
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Duggars Shop for Wedding Bands

Michelle Duggar poses with her family on her wedding day in 1984

"When Michelle and I got married, we just didn't really care about all the details," Jim Bob Duggar told TLC. "We just set up some folding chairs in a small area, and we got married. I'm sure Jill's wedding is going to be probably 10 times the size of Michelle and I's wedding."

In the following TLC webisode, Jill and Derick shop for wedding bands at the same jeweler where Jim Bob and Michelle purchased their rings before becoming husband and wife in 1984.


  1. Do they have anything engraved on the inside of their rings?

  2. Hey Ellie and Lilly,

    Just to let you guys know, the link for the Shopping for Rings video you posted from TLC doesn't actually work. It just comes up with an error message.

    May God bless you both,

    Stacey, Scotland

  3. Bummer. I'm getting an error message that says this plugin is not supported. Never had that problem before.

  4. Do Jill and Derick attend Cross Church or were they only married there?

  5. Why do you never see or hear anything about Michelle Duggar's family? Grandma Duggar is frequently on the show but I don't remember ever seeing or hearing any talk of her side of the family. Is there a rift?

    1. Her sister was on an episode once and she had a friend watch Josie while they were in little rock so she could go at least to her dad's funeral. She has said that some family didn't approve of their decision to allow God to decide the number of children. I wonder if her family doesn't approve of some of her choices.

    2. Both Michelle's parents passed away years ago and her siblings live in another state so they see each other only once in a while. She loves them dearly.

    3. In previous show they all went to Michelle's family reunion ( maybe her family doesn't want to be filmed )

  6. I like the fact that Jill's engagement and wedding band is a very simple set and not over the top that you see most couple's with and that their staying on a budget. Most couples spend over a thousand or more on their rings when they get married or they try to watch their pennies too. I know that Jill is very simple and I know that wedding band will fit perfectly next to her engagement ring.

  7. With all the recent news coverage of Adrian Peterson (Minnesota Vikings) spanking and allegedly injuring his son during disciplining, I noticed that you never spank your children. It appears that you prefer modelling the appropriate behavior and I so admire your calmness in all situations. Hopefully my husband and I will be entering the "grandparents" phase of life soon (oldest son just got married), and we made many mistakes raising our children. I would so love for you and Jim Bob to write a book on disciplining children and raising a faith filled family!

  8. Won't be long now till it is Jessa and Ben's turn!!

  9. I love the Duggars .They are such an inspiration, I am so happy for Jill and Derick. They are a perfect match . God bless you all .


  10. Michelle's family does not live nearby so you don't see them as much they did have a family reunion with them in one epesode and you can see that they are a large loving family

  11. Yeah, why? I haven't really thought about that. Maybe they don't want to be on TV or a part of the show.

  12. why does Michelle seem to follow Jill and derrick eveywhere they go when they pick out wedding items. why does not Jim bod every not go with them.

  13. I,for one, am tired of this show turning into free advertisement for business they "casually mention the names of", multiple times. They also get free stuff for it, so uncouth. How much did Jill and Derick's wedding bands actually cost THEM? I would like to know and see the invoice I bet TLC paid for them.

  14. I think the main reason we don't hear more about Michelle's family is that both of her parents have passed away, and her siblings don't live in the area like Jim Bob's family.

  15. @Anonymous No rift, they just live quite far away in North Carolina and were only featured in a couple of episodes, Michelle does visit her siblings but as she's the baby of the family they are all much older than her, and not all in the best of health, as she has mentioned before.

  16. can you re upload the video? it wont appear on my laptop or my iphone at all :( i want to see the ring shopping

  17. Just getting kind of tired of all the "acting" from the Duggars, the show just isn't what it used to be. Why does Jill act surprised they are at the same jewelry shop where her parents got their rings? Of course she would have known that. Instead of acting surprised, she should have just commented how cool it was that they were shopping at the same place her parents got their rings 30 years ago. This is just one example of "acting" I've seen among many, many.

  18. why are you so against birth conttol.having to many kids is not healty...but you guys are making the momey for all of this.

    1. @anonymous Birth control pills, IUDs, etc are abortifacients. They cause abortions.

  19. WOW!!! 1984 and now with 19 kids and she wants more I don't know how can she handle her little ones from jackson and under,it must be really sad to see her big girls getting married it must be hard.Imean my mom has four and i am the third and i cant stand big brother(the one after the first.

  20. Help me understand this. The heading is Duggar's shop for wedding bands then there is a picture of Jim Bob and MIchelle at their wedding, then the article is about Jill and Derick????? My video player doesn't work.

  21. Hi Readers,

    Here is the direct link to the video. It is at the bottom of the article.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Lily and Ellie

  22. @ycfan

    She probably didn't know since she said she didn't. Just because you think something doesn't mean that's how it really is. They're not "acting". She just didn't know.

  23. Why are Jim Bob and MIchelle shopping for weddinb bands? I thought they already had theirs?

  24. It was fun that Michelle could go along since she had a heart connection to the store. That is nice that as well as just shopping for Derick and Jill, Michelle could revisit the special people and place (that is on her and Jim Bob's fingers everyday of their lives). Michelle's comments were interesting. The store owner made a good joke too!


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