joy, who is especially close to Jill, breaks down crying when she reads her letter. "She was my live baby doll," Jill says of Joy.
  • The dress shopping begins, and Jill falls in love with the eighth dress she tries on. "It's what I was praying for," she says. According to Jill's family, the dress fits her personality perfectly. Michelle's dream wedding dress would be one with poofy sleeves and a lot of sparkles, but Jill's styles are simpler than her mother's.
  • While the girls are away, Jim Bob and John-David take Derick Dillard and Ben Seewald on a camping trip. While the guys drive to the cabin, Jim Bob offers marriage advice to Derick and Ben. He tells the young men that love is more important than money, that communication is key, and that what the wife says often goes.
  • John-David says his dad gives him a hard time about being single and has tried to set him up with girls in the past. "One of these days, I'll find the right one, and I'll join the ranks," says John.
  • While preparing to rock climb, the guys joke that John-David is the most expendable because he does not have a wife, fiancĂ©, or girlfriend, but Jim Bob assures his son that they all love him and would miss him.
  • After rock climbing, the guys jump off a cliff while attached to a bungee cord. Derick and Ben take the leap with no problem, but it takes Jim Bob a few minutes to gather enough confidence. John-David decides not to jump.
  • "You know, I've got 19 children," reasons Jim Bob. "Can they afford to lose their father?"
  • "I jumped off, and my life flashed before my eyes," says Derick.
  • As their adventure comes to a close, the guys take a ride on a zip line. At the end of the trip, Jim Bob says Derick and Ben passed the test. "Two daughters down, seven more to go," says the dad of 19. 


  1. So Anna is or isn't a part of the wedding party? Not quite clear from the post.

  2. My favorite part was when Jim Bob was talking about finding John David a wife and he said, "you can send your applications to Jim Bob Duggar" ;) I wonder how many takers he'll get!!

  3. Thanks for this.
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

  4. by reading this I can 'see' it was a good show, now I want to see it.

  5. I think it is wrong how Jim Bob pushes his kids to get married. John-David is 24 years old !!! Let him take is own path !

  6. All the girls and women looked so lovely in their own clothes at the bridal shop... I was just wondering if everyone still buys their clothes at thrift stores. If so, you have made some fashionable finds!

  7. Jim Bob says the funniest things. The guides mentioned a rock fall and Jim Bob quickly came back with, "What about a human fall?"

  8. I literally laughed out loud when he said that. Great episode!

  9. Is there please someone who uploads these episodes to youtube? I'm from germany otherwise I can't watch.

  10. I'm sure it is all in good fun but I do hope John-David is stead fast and holds his personal ground to be united with the right little lady. It isn't a race....but sure feels like it is lately.
    I also hope Jana is not being pushed to consider anyone until she is ready to open her heart to the right man.
    Our prayers are answered when it is right for God for our future, not our parents or us. "Trust In" is there for good reason.
    Thank you for sharing

  11. Again Ben and Derrick are made to prove they are "good" enough to be in the Duggar family - give it a break. Accept the men for who they are. If they did this as a bonding then great, but it certainly wasn't portrayed that way. I love Michele and the girls and the dress shopping.

  12. Finally, John David is back in the story! I wonder if they are teasing Jana about her singleness too or if it is just a guy thing

    1. The episode was so sweet and a tear jerker i just can't wait til the wedding

    2. I very seriously doubt that. I think that was in the context of "guy speak". I really think that Jim Bob and Michelle would try to protect the feelings of their kids and Jana is so precious! Great family! God bless them.

  13. that is really cool

  14. Lily and Ellie,
    Will you be uploading the newest episode? I so hope so!

  15. I am not sure why JB needed to test Ben and Derick to see if they will make good Duggars. They are not Duggars and those girls will need to cleave to them and not their father anymore. Both Ben and Derick seemed to have done better with the test than JB and JD,

  16. We would like to hear from Jana as to what is the history of suitors, potential or otherwise for her. Has anyone approached her dad? Has she wanted anyone and he was dismissed by daddy? She is just a mystery and always seems so sad.

  17. Were the Ruarks invited to Jill's wedding? Did they attend if they were? What are the names and ages of Michelle's siblings? Since that photo was posted of them at her wedding, none of them were in her bridal party. Who did she choose as her maid of honor? Jim Bob's best man?

  18. can you put the youtube link for this episode please? i really want to see it thanks

  19. I disagree that Jana always seems so sad. This assessment is a blight on her good character.

  20. Ben has to accept the Duggar men as they are, if they are ribbers and kidders who make a lot of jokes then he is stuck with them I guess. Unless he wants to consider it sin and then he can take it up with each of them privately.

  21. I think Derrick and Ben should co author a 101 book for future suiters of Duggar Girls...kind of a
    Basic Bootcamp 101 for those young men interested in courting a Duggar Girl. I am sure there would be some really interesting Chapter titles. Can't wait to see the coming weddings!

  22. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 1,

    Anna was a bridesmaid in Jill's wedding. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  23. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 9 and 17,

    YouTube/TLC have started to actively remove the newest episodes from YouTube soon after they are posted, and TLC recently asked us not to post the links to those episodes. (We are not the ones who upload the episodes to YouTube; that is done by other viewers.) For readers in North America, the episodes can be purchased individually on iTunes and Amazon.

    Thanks for understanding! :)
    Lily and Ellie

  24. I am sure many of us are sad that we won't get to see the episodes on YouTube, especially the wedding that will be coming, but thanks so much for the recaps and the clips that you are allowed to post. I really appreciate all the work you, Lily and Ellie, do to keep us up to date on the activities the Duggars are involved in. I actually like your Facebook site better than the Duggar Family Original!

  25. It seems as though Ben has had the biggest hazing, with his good nature he falls into the hands of those who want to maybe take advantage of his good nature a bit too much. I really hope that Ben and Jessa will be an independent couple when they marry, and this hasn't been a set up for keeping them "on campus" under JB wing after they marry. It was clear Derrick would never go for that, but Ben...

  26. People exaggerate in their comments. This was such a mild episode. Why can't a few capricious jokes be made without everyone getting offended for some reason. This was a fun, perfectly acceptable episode with no offenses to anyone. The only thing that worries me is that now Jessa wants to be a mid wife; is Jessa now going to try to be a midwife too - because of the praise Jill got from Anna at the princess party? I would not want to be a mid wife for love or money. Eeww

  27. I found Jill says yes to the dress on youtube!
    I also found duggars decorate and diet
    And duggar girls go glam\
    and Duggars and mothers
    and duggar dirty jobs
    Thanks for writing this blog lily and ellie!


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