
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

"Duggars and Mothers" Recap

On tonight's season premiere episode of 19 Kids and Counting, "Duggars and Mothers"...
  • The show kicks off with a recap of Jill and Derick's relationship. According to Michelle, Jill is ready to be a wife, but the family has a lot of planning to do before Jill and Derick can say "I do."
  • Jill and Derick, along with Jill's mom and sisters, meet with their three wedding coordinators, who also happen to be friends of the family. Jill is the first Duggar daughter to tie the knot, and the Duggar women quickly realize that there is a lot more that goes into planning a wedding than they originally thought.
  • "Okay, I don't know what I'm doing," Jill admits to viewers after the meeting.
  • "I would imagine that this wedding is going to be a huge affair, and I have no idea how we're going to pull this off," says Michelle.
  • In the midst of wedding planning, Jill and Derick receive devastating news: Derick's mom, Cathy Dillard Byrum, has been diagnosed with cancer and must undergo chemotherapy treatments. The engaged couple grabs Jessa as their chaperone and visits Cathy in the hospital. 
  • "It's been good for our relationship to kind of see how we deal with difficult situations," admits Derick, who says he is thankful to have Jill by his side during this trial.
  • The Duggars invite the Seewalds and the Dillards over to their house to celebrate Mother's Day. It will be the first time that Ben and Derick's families meet. Derick has one brother, Dan, who is two years younger than him, while Ben is the oldest of seven.
  • Jessa, who admits that her cooking skills are limited, helps Jill prepare the meal. "I try to imitate Jill," says Jessa. "I'm not as good as she is. She makes food taste amazing, so I'm trying to copy her style. I haven't quite got it yet."
  • "Cooking is fun and exciting," Jessa continues. "I usually always burn something." This time, she just barely burns the rolls but is able to save them with lots of melted butter.
  • During lunch, Jim Bob and Michelle ask Ben if he would like to move into their guesthouse and do odd jobs around their property while finishing school. Ben is pleasantly surprised and resolves to pray about it.
  • "I don't know that it's normal, but I think some guys move to areas wherever their girlfriend is..." says Jana.
  • Meanwhile, Derick and Jill join Dan and his girlfriend, Chelsea, for a video chat with Cathy, who is still recovering. (Update: Cathy is now cancer-free!)
  • Jim Bob and Michelle surprise Jill and Derick by "loaning" them the Stonybrook house, the residence that the family fixed up back in 2012. (See "Puppies, Properties & Patients" and "Kittens and Konstruction.")
  • Jim Bob and several of the kids head over to the house to give it a deep clean. Although the Stonybrook house is a three-story mansion and has much more room than the newlyweds will need, they say they feel blessed to have this opportunity to live in the house until Jim Bob and Michelle decide to sell it.
  • Some might see this situation as unfair to Josh and Anna, who lived in a tiny bungalow for almost five years, but the Duggars don't. As Joy-Anna points out, Jim Bob did not own the Stonybrook house when Josh and Anna were looking for a place to live. "I guess it's their own fault they didn't wait," jokes Joy.
  • While cleaning the windows at the Stonybrook house, James gets a huge splinter stuck in one of his fingers, but Jim Bob and Jessa are able to pull it out without inflicting too much pain on the young Duggar.
  • Before the show comes to a close, Jessa and her sisters clean up the guesthouse and make signs to welcome Ben, who has accepted Jim Bob and Michelle's offer, to his new home. He is impressed by Jessa's decorating job. "Wow," says Ben. "This is awesome. It's almost like a hunting lodge or something."
  • "Jessa is delighted about this relationship," says Michelle. "It means that Ben is closer, almost next door."
  • "In our courtship, the next step would involve a rock and a piece of metal," Ben tells Jessa.
  • "Ooh, I like this" Jessa responds.


  1. SOOOOOO EXCITED THIS DAY IS FINALLY HERE!! So excited to see Jill & Derick's wedding and congrats to Ben & Jessa!!!! We love the Duggar clan in Los Angeles ... come visit soon!!! May the Lord continue to bless you all!!!!! <+><

  2. You will be posting the video for the people that dont have capel right?!?!

  3. Wait, so Ben moved in with them before he and Jessa were even engaged? That really doesn't seem right.

    1. No. He moved into their guest house which is on their property.

  4. Plz someone post this episode!!! I don't have the channel, so this is the only way I can watch the show.:)

  5. @Anonymous

    Hi Hannah,

    When/if the episode is uploaded to YouTube, we will post the link:)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  6. @Siel Snowden
    I felt the same way initially, but when I realized he would be outside the house, in the guest house, it didn't seem so bad.

  7. I'm pretty sure Ben was moved out there so that he would be more available for filming purposes vs any other reason.

  8. Would Love to be able to watch it outside of TLC. I don't have it either :)

  9. There was a song in the Duggars and Mothers episode that I really liked. It reminded me of my husband and I. I think part of it went, ".. He made me for you ... He made you for me.." Or
    something like that. What is the name of the song and who sings it? Could someone tell me please?

  10. I dont understand why Jessa s cooking skills are limited.The older girls should have switched up their jurisdictions more evenly so that all the girls have equal experience.Im really surprised that Michelle didnt think of that.Someone needs to tell Jessa how important is is to measure things , unless you are a skilled cook already. TLC should send over some Foodnetwork chefs to give her some speedy lessons and cooking tips for the whole family. That would be fun to watch.

  11. Hey Lily and Ellie, I noticed the Welcome Hortono's sign,and their Mom and Dad in the backround.Was that Jennifer and Jonathon Hortono's parents first visit with the Duggars? It was sure nice seeing them there.I still say Jennifer H. and JohnD or Joseph should court.

  12. the outside of the guest house is a shed? how long did
    Ben pray about moving into the house. did not even seem like his parents encouraged him to stay in school. but drop out from a good unviersity to do odd jobs around Jim bods house. also he had a Job already why did he need another one. sometime long distance realtionships are good.

  13. I know this won't be a popular opinion but I was disappointed in the season opener. The show repeated highlights of last season that were shown in reruns for the last month AND can be watched via internet. Then during the repeat show, everything was repeated after commercial breaks. So, the commercial showing the wedding is actually previewing the whole season? Boo

  14. How long does it usually take you guts to post the new episodes?

  15. youtube took it down

  16. The new episode is up on amazon already!

  17. Hopefully the episode will be on Youtube soon! My withdrawl is killing me!

  18. So enjoyed this new episode! Man alive that was a huge splinter in James' finger - yikes! My heart went out to Guinn Seewald when Ben was invited to move in with the Duggars. I could not tell if Ben's parents were consulted before JimBob extended the offer. It is difficult transition for parents to make as their children move on. In this case it felt like Ben was being absorbed into the clan. I felt happy for Ben and Jessa that their relationship will have a chance to flourish, but I HOPE Ben will finish his education. Jana continues to impress me with her service and kindness to others. Joy is still a spitfire and given her interaction with Ben,clearly not lacking in self confidence. I loved Josh and Anna's reaction to learning that Derick and Jill would be moving into the mansion. I have so much respect for those two. They have accomplished so much together over the years, not the least of those accomplishments it a humble spirit and a strong loving marriage and family life. Loved how the girls fixed up a room for Ben in the warehouse, it looked really good. Jessa looks like she is crazy about Ben. Hope the family will treat Ben like an equal, he seems like a good guy. Love watching Derick and Jill together. There are so many of them and so many things I could say, but that would be going overboard. They are such a great family and I am so glad they are back!

  19. I dont have cable or directv either! Please post episodes asap!

  20. I watched the episode and still find it weird that Jim Bob invited Ben to live in the guesthouse..I felt bad for Ben's parents. To me the cutest moment was when Ben was going on about Jessa's talents and James rolled his eyes.. and the saddest moment was when Josie wanted to go to the guesthouse and was left home.. the sight of her looking out the window afterwards was very touching.

  21. Thanks for the recap & posting the link to the episode when you can. I am overseas so can't see it.

  22. I'm very curious how Ben's arrangement worked - did he have all his meals at the Duggars' house too? Then being in a walking distance from the main house, and taking into account the fact that Jessa is not working too - they could spend all days together... literally.

    Thought, that "guest house" looked more like a hangar to me, like some factory building. They did not show that Ben's room had a bathroom, probably it was somewhere downstairs, in the main area. But I did not really find it so comfortable, no windows, nothing. Of course, it was free for Ben, but I think he could be more independent and get a real job with someone and rent a room for himself.

    I loved Jana's comment that she did not know if it was normal :). I think the more understandable approach would be if a girl would wait till marriage, and then she would move to where the husband lives.

  23. Jill seemed so excited. It is great to see all the parts leading up to her wedding. What an incredible house she & Derick get. I like older homes better then new cookie cutter homes. Even though they don't have to pay rent, I'm sure the utilities will be high. I'm very confused about the guesthouse? It looked like a storage building. It had a truck parked inside with a bunch of storage right below the stairs to Ben's room. It actually looked like an old factory and Ben's room looked like where the bosses office would be? The dinner was confusing, it was for the families to met & mothers day but Ben's mom was too ill to be there & it was just his older brother meeting Ben's younger siblings. I think the dinner should have been postponed till Derick's parents could come. They could have just had a family dinner with constant talk about the families meeting. I'm very excited to see the rest of Jill's wedding story, still on the fence about how Ben & Jessa courtship is being shown. I know not everyone is the same but I'm not sure it is the example I want my kids to see yet.

  24. I wonder if each child gets a portion of what they've made off the tv show. That would make a nice downpayment or even where they live pay off a house for each couple.

  25. This episode had me laughing so hard and feeling joyful for the Duggars.. what made me laugh was when Jessa realised that's she forgot the rolls in the oven and she ran and screamed into the big kitchen that made me laugh... then the next thing that made me smile and laugh was when Ben said that the next step in the courtship would involve a rock and metal, and Jessa's face lit up And she said "ooh I like this"... I love seeing how Jessa has really opened up and let's herself be silly since she has been courting Ben.. Jessa must feel like her wedding is so so far away even though it is in just a few months, you can tell that when she and Ben embrace they have that desire to also kiss but they cant just yet.. on the first kiss on their wedding day i bet they are gonna feel like fireworks are going off around them since they will have been in a courtship for more than a year on the day they wed in the fall/winter.

  26. Ok, I totally understand the whole chaperone thing... but going to visit his mother in the hospital? Doesn't she count as a chaperone? I don't think they need a chaperone for that.

  27. I enjoyed the premiere episode. I thought it was interesting that Derick's brother arrived with his girlfriend without a chaperone. I wonder if Derick's family believes in chaperones during courting or if he just went along with it because the Duggars do.

  28. I want to see the selfie of Joy and the deer.

  29. Who is paying for the wedding? TLC?

  30. When will fans be watching Jill and Derick's wedding day? When will Jessa and Ben be getting married (because one of today's posts said this year, which must mean around Thanksgiving/Christmas time)? Glad to see new pictures of the family on the left side panel of the blog. But is it true that Jana or John-David may be courting someone. If so, post.

  31. @Siel Snowden He didn't move in with them. He moved in to their guest house, which is a separate building.

  32. Last night was a great premiere night. The family really did clean up the Stonybrook house and brought a lot of life back into it, and I did feel bad for James when he got jabbed by a splinter (that was huge by the way). Can't wait for next week.

  33. anyone notice that guest house is really not a guest house but some kind of storage shed? a guest house has a bathroom and a kitchen. and windows. and one of the little kids let it slip that Jessa was already engaged.

  34. Hi Lily - When will the youtube link be posted? Can't wait to see it but don't have cable. Thanks :)

  35. Will the cover photo be updated with the new show? That would be nice for a change:)

  36. Wikipedia says that Jessa and Ben r getting married on Nov 1st. Is this the right date or not. Also I thought last nights episode was interesting. I'm happy that Ben is now living close to Jessa. Next year on mothers day Jill will be celebrating her first mothers day as a mother. I hope that they show the wedding mid season and end the season with Ben's proposal just like last season having the bates wedding mid season and Jill getting engaged in the finale

  37. Ben moved into a room in another building, it's not like he was in their house. So basically, for the time being, he is there like a hired worker, until they get married, and they'll probably move them into a dwelling to begin their lives. So what is so bad about that? Not only being closer to Jessa, but allowing more time for the entire family to get to know him better. I wondered what he did for a least he's helping around the homestead. It's a good thing.

  38. #8, the house isn't a gift, it is being loaned to them until it sells. I imagine they will buy it though. Also, from what I know the Duggars didn't own it when Josh got married so it would have been hard for them to let Josh live in it.

  39. Ben is not living in a guest house. a guest house has a kitchen and a bathroom. not one room in a shed. sorry. his rroom does not even have a window. that is not a guest house.

  40. Will the episode be posted soon? I have no cable, and am eager to watch!

  41. #17 Josh rents the house in DC; they were talking about renting in the episode when they were looking at 3 properties.

    #19 - I so agree! It's probably not a shed, but it is some work building, like factory or storage for big machinery. JB said there was a bathroom, but they did not show it. Maybe one basic bathroom on the first floor... Maybe Ben decided to propose so quickly to move from that room :).

  42. I find Ben's moving to the property quite out of character for the Duggars, even being Jim Bob's idea. It appears he will eat all of his meals with the family. It's just way too close for an unmarried couple. Doesn't fit their standards.

  43. @Siel Snowden

    He didn't move in with them, he moved into a guesthouse on their property. Their property is HUGE. Jessa and Ben are not living in the same building, and they will have a curfew. Hope this helps!

  44. Please post the new episode for us fans here in Australia!

  45. Pretty Girl how did one of the little kids let slip that Jessa was already engaged?

  46. Like many people commenting on this blog, I would love to see the season premiere. When will you be able to post it?

  47. This was not as exciting as last season's premiere but it was good.

  48. found this.....small but good quality

  49. I personally think the 'guest house' , if you want to call it that, was just for TV. I'm thinking he's staying in the boys room. Josh mentioned that all the other guest rooms were being used but I've never seen a guest in one of those said rooms. Guests have always stayed in the boys' room while the boys sleep on the bus.

  50. Congrats Jessa and Ben!


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