
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Michelle on Weddings and Babies

In this video clip, Michelle Duggar talks with her daughters about how excited she is for all the weddings and grandchildren that are in her future. "Maybe you'll have another one," adds Jill Dillard. "Never know!" responds the mom of 19.

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  1. Duggar Family is amazing!!

  2. I am from Joplin and I saw your family on Mother's Day at one of the churches in Joplin. Your family is so precious. God has truly blessed you and Jim Bob with a wonderful life.

  3. Lovely thought, my daughter and I nearly did that.. for 6 years either Amanda or I was pregnant... It was the best.

  4. Its amazing the number of women who actually have gotten pregnant after the age of 45. There's a long list of them on wikipedia - some by IVF some by natural conception. Many from previous centuries.

    1. Thank you for these encouraging words. Many of us are praying for a miracle, and your words are a soothing balm to aching hearts. God bless you! :)

    2. May God bless Jill for her compassionate words of hope for Michelle! What a wonderful daughter!

  5. Wouldn't it be thrilling for God to bless Michelle with another little one? Anything IS possible when you love the Lord.

  6. They are amazingly loving, this family. There is one question in my mind though. What if one of these 9 girls does not want to marry (and still live a godly live)?

  7. does this family ever stop thinking about having babies? they are a nice christian family but please their is other things to talk about besides talking about babies. What about doing some kind of mission work in their area. all I see from them is showing courtships following around people running for office but not helping out anyone in their area. There is so much more we need to see that the duggar could be doing but we never see that anymore from them.

  8. Well I think it comes a time in a woman's body that she should not have anymore children because of health reasons. She should take the rest of her years to enjoy, cherish & love the children God has already blessed her with. Just getting pregnant & carrying a baby isn't all there is to becoming a mother. A mother is a mother her whole life & in the lives ofher babies. Each milestone, adventure, & joy in a child's life is precious & awesome!!!!!! And no matter how old they become, they will always be your baby.

    1. Well said!! I wholeheartedly agree. A woman would only be a surrogate if she doesn't show any interest in her children as they grow. A lot of mothers give birth these days but detach from them emotionally. I bet Jill will be an awesome mother, no matter through out his/her life. The way Joy was saddened at Jill marrying is evident how involved Jill is in Joy's life and has been since she became her buddy. I pray Jill always has that maternal instinct for every child she has. I seriously believe she will!

  9. It must be awkward for parents at times to keep up with the development of their own children. Jill is certainly maturing!

  10. Chastetree berry is good for infertility, but I don't know if they'd want to do something for her to help get pregnant, since they may feel they're not leaving it in God's will for how many babies, etc. like they say. Also, if Michelle got pregnant another time, I'd recommend she ask her doctor for progesterone lozenges as her hormones have gone down enough it would be a safeguard to not loose the baby.

  11. Phyllis Zerilli-BlasserSeptember 26, 2014 at 5:57 PM

    We have 12 and some aunts and uncles are far younger than some nieces and nephews! 28 grandbabies and counting for me, Miss Michelle! (With 4 "middles" still school age) The joy continues on!

  12. Michelle constantly expresses how excited she is for this new season of life of "grandbabies"; which is very nice. However, I never see Michelle holding, hugging and paying attention to any of those "grandbabies"! Perfect example, this past week's episode during Anna's brunch. It's Jana who is holding Marcus on her lap while she tries to eat, not Michelle. Nor, is Michelle, turing her head to talk with Michael and Mack seated behind her right shoulder!

  13. Jessa does not look the motherly type but I'm sure she'll be a good mom.


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