
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dr. Pepper and Fanta for Baby Dilly

Just a few months after releasing their wedding registry, Jill and Derick Dillard are creating another gift registry. This one is for Baby Dilly, due March 24th, 2015. The parents-to-be have thought of everything, including caffeinated drinks.

"Derick said we should put Dr. Pepper on there, because if you have late nights, you have to have caffeine," Jill told PEOPLE Magazine with a laugh." And I told him, 'I like Fanta,' so he put that on there and some Gatorade, as well." 

Jill and Derick are looking forward to finding out and announcing their baby's gender in the coming weeks. They are planning for a large family and for that reason are avoiding colors that are gender specific. 

"We tried to think practical since we don't know what we are having yet," Jill told PEOPLE. "I know people are trying to guess, but we don't even know. I came from a large family and my mom used to think – when I'm buying, do I want to go with one theme or be more practical? We are trying to think of gender neutral stuff, trying to think long-term."

Other items on the couple's gift registry include paper towels, burp cloths, sippy cups, light switch covers, baby cereal, a
nd all the ingredients for the Duggars' homemade laundry detergent

The Dillards have already received two car seats that strap to a suitcase from Derick's mom, in case Jill is pregnant with twins. 

When the baby arrives, Jill and Derick plan to keep him or her in the master bedroom for the first few weeks. 

"We are still trying to decide about whether or not we'll do sleep training, but we will transition the baby into their own room eventually," she told PEOPLE


  1. is jill pergant with twins

  2. Where are they registered at? My guess would be Walmart and Baby's R Us (since Derick works at Walmart and Baby's R Us is a famous place for registering a baby). Hope to find out the gender soon in October. Although Jill and Derick could find out sooner since theres a new way in the medical world to find out a little sooner.

  3. Jill & Derrick,
    I just want to encourage you to take your time considering "sleep options" for your new baby. It's not as big a deal as everyone makes it! What's most important is that you do what's best for your baby and your marriage. Sleepless nights are a given, but it's so tempting to try to stop them. For only a precious few months will you have the opportunity to nurse and/or rock your baby back to sleep in the middle of the night. Yes, you may fall asleep while doing it, but it still ends up being a sweet memory :-) Every baby is different and they don't all need to sleep 12 hours every night at a certain age (mine still don't! More like 9 or 10. Lol). Pray and ask God how you can be an example of His love with your little one. Follow His example with His children.
    With our first daughter she always slept separate (next to our bed) and moved into her own room at 6 months. She wasn't ready and it was a hard transition.
    With our second I co-slept for a few months (only part of the night though), then transitioned to pack-n-play in our room, then moved it to our closet (for a little more privacy) and now she's in with her sister. Some nights she still sleeps in our room/closet, but we're going by her cues and not stressing about timelines and expectations. It has been so much less stressful! All that to say, it's between you two and the Lord. Don't let people's opinions dictate your family life :-)
    P.s. for those first few months of nursing thru the night co-sleeping helped me get A LOT more rest ;-)

  4. Gift registries are new to me. I thought the parents use their own resources to provide for their child not create a publicized list so everyone else can do that. I understand the idea that it is just acting first to give direction and make sense out of gifts they will likely be getting anyway. It is sort of a what comes first the chicken or the egg kind of thing I guess.

  5. I have a great idea for the Duggars. They do not need a "public" gift registry for fans all over to send them gifts. They will have enough "private" showers to start them off with a baby. To me, the Duggar thing to do would be establish a gift registry that has things such as "one thousand disposable diapers." "One thousand bottles." "One thousand baby socks." And then let the public know they are donating to those that they helped through the abortion issue and that they can send one pair of baby socks, one bottle, etc. according to their financial means. To me, that is a Duggar. The way the gift registry stands now sounds more like very, very, very greedy self-absorbed people. Not Duggar-like at all (or are we seeing something else?). Have the Duggar's talked with God that most pregnant couples do not have the opportunity to ask millions of people to send them their selected gifts? The Duggar's of late border on greed and self love.

  6. What is sleep training?

  7. I highly recommend sleep training... People who think it's cruel have never seen it through, in the end everyone sleeps better and everyone is happier

  8. Caffeinated drinks are very unhealthy. I would think she would want to adopt a healthy diet to give her future child the best chance. I don't think the Duggars eat very healthy as a whole anyway. That latest episode with the trainer "surprising" Josh & his family is a pretty good indication of that. Anyway, I hope she eats healthy for the baby's sake as well as for her own good. Am I wasting my time with these comments? Do any of the Duggars ever even read these?

  9. Ok, so congratulations for Jill and Derick for having twins! I'm pretty sure they had their ultrasounds already and know the number of kids and just waiting to proper moment to announce it.

    This sentence made me sure for this: "The Dillards have already received two car seats that strap to a suitcase from Derick's mom, in case Jill is pregnant with twins." --- any another couple will wait to OB visit and after that add another car seat to their registry, but never put on more pieces of such things in case of having twins, triplets etc. Even if you are a crazy-for-baby Jill :)

  10. Well,when the two of you figure out if you decide to sleep train your baby please share! I would love to sleep train my kids but don't know how! Congratulations on expecting!

  11. I wondered about twins also. Jill looks a little big for a first time baby at 13 weeks along. Twins do run in the family!

  12. If I have kids someday, I'm gonna dress them in pink, purple, blue and green regardless of gender, because that's my favorite colors, boys can wear pink and girls can wear blue, they just babies and gender roles will come to them too soon anyway.

  13. Sleep training? What is that?

  14. Love the Duggars to pieces but please someone tell her that it is water, water, water that she will be drinking not Fanta and Dr. Pepper (I'm referring to breastfeeding). Just wait Derick, you'll learn.

  15. They're so cute. :) Lots of new couples/parents have fun exploring the store for registries.

  16. I like Dr.Pepper it has to be one of my favorite drinks. Not so sure I would drink while breast feeding but that is Jill's personal choice. I am sure I know parents that do much worse things around their babies. I still love The Duggars no one is perfect. That is Gods job not our job,

  17. Please don't do sleep training! It's cruel!
    I know adults who still suffer from the sleep training their parents did when the were babies(and all the fears they got with it)
    I cosleep with my two children (15 months, 3 weeks) and I get lots of rest, older one sleeps through/wakes up once, baby wakes up one to three times.
    Cosleeping musn't be "the thing" for you, but there's other ways of getting enough sleep without letting your baby scream.

  18. Congrats you two, you are blessed. I wish I could meet you both. You are an inspiration to us all

  19. @Anonymous
    Amen. I also think they should donate what they recieve. Others have much less and have to buy everything.

  20. I am no longer going to watch their show.I am a homeschooling mother and they seem to have
    become so worldly. The world seems to be crashing down all around us and they act so
    unaware and silly. The show has left me sad and disappointed as a Christian.

  21. Creating a baby registry is not greedy or selfish. It's very commonplace and practical. Parents have to spend money on doctors/midwives and other necessities for baby. It's not always possible to get the fun little extras. Also, friends and family love to have some direction as they're going to buy gifts anyways! I debated over having a shower for my second baby because I feared people would think me greedy. However, my best friend brought up a great point. She said that every baby is a special gift to be celebrated. Why only the first??? I didn't go into it expecting or wanting a lot of gifts, but it was a fun time to anticipate and celebrate our blessing :-)

  22. A lot of excitement and certainly good reason.
    May I suggest being a mom and dad to be they start reading labels of what they consume or prepare to consider feeding the little one?

    If you can strip grease off a floor at Pepsi where they load the trucks or clean a grill with carbonated soda. Do they really want to consume that?
    They will also notice some soda like Fanta have been artificially naturally sweetened. I realize that is an reads odd but it is the truth. Sweeteners are very hard on your system and some are questioned if they promote cancer cells. The FDA have left some on the market while still researching which I find scary to the consumer.

    I am sure Jill will make every effort to eat properly and being with her husband now can decide what is best for them as a family instead of bulk items full of fat and sugar or stored in cans.

    Having a baby registry seems odd to me with them both not working big Corporate and simply not having time to shop. A simple list for guests to work from for a shower normally is modest and sufficient enough for any young couple. I also has the list holder and people would contact to decide what was best and what else was needed. Mom and Dad then pick up the expensive items others did not pitch in to buy beyond what the couple choose for the nursery on their own.
    Yellow and green shades are great for nurseries used for any gender.

    I would be very surprised if twins are in the picture this time. I just hope and offer family prayers the experience is healthy and full of joy.

    Wishing them both the best!

  23. Soda is NOT a healthy choice for anybody, much less someone who is expecting. Please tell her don't do that, it's not good for her or the baby. Can't support this decision. Carbonated drinks are not healthy no matter what some people say. And these choices are loaded with sugar, not good, not good!

    Sleep training.....what on earth is this?

  24. Oh for crying out loud. Let Jill have some Fanta if she wants it!

  25. They might want to rethink the caffeine. If Jill is breastfeeding, the caffeine will go right to the baby, then EVERYONE will be up.... for a long time! ;-)

  26. I think it's going to be TWINS!!! Who purchases 2 car seats?? "The Dillards have already received two car seats that strap to a suitcase from Derick's mom, in case Jill is pregnant with twins." Also, this statement doesn't make sense....."We are still trying to decide about whether or not we'll do sleep training, but we will transition the baby into their own room eventually," she told PEOPLE. "Their own room" ?? Plus Jill looks a little big for only 13 weeks & as a 1st time mother. None of this matters though, excited for them either way..What do you guys think, twins or nah??

  27. I agree with not sleep training. I'm actually due today with my 5th sweet baby and I can't listen to my baby cry and not do something for them. God made us this way for a reason. As the mother we are the only one who can sense what our own baby needs. Sometimes they are hungry more often. I can't imagine making my babu suffer so I can sleepore. As previously mentioned, it is only a few sweet months that you are sacrificing your own sleep for the comfort and happiness of your baby. I have and always had very happy babies and I believe that it because I have put their needs above my own. Why are people so selfish nowadays?

  28. Congratulations Jill and Derrick! You two are going to make awesome parents:) So excited for you and can't wait until the gender of baby dilly is revealed

  29. There are lots of sleep training methods, but the simplest and quickest is to just let them cry all night. Sounds awful, but this should only take about three nights actually, and then they will sleep through (at least six hours is through the night in my opinion). Some people start this right when the baby is born, but I would suggest waiting until your milk is fully in and you can be assured they are well fed and can make it through without being too hungry. This sounds crazy to moms who have always just gotten up to feed every few hours, but it really works. My daughter slept through from two weeks old.

    1. are you crazy babies don't store calories this young they're not supposed to sleep through the night until 3 months of age, they need to eat throughout the night, for at least the first 3 months

  30. Jill doesn't really look that big, people! The average American girl striking that pose (slightly bent backward to accentuate the belly!) will have a visible pooch. Plus it is very common to be bloated early in pregnancy. I almost looked more pregnant at eight weeks than fifteen weeks with my first!

  31. @Deb

    We probably are. I gave them a suggestion for a theme for the baby
    about 3 times and I still have not
    heard back from them. They were asking for advice about Jill's morning sickness but I gave them this idea to use for the baby. The Baby Dills. Still Waiting..

  32. @Anonymous
    Ive noticed the same trend unfortunately.

  33. Just because Jill got two car seats doesnt mean its twins. I got two so i could have one in each car.

  34. I like watching the Duggars but I totally agree with your post. It seems to be getting totally out of control - like who has 1000 wedding guests then has a gift registry for a baby!

  35. Nobody needs sugary sodas. Water and herbal teas should be the preferred option of any breast feeding mum....the duggars have so much to learn when it comes to health eating and drinking habits. Will Jill complete her midwife training? I certainly hope so!

  36. Product placement is just another form of advertising. They may drink a bit of pop, who doesn't?

  37. If you are going to just let them cry what is the point of them being born into a family. It's what orphanages do overseas. Most children sleep in the same room with parents throughout the world. Our off the mattresses and bulky bedding make that a safety issue. But a crib in the room won't hurt the marital relationship. If you want to sleep to the night try watching peoples kids for a brief time and don't have any. It's just part of the deal. They are to raise not control.

    If they are a two car family having two seats would be logical. They should be new as old ones don't meet safety requirements, they have an expiration date. So thoughtful of gram to buy them.

    Why must a baby have a theme? Is decoration so important?

  38. You should read Baby Wise. My baby slept through the night at 7 weeks and no crying.

  39. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 2,

    Jill and Derick are registered at Walmart. Here is the link to their registry:

    ~Lily and Ellie

  40. Kinda strange, i thought baby shower gifts were for the baby and wedding shower gifts were for the couple.

  41. Ikea has great things to. Plastic cups plates bowls and not expensive. My kids are 25, 24,16 and Im still using the Ikea things. Even send them to ky friends in the states. Enjoy

  42. Sleep training is absolutely cruel. Babies need their mommies. They need to feel loved and secure. I know because with my oldest I "sleep trained" due to my then mother in law. With my younger two I breastfed and they slept in a crib by my bed. When they woke at night my husband would change the diaper and pass the baby to me to nurse. A lot of times we fell asleep snuggled up together. It was a beautiful experience. My oldest who was sleep trained was a horrible sleeper while the younger two slept thru the night between 6 & 10 weeks and were delightful to put to bed each night. Just my opinion of course.

  43. @Anonymous
    That is horribly cruel and not wise. Babies are supposed to wake at night to feed (especially at 2 weeks!. When babies go too deep into sleep, it raises the risk of SIDS. Babies can become too lethargic if they aren't eating ever few hours. You are not training your baby to sleep, but rather, to give up on caregivers meeting their needs. Please meet your baby's night time needs. They are like that for a reason. They will grow out of it when it is biologically appropriate.

  44. i dont think you really need a theme, pick out a color that is neutral for both boy or girl and just run with it, there babies they dont know whats going on after all, the theme is really the moms vision. You can still buy cute things to decorate with colors like a soft green, brown, yellow, orange just do a little thinking or use the internet, and who better to get advice from about babies than Michelle Duggar

    I don't understand how your friends could possibly have trauma from sleep training...unless it was done all wrong. It should be started VERY young and there is NO WAY the baby will remember it. However they will remember it at four or five when enough is enough and you finally make them stay in their own beds.

    Sleep deprivation is very un healthy for anybody, and especially for new moms and new babies. Please watch The well fed, well rested baby on youtube. It really works!

  46. I think they should do sleep training. It's important for Jill to try out unconventional things if she ever completes her midwife training so she can pass along that valuable info every mom needs.

  47. @Anonymous to anonymous that said crying through the night is the quickest method of sleep training, you need to research your method. Even the proponents of "crying it out" will tell you NOT to do it before 4 months of age. Suggesting to "wait till your milk comes in"also shows a lack of understanding of breastfeeding. Milk supply is a result of the demand of the baby. At that young age, it is abhorrent to suggest a baby can go that long without eating. The stomach of a newborn can only hold a couple ounces at most, and breast milk especially is designed to be digested easily and quickly, leading to a baby being hungry quicker. Quite frankly, expecting and then "training" a baby to sleep that long is selfish. It goes completely against the natural biology of babies, not to mention the increase of the stress hormones, cortisol, in the brain, due to long periods of crying. The short amount of time a baby needs you at night, is honestly a time you need to suck it up, and do what is best for the baby, not you. Yes, you are tired, but that comes with being a parent. I have three boys, all of which sleep great now, and never had to lie in a dark room alone, crying, and wondering where I was. A baby does not get trained to sleep, it becomes trained to no longer expect you to comfort it when you are needed, which is heartbreaking.

  48. Haha! People are so opinionated when it comes to children! Do what works for you! I have four children, and have tried nearly every acceptable form of nighttime arrangement including sleep training and cosleeping. My best results were with sleep training, and there is nothing cruel about training a child! However, I know lots of people who sleep their babies in their beds and still raise perfectly nice children. Seriously, people, it's their life! ;)

  49. Everthing you eat and Drink,Baby eats and Drinks not to mets Lows brith Weigh NOT trying to tell you to do,Just Make Wise Decions con you and you Well wishes for a Happy Health Mom baby and Daddy:) Your Turely Brittany Ceballos Flordia Fort myers FL

  50. Sleep deprivation is unhealthy for anyone. That is including infants, right? You are putting yourself ahead of your child healthy need for sleep. They also are on a completely liquid diet. They can't go that many hours without waking up. You have a lifetime to sleep. You can sleep when baby naps. Crying is how they communicate. It's not a bad thing.

  51. @kmsAbsolutely baby needs sleep! That's one of my main points! :) They will sleep up to nearly 20 hours a day at first if you allow them, and that's really good for their development.

    You need to understand how your baby's body actually works. When you feed it closer than three to four hours apart, they will most likely have colic because breastmilk takes three complete hours to digest. (Not sure how long formula takes, but you can still follow the same schedule). When you feed them too often you are putting new milk on top of undigested milk from the previous feeding. This negates some of the nutrition. The baby who eats every three to four hours will be able to sleep through the night without hunger because they have received more nutrition throughout the day than the baby eating every one to two hours. Just because a baby cries in the night does not mean it is you said, it's the only way they can communicate!

    Sleep training will deprive your baby of much less sleep than feeding them throughout the night, because it takes such a short time to accomplish them sleeping through. (All babies are obviously different, but they generally follow the same patterns).
    When parents choose to do this, it is truly what they feel is best for their baby. We do not go into it thinking only about ourselves, as you seem to imply.

    I hope the Dillards do this to raise exposure and show moms everywhere that happy babies and sanity is possible in the first few months!!!

  52. @AnonymousThat's cool! I should read it. I have friends who tried that method but it took way longer than seven weeks. You must have done a good job!

  53. @AnonymousI nurse my babies every four hours during the day and not at all at night. I have PLENTY of milk. It's simply not true that you won't have enough milk unless you nurse ALL the time. My seven month old takes only one side in the morning after supposedly being "Starved" all night!:) (Okay, it is obviously rather full of milk at that point though! :))

  54. Moms, lots of these comments seem like "my way or the highway" at times (including mine!), but please don't take them that way. Raising our kids is so important to us that we are all very passionate about how it is done. It can be painful when people don't agree. It seems like they think we are bad mothers, and that hurts beyond anything lots of us have experienced. All I'm asking is that you read comments like this in that light. Listen and learn from other moms. We aren't trying to knock you (okay, SOME people are, but they are immature), we're just passionate and want to share what worked for us! You are not a bad mom if you don't agree, but you may not be a wise one if you aren't actively looking for ways to improve.
    My mom had a dozen kids and never did sleep training, and we turned out okay. I choose to sleep train, and I love it.

  55. Sleep training was a God-send for me because I'm one of those people who struggles when I get less than eight hours of sleep. I will just be so fatigued throughout the day and get bad headaches. When my baby slept through the night, life was beautiful!

  56. @Anonymous

    I don't think I approve of this "sleep training." Sounds cruel and besides,the babies are human beings,not dogs.

  57. congraulation!! I am very happy for both of you, and may you continue always in your truth faith in the Lord . Remember, your Faith, Hope, Love - I have many things in my hands, and have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands that I still possess./ Colossians 2:2
    your sincereity in Christ xxx-ooo

  58. I love your family. Congrats on baby Dillard. I saw the ragistrie at wal mart. I can't wait until march for everyone to see the baby.


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