
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Duggar Throwbacks

Enjoy these photos of the Duggars from years gone by. Can you believe there was a time when Jim Bob and Michelle had only a few children?

 Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, circa 1984

 Michelle Duggar with Josh and twins Jana and John-David

 Jim Bob Duggar with Josh and the twins 

 Jill and Jana Duggar

The Duggar family, circa 1994


  1. Jessa has almost the same face now as then only she looks older. That is to cute!

  2. Jill and Jana Duggar look like identical twins (except for the hair) in the photo of just them two. Love Jinger's face in the family photo.

  3. Awhhhhhhh, I sincerely love this family. Man even 6 kids seems like a lot. I still can't fathom 19 of my own. It is truly God that Michelle is still sane. Lol

  4. Why won't you post anything about Jana

  5. I can't tell which is Jill and which is Jana. They look identical except for the hair color, one has darker locks.

  6. The photo of Jill and Jana is so cute they look like twins!

  7. Boy they had some cute babies! You can deffinitly tell who Jessa is! She looks just the same! All the other kids don't look anything like they do now!

  8. I. love these old pics.I was just wondering what year in their marriage did Michelle decide to not wear pants, does anyone know?4

  9. This is an adorable couple and their family. I love seeing all the happy faces!

  10. Wow! That could be Michael standing next to JimBob and the twins!!! Never realized how much he looks like Josh:)

  11. wow! the dugger family sure has grown since!

  12. i like the pictures that you posted they seem to be from a long time ago! i was wondering if you had any more pictures of the duggers when they wre a very small family. i enjoy reading your new updates every day and hope you post more. love, ZARA KEATING

  13. And to think, some of those babies have had or are going to have babies of their own very soon. Who knows after Ben and Jessa get married, that we'll hear news from!

  14. Thay were so cute...Jinger is still the same.

  15. I love this couple. They have so much poise and they are always positive and polite and they show an interest in others as well. The thing I notice is that they practise this composure and are nice but they are very intelligent people and have got the knack of applying their understanding to life. They have been blessed in their actions. It makes me want to get busy and apply God's word to my life more than I do now. I have been so slack compared to them. Michelle is amazing she takes things in and has a death grip on the truth of them and doesn't let go in applying it. Jim Bob seems calm but the intensity and fortitude is amazing, to build a home as a project that ended up taking years incredible!

  16. It is definitely more work for a family with lots of little ones... I hear that it gets easier after #5, and especially after the oldest turns 10 years old. Who did the Duggars turn to for help before Josh was 13?

  17. Who is Jill and who is Jana? Especially on the last picture.
    Josh looks identical to Michael, it's unbelievable, one face!

    1. Jill is the one with light blonde hair Jana is the one with darker hair. :)

  18. Josh still looks almost the same but Jessa looks the same as she did as a little girl! Josh and Jim Bob look a like. Jill and Jessa look like Michelle. Jana, John David and Jinger look like a mix of Jim Bob and Michelle. I wonder if Jill's baby will look like Derick or Jill.

  19. John-David looks like Jackson in the last picture. Also I think it is Jana who is beside Michelle and baby Jinger on the right, that looks like Johannah.

  20. Can you tell us what is going on with Jana? Cute pictures of the children.

  21. Jennifer looked so much like Jinger when they were both babies! Jessa looks the same, yet older. And Jana & Jill look so much like identical twins! Crazy how they've grown!

  22. What a difference 20 years makes!!!

  23. Thank you for sharing. So many changes....

  24. Marcus could be John David in the third picture!!!

  25. Michelle was GORGEOUS . . . I mean she still is but she looked different then lol!

  26. Dear Lily and Ellie,
    Thank you so very much for taking the time to post these sweet cute photos of the Duggars quite a few years ago! The photo of Jana and Jill as little girls is so very cute, they looked very similar when they were little, so similar that they could almost be twins! I would like to take a moment and say "Thank you" for all of the time and effort that you put into this blog! I know it must not be very easy at times, but you have continued to stick to it! Thank you!

  27. Jinger is even making a face in the last photo. So cute! Michele really was a beauty in her youth, and looks incredibly young now. Especially after having 19 kids. Michele & Jim Bob were a very handsome couple.

  28. In the very first picture, Michelle wore her hair more modern than she does now.She is so pretty:-)

  29. Michelle looks like she had a different hair style - less frizzy / curly in their early years of marriage and having children. I had always thought her hair was extra curly, then again maybe she blow dried and styled it different that day. For those that want to know more about Jana - Have you ever thought that maybe Jana has chosen herself not to be so public with what she is or isn't doing in her life. She is entitled to some privacy and a normal life just like you and me - which should be respected by all of us, regardless of how curious we are of the individual members of the Duggar family.

    1. Thank you for defending Jana. I feel the same way.

  30. Thanks! I agree with daisey22! Would love to hear what Jana is doing even if she might not like being in the spot light would she mind if ya'll would do a post on her for us fans :)

  31. Boy does Johanna look like jana in the last photo.

  32. I've noticed here and in other pictures shown on the episodes that Mackynzie really looks like little Josh! And I'm curious what Jana is up to also. :)

  33. I agree Michelle and Jim Bob look so young for a couple in their middle late 40's. I am sure all the young kids keep them young looking.

  34. Good pictures.They are all definitely photogenic!

  35. love seeing family portriats from the beginning of the Duggar clan! :)

  36. Jill is on the left in both photos

  37. If you look at the smiles the one with the darker hair is TOTALLY Jana.

  38. my mother says the hardest part is when you have three kids and not an arm for each. after four it is just another blessing. Mrs Duggar went from one to three!

  39. Dear Lily & Ellie,
    Thank you for these gorgeous photos from the past! They are so cute and I like to see these photos. I had an idea for your blog that maybe you could do a post of a baby picture for each child and/or a post of family photos from every year. It would be interesting to see what babies looked alike and how they changed as well as to see the family grow. I know it must be hard with all these comments and ideas for you but I thought this might be cute and lots of people seem to like looking at old photos!
    God Bless,
    Your Friend in Christ

  40. John David and Jason, James and Josiah (when they were younger) look very similar in the last photo!

  41. I have always thought Jinger was very cute, she is just a little different than her bros. and sis. JoyAnn is starting to come into her ownself now too.


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