
Friday, August 8, 2014

Duggars Sing in Texas

In the following YouTube videos, hear the Duggars sing "May the Lord, Mighty God" and "It's Through the Blood" at the recent Texas Home School Coalition Southwest Convention and Family Conference near Houston.


  1. It is money well spent and very good that there is a conference like this if it is teaching Bible truth. Josh can be counted on to teach with a sharp two edged sword rightly dividing the word of truth from the Bible. Why are people wasting thousands of dollars going to secular colleges and universities to be taught false doctrines? Many people come out of these institutions convinced they are well instructed with a higher education and they have only abandoned God's word the Bible for a system of false doctrine. Such people try to command the respect of the public because they have a b.a. or a masters or a phd when really all they need to really command respect is to receive Jesus as their Lord and saviour, faith, a Bible, time to read and memorize the word and to practise what they learn. That is a person who has really learned what they need to know. People need the courage the Duggars have to ignore an educational system that has turned against the Bible and faith and the spirit of God. Jesus warned people the worst sin is to sin against the spirit of God. A Bible verse from the New Testament every Christian desperately needs for survival in today's world:
    2Corinthians 10:4-5
    10:4 for the weapons of our warfare are not human weapons, but are made powerful by God for tearing down strongholds. We tear down arguments 5 and every arrogant obstacle that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to make it obey Christ.

  2. Oh my goodness I've heard them sing when they were younger, but they sound so much better now! That song, from "The Sound of Music Edelweiss, how did they find other lyrics to that melody?

  3. Thank for posting these videos! Can't wait til the Duggars new season starts on TLC. :)

  4. Do we have an update on Jill and Derrick?

  5. They sounded beautiful! Great job Duggars!

  6. Did Ben sing with them or was it just the Duggars, do you know?

  7. Anon. 1 at 1:26 PM, TOTALLY agree!! You couldn't have said it better!

  8. Re 5 they actually are responsible people and have a license. They are in the holy estate of marriage and they are honorable in the sight of all. Please do not be dishonoring with your verbiage.

  9. Oh wow! Anonymous #5's comment is extremely disrespectful and in poor taste. Younger readers do read this blog, so I'm surprised you would publish a comment like that.

  10. So many people in the audience were dressed immodestly, Nike!!

  11. How is it that Anonymous at 1:34 a.m.'s comment is allowed here? Why is it not considered "Thanks for leaving your comments! Our aim is to post all points of view, but we will not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.

  12. Beautiful voices loved hearing the family sing. I played it and everyone stopped and commented how wonderful they sound. Excellent job! Thanks for sharing! Nice way to start Sunday God bless always! ♡

  13. Dear miss Ellie, the one comment by anon. Seemed to be very crude and not necessary. Was it meant to be put out? Just wondering (:

  14. Hi Readers,

    Just want to apologize for letting that negative comment through. We moderate every comment we receive, and rest assured, that comment was meant to be deleted. We must have accidentally clicked "publish" instead of "delete." Thanks for understanding. We will not let that happen again.

    We are blessed to have you as readers:)
    Lily and Ellie

  15. Ben sang with them along with their music teacher friends! I was there it was very cool!

  16. To the first person who posted on here, in order to really make something of your self you have to get some kind of higher education. It is usually cheaper to go to a public school. This is why people pay money to go to public universities. If you believe in something, like faith in god, going to public university will only help to strengthen what it is you believe in. You are eventually going to have to be in the world and be around people who don't believe the same way that you do so why not educate yourself on what they do believe? Also not everyone believes all that is being taught at truth. Having a degree is one reason to get respect from people but not the only. You should respect others based on if they respect you or not. Also knowing scripture doesn't deem respect or anything of the kind. Anyone can memorize things.
    If you want to reach people for Jesus you have to be around them.

  17. re 16 saying to go to university with the potential of converting people. wouldn't spend a small fortune to rub shoulders with the university students. and there is no need to study under phd professors who have turned their backs on the bible. learning more about the bible strengthens.

    1. I'm not saying that is why you go I am saying it's something you can do. And going to a university is necessary to make a comfortable life for yourself financially. I go to a public university and I know what I believe and if I don't agree with what they are teaching I don't agree. I like they they aren't teaching just the bible because not everyone believes in it.


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.