
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Duggars 'Eat Mor Chickin'

In celebration of Cow Appreciation Day, anyone who wore a cow costume to Chick-fil-A yesterday received a free meal. The Duggars were eager to participate...

In Washington D.C., Josh and Anna Duggar took Cow Day seriously.

The Duggar herd donned their homemade cow costumes and headed to the nearest Chick-fil-A.

In Northwest Arkansas, newlyweds Jill and Derick Dillard also participated.


  1. Those are GREAT! I saw some of them yesterday, esp a cute one of Jordyn and Josie! Too too cute!

  2. HAHAHAHAHA! Love it!

  3. Just proves that you don't have to spend $, to have a great time......wholesome family values...Looking forward to the new season!!

  4. What an awesome idea. Looks like you guys had a great time. Free meals with a costume, who can beat that. You guys are great.

  5. Looks fun and all did a great job preparing!!

  6. These pictures are SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!

  7. Thank you for sharing! What cute pictures!!! A quick question: Do you know if John and Alyssa (Bates) Webster's wedding which aired today on ABC at 10:00 will be posted on line? Amazon? YouTube??? Thanks. I am looking forward to more wedding picture!! You will be posting more, right?? Thank you soooo much!!!!

  8. Really like the Duggars but it kinda stinks that they go out of their way to publicly support a corporation specifically because of its anti-equality political views.

    1. That's their right, afforded by the Constitution!

  9. @Raquel

    It is unlikely that Jill and Derick are being paid to promote the places/products/websites that Jill has tweeted about over the past couple of weeks. Every single one of us will inadvertently promote companies and their respective products when we post through social media. The only difference is that when you, or I, comment about these companies (or mention a visit to our favorite restaurant), our impact is usually limited to our own much smaller social networks. Jill has a much broader social network, so I can understand how it seems like she is promoting brands.

  10. Cute costumes that Anna made herself for her family. Even the costumes Jill made for herself and husband, Derick, are cute.

  11. Jill and Anna are so cute in their cow outfits. Love it!

  12. Looks like a lot of fun. Wish we would have done it but just didn't have the time to :\

  13. I don't think it is so much that the Duggars support a company because it is perceived by some to be against equality. I believe from what the Duggars have said and what the restaurant line has said, they are not against equality, instead they are simply standing up for their beliefs, just like the people who believe that marriage should be redefined. In my opinion, the case of redefining marriage never was about equality, it has always been about change. It seems to me The word equality was chosen because it is instantly and specifically recognized as a word that Americans connect with in an emotional way. We .believe in equality, We like and champion equality, but most of us do not like or are uncomfortable with "change". Realistically this movement is about changing what people think about relationships that have long been considered taboo. Americans also love liberty and the free exercise of religion. I see no reason to force people or companies to abandon their faith because of social pressures.

  14. Re: anon (16 today) comment, 'Really like the Duggars but kinda stinks..."
    Note that in Christianity: Jesus the son of God, God the Father, the Holy Spirit, i.e. GOD of the KINGDOM OF GOD is the author of the true versions of the Bible. As Christians who live by the word of God, people like the Duggars are transformed from glory to glory and carry the bible message. If people contend with the Duggars and others such as business owners those contentions may really be with GOD...
    Ephesians 6:12King James Version (KJV)
    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
    (credit Bible Gateway for the service of the Bible online from which I copied and then pasted here.)

  15. The chicken probably were very happy that people appreciate cows so much on that day...

  16. I wonder if a more liberal minded business offered a free meal with a cute costume, would this family have participated? This free offer would have had nothing to do with their political views, I wonder what they would have done.

  17. It is absolutely their right to support this cause. It was likewise the right of those who advocated against racial equality.

  18. I think they would have went if a more liberal company had offered a deal like this. Jill and Derrick went to IHop when they had a deal and I'm guessing Ihop doesn't hold strict views since someone was complaining about the way the waitstaff dresses and said the Dillards shouldn't have went there

  19. In response to comment 20, I understand that Fundamentalist Christians like the Duggars adhere to a strict interoperation of the bible and that for them the bible is their authority. Fortunately we do not live in a theocracy, such as Iran. In the U.S there is a strict separation of church of state and this separation is of utmost importance. In addition, the bible says many things. For example Lev. 24:16 says "He who blasphemes the name of the Lord shall be put to death; the whole congregation shall stone him..." I am Christian but I understand the importance of reading the bible in a historical context.

  20. Cute costumes! My nephew went to Cow appreciation day too. I had never heard of it before! I'm going next year. :)

  21. anon #23: if you remember, jill & derick just celebrated with the ihop $.56 pancake dinner.

  22. Too cute! Love those outfits!! ;)

  23. Anon 26 your example is an extreme focus on one Bible verse (Lev, 24:16) to make your point and you have not really provide any further comprehensive counter arguments. In logic that is called a straw man argument to feign winning an argument. My response to you is that stoning was void by Jesus in the New Testament already. Anyone who reads on to the New Testament John 8:7 (NIV) knows Jesus said, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Yet we can extrapolate that certain actions by people are definitely sins that are condemned by God. such as the behaviour of people at the time of Noah and the flood, and the behaviour of the people at the time of Sodom and Gomorrah. In the New Testament Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." Matthew 24:37 (NIV). History has shown us an event that destroyed a sinful community in the example of the sudden destruction of Pompeii by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Further reading of the Bible will show that some actions are not condoned. For example Galations 5:21 (NIV) "I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God."
    A point about historical context is that history repeats itself and then same Godly principles apply. Even when Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery he said, "Go now and leave your life of sin." John 8:11 (NIV). Christians may not live in a theocratic political government but more than that if they want to enter the Kingdom of God they live with God as King.
    Daniel 7:13-14New King James Version (NKJV)
    13 “I was watching in the night visions,
    And behold, One like the Son of Man,
    Coming with the clouds of heaven!
    He came to the Ancient of Days,
    And they brought Him near before Him.
    14 Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom,
    That all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.
    His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
    Which shall not pass away,
    And His kingdom the one
    Which shall not be destroyed.
    Daniel is a book that was preserved to be understood in the last days or end times
    Daniel 12:9 NKJV
    9 And he said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.
    The Bible does say many things as Anon 26 noted but according to (KJV) 2 Timothy 2:15 we can come to a correct understanding of it: "15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
    I think that the Duggars are doing this and I basically trust their judgments based on the Bible.

  24. The stuff included in Anon 26 point to Anon 20 is just there as baffle material. Christians do live by the authority of the Bible as the word of God. That is fundamental to being a Christian, not optional.

  25. Anon 26 the Bible is authoritative for every person on earth. Some people understand that and some do not.

  26. Re anon 26 with a comment about stoning: the Bible deals with the concept of no longer stoning people in John 8:7-11 when Jesus says that a person without sin can cast the first stone, so Jesus would have allowed a stoning to occur but there was no person who was worthy to stone another person. Jesus was worthy to do so but he did not condemn the woman but he did call her action sin and told her not to sin again. There is not any historical point when the sin is not sin but the response to sinners was changed in the era of Jesus but the sinners were not given leniency to continue to sin without repentance. The number of times a person could sin and ask for mercy is a question put to Jesus too, from that I think Jesus extends some mercy beyond one sin again but it is still sin.

  27. God wrote the ten commandments with his own finger into stone tablets and they were put into the arc of the covenant, I think we should pay attention to them and consider them authoritative as well as the rest of the Bible.

  28. Oh I LOVE Chick-fil-a!!!!! How blessed are you guys!!!! thank the lord that we have a one near my house!!!


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