
Monday, September 15, 2014

"19 Kids and Preaching" Available Now

For the first time since the Duggars began sharing their lives on TV in 2004, Jim Bob and Michelle and their 19 kids are giving viewers an intimate look at their family's Christian faith. In partnership with Living Waters Publications, the Duggars just released 19 Kids and Preaching, a 30-minute video that shows their family spreading the gospel through open-air preaching.

You can download a copy of 19 Kids and Preaching today for $9.99 or waiting until October 7th to purchase it on DVD. Living Waters is offering two additional resources free of charge to those who purchase the download.  Click here for details. Scroll down to watch the trailer and view promo photos.

Join TV host and bestselling author Ray Comfort as he offers tips on how to preach the gospel, and then watch as Joshua Duggar takes courage, steps up to the plate, and preaches open-air style—outside the White House! Listen as Jim Bob and Michelle unashamedly testify to their Christian faith in the open air at a local university. This up-close and personal look at the Duggar family’s faith in action will encourage and inspire you.

19 Kids and Preaching Trailer & Promo Photos


  1. I don't think Jesus would have charged $9.99 to share the gospel

    1. You sure hit the nail on the head!

    2. Do you think the DVDs make themselves?

  2. I am Muslim and god willing will always be Muslim but I'm proud to come from a country where people from all diffrent backgrounds and faiths can have the freedom to share their joy :) still don't think this video will be my cup of tea tough ;) lol

  3. Wow, that takes true courage to do what they're doing! Good for them! What an inspiration.

  4. I have wondered about their views on baptism and communion. They don't seem to show either on the show....I don't think......unless I missed it.

    1. They believe in full Emerson. They baptized a few of them in the Jordan river on one of their showes

    2. They believe in baptism by immersion. And they take communion both in church and as a family, righting any wrongs before they take it as a family. But they do not believe it is the actual body and blood of Christ. They believe it is a symbol of. Their trip to Israel shows their baptism practises. It is still availailable on youtube.

    3. When they traveled to Israel Jim bob baptized everyone in the river Jordan.

    4. The Duggars believe in baptism by immersion, not sprinkling.
      They also practise communion, as a family but also as part of a church body. But they do not believe they are actually Christs body and blood. They believe it is symbolic. So yes, they practise both.

  5. Bring it on, i can forsee the future nonfans already saying something we go again.Play nice pleeeeeeease!!!

  6. Preaching the gospel for salvation of every soul, Amen, Jesus is our life and the Duggars are very special. I love them.

  7. So glad we still have people like the Duggars willing to share the gospel.

  8. I just got the email from Living Waters. So happy to see you've already posted about it. :)

    @Anonymous 1: They aren't charging $10 for the gospel. The gospel is free on their website ( or They $10 covers the cost of producing the DVD, the actual DVD, and supports their awesome ministry. Totally worth it!

  9. The Duggars are ultra-conservative, and that's a good thing. Being called an "extremist" though, has a negative connotation that I don't think they deserve.

  10. I'm sorry, I don't like any type of street preaching people. They scared me as a child on several occasions,and refused to apologize for making me, a 6 yr old at the time, cry uncontrollably. My family couldn't take me downtown for months, I was so terrified.

  11. Do you know when they might release another season on home DVD? As an overseas viewer I've been waiting for this for ages!

  12. Gods words are true, thats the bottom line. If you dont want to hear them preach then why do you come to this page its kinda dumb. You dont have to listen or watch so stop coming to their fan page.

  13. I think its very brave of them to preach the Lords word to others. It takes a lot of guts. They may get a lot of hate for doing so but I am glad the followed their beliefs and do what God wants them to do even if its not whats cool. They are huge role models for Christians everywhere.

  14. They did have an episode where they showed several of the family members getting baptized in the Jordan River. They said it was the second baptism for all of them except cousin Amy.

  15. Future nonfans? Do the current nonfans get a say?

  16. Courage. Not sure what type of courage it takes to preach and then charge someone $9.99 to hear you. I am pretty sure the bible doesn't say to practice the great commission and make sure you charge for it.

  17. Realistically, they have to charge money.
    Consider all the production costs, including time, energy, equipment, and just money in general.
    If it was free, they'd be broke, couldn't make up for the costs, and therefore couldn't produce much other projects for consumers.

    And evangelism is for free.

    Actually, if I wanted a ton of money, I could just begin to evangelize and tell them that I'll only stop if they give me a dollar. That is the best get-rich-quick-scheme ever! Feel free to take it. :)

  18. Check out Matthew 28:19-20: "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." That's the Great of Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  19. Iam trying to be negative or anything however I am not confortable with their preaching. & I feel their fans as Duggars need to be prepared to hear negative comments as well as positive, specially that they are choosing an international media exposure.

    1. Then why are you on here at all then? I'm not trying to be ugly but if I don't like something or I'm not comfortable with it then I don't look at it or watch it. I see a peaceful and happy family that isn't afraid to share their beliefs in this so called land of the free. I say good for them!

  20. I think what they are doing is very admirable and courageous. Good for them!

  21. I feel sorry for people who are told about Jesus and then say that won't change them.
    I feel sorry for people who hear about Jesus and say they do not want to listen.
    I for one do not want to harden my heart, I want to be sensitive to the words about Jesus and I want to listen and I want to make changes in my life accordingly. When Jesus returns I hope to be ready to meet him. When Jesus returns I hope he will say that he knew me. I know God has done his part, the Duggars are making themselves available to serve God doing his part, and I have to be about the business of doing my part in response. It is the most critical equation of all.

  22. It is pretty stingy to complain about costs of 9.99 that will cover costs and pay for more videos.

  23. #1 if that bothers you get a hold of one, download it and burn copies to give away. I do not think anyone will sue you for the copy right if you do that.

  24. How is snark going to help souls, but believing will help you get into heaven:
    Be Ready at Any Hour
    Matthew 24:39-41
    …39and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be. 40"Then there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one will be left. 41"Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one will be left.…
    Luke 11:28
    28But He said, "On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it."

  25. Baptisms were shown on the Israel trip but maybe the adversary is deleting them from you tube(?).

  26. The icky part is they as individuals are making money off the gospel. They could upload it for free. A disc costs pennies. Do they have the permission of the people they are speaking to and are caught on camera for being in the product? Are they getting a cut? If so and they were paying those people for their image I can see it costing something.

    Burning copies and distributing them, even for free is a copyright infringement if you don't get permission.

  27. Matthew 28:19-20. Go Duggars!! Thankyou for your example!!!!!!!

  28. Hi Duggars, We love you and really support your family, so please continue to share the Gospel. Your courage and convictions gives me courage. In light of this I wanted to say that I was surprised to see your family on the same speaking venue with Glenn Beck, who is a Mormon. Your family has been such a great example of walking the narrow road--WOW, God Bless you--so I was grieved about this partnership. It seems that more and more Conservative Christian groups are embracing Glenn Beck and with great zeal and enthusiasm. And I'm hearing confusing feedback about how Mormons are so much like Christians. Yet unless their doctrine has changed, he needs to hear the true salvation message. Yet conservative Christians keep embracing him with open arms like he's a brother in Christ. If anyone can love him, I know your family will. So I agree, love him yes. But his religious foundation is steeped in darkness--for instance they believe Jesus and Satan were brothers, etc. If I've gotten this wrong I deeply apologize. If I am right, then based on 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 and many other Scriptures that talk about light having nothing in common with darkness, then the believer should not be yoked (in partnership) with him. Your family has been given an international sphere of influence by the LORD and in my opinion each time we rally with Glenn Beck or other unbelievers, we are muddying the waters of the Gospel. Fundamentally Mormonism is a lie. I've heard reasons such as, "...he has family values..." but don't many other people groups (to include Buddhist & Hindus) yet we do not invite them onto the same platform as Christ-followers. I see this trend in conservative Christianity which is making the narrow road wider and wider, so when I saw your family on that road I have to say my heart crumbled. Please let me know what I am missing from Scripture on this if we are told not to be unequally yoked with darkness...."for what harmony is there between Christ and Belial (Satan)? 2 Corinthians 6:14-16. Again, our family looks up to yours and we support you in prayers and rally for you, yet I would not for anyone to mistake your partnership with him as a "yes" for Mormonism because the Gospel would not have been preached and many would be on the road to eternal separation from Jesus Christ. Thank you for your time. A Sister in Christ.

  29. The Duggars pick and choose what portions of the bible they choose to follow.

  30. Really how can you have a copy right infringement on the gospel of Jesus who was willing to take on the cross and die for all others sake? That was his FREE gift to everyone! Spread the word! Copy copy copy copy and make copies of copies send out the new to everyone everywhere....


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