
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Recap: Cousin Amy in Nashville

Tonight on 19 Kids and Counting, "A Big Announcement" & "A Duggar Leaves Home"...

  • Amy Duggar is the oldest of the Duggar grandkids. She is an only child but has always had a close relationship with her cousins.
  • She was my favorite until Josh came along," jokes Grandma Duggar. "No really, Amy is one of my favorites."
  • "I think we helped Amy to not be so lonely," says Jana. "We love Amy. We would take her as our own sibling." 
  •  "Amy is the perfect combination of spunk and entertainment," says Jill.
  • Everyone agrees that Amy was a spirited child. "I didn't really get into too much trouble, but I definitely always bent the rules," says Amy. 
  •  Amy says her parents had some "ups and downs" in their relationship and lived separately until they got married when she was 19. Growing up, there was a lot of tension between her mom and dad, and while she often felt caught in the middle, Amy says it made her a stronger person.
  • The Duggars recap some of their most memorable "Amy moments," including skydiving, driving a stick shift with Jim Bob and Jinger, going to the reptile museum with the little ones, and riding pigs in Ireland.
  • Amy comes over to the Duggar home to make a big announcement...she's going to Nashville! "I want to pursue my musical dream," says Amy. "Country music, here I come!" 
  •  "I want my family's approval," she says. "I want to make my family know that they're important to me. I want their support."
  • Amy's family is excited for her. Jim Bob encourages his niece to follow the Lord and reminds her that there are a lot of little girls, including his own, who look up to her and are watching what she does. He and the rest of the family pray over Amy and then bid her farewell.   
  • Before heading to Nashville, Amy worked as a nanny for 30 different families in the area.
  • Grandma Duggar and Amy's mom are accompanying her to Nashville for two weeks to support her while she attempts to launch her music career.
  • "I don't know what I'm doing, but I like the direction I'm heading," says Amy.
  • On Amy's first day in Music City, she meets with her producer, Jamie Slocum, who gives her a tour of the Grand Olde Opry.
  • A friend accompanies her on guitar while she sings on a street corner in downtown Nashville.
  • "It was awkward," says Amy. "It was really awkward."
  • Her first performance at an open mic night gets off to a rocky start, but the crowd is supportive, and Amy is able to redeem herself.
  • As the show comes to a close, Amy says she is still pursuing her musical dream. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be than Nashville."


  1. Good luck Amy. You've definitely got spunk, hopefully you've also got tenacity. Your manager said that's a key component to being successful. I love good country music, not the rap style that a few of them seem to be adopting. That's just noise to my ears, definitely not real music. I wish you all the best. Now go sing your heart out!!

  2. Wow. Amy is really taking a huge chance, leaving her family and starting a brand new career in Nashville. I'm so excited for her and I know she'll shine the Lord's light through whatever she does, whether it be singing country music in Nashville or returning back home to Arkansas. Best of luck Amy!!

  3. I'm curious why there are no updates on the older boys like there are on the girls? What's going on in their lives?

    1. Same here! It seems like since Josh is married, all the attention goes to him, not his younger older brothers. I wish we could see a bit more of what goes on in their lives.

  4. The shows were just as entertaining as 19 Kids and Counting have been. In some ways I liked the second show better than 19 ...., Amy was very open and answered the questions about her family that usually get asked in the blog. Amy was very genuine. She is very pretty and has that really bright personality that gets lots of attention. The show was repeating the newest song so much that it detracted from highlighting Amy's talent much, it kind of emphasized struggling I guess. Best wishes to Amy in establishing her singing career!

  5. I always liked episodes that had a cousin Amy appearance. This was a great chance to get a glimpse into who Amy really is. I am inspired by her ambition and bravery in pursuing her dreams,
    ---- Jessica

  6. Does Amy not have parents or sibling? In the 19 kids and counting you only see grandma duggar and amy but noone else of the family? What about Michelles siblings and parents

  7. I love the Duggars but cousin Amy was hard to watch! She's to idk.. I'll just stick to the original Duggar episodes!

  8. I think cousin Amy is awesome BUT I didn't care for the show... Seemed too scripted. Sorry Amy!!!!

  9. The entire show tonight seemed way to scripted. Especially that scene in the recording room. I love 19 KAC especially when Amy shows up, but her two specials tonight, while they were somewhat entertaining, did not live up to what TLC made them out to be. However, I do think that Amy is talented and could very well end up with a country music career. :)

  10. @Anonymous- it seems as though the stars of the show are the girls and the boys are all in the background. Even the 4 little girls get more attention than the boys. Do the girls just stand out more? Have more personality? Not sure what it is. Maybe because the girls are especially pretty where the boys are average? I mean, even in the Josh/Anna relationship Anna is the star. Although Josh is certainly more of a well-known boy. John-David just grew up and decided to hide. (Don't blame him for that!)

  11. @Anonymous
    Amy is an only child. They did show Amy's parents in the second episode and both have been shown on an earlier episode of "19 Kids and Counting" when they showed James' 8th birthday. Amy's mom is seen on the show a lot more than her dad. Also, Michelle's parents have both passed away. Her mom passed away before they started the show, so that's why she was never seen. Her dad passed away in 2010. They talked about him in the chicken pox episode. Most of Michelle' family live in Ohio, North Carolina, Michigan and that area, so that's why we only saw them on the show a few times in earlier episodes. Also, they might not want to be on the show.

  12. I agree with previous comment that this episode seemed scripted however I truly wish Amy all the best!

  13. I love watching 19 Kids & Counting and look forward to it each week however last night's show with Amy was extremely boring. Very disappointing.

  14. Hi Amy! You mentioned how not everyone has so many cousins...I totally get it. I have 64 cousins counting both sides of my family. If you only count first cousins its still 45! You are feel as if it is the most natural thing in the world and then someone is surprised when you say how many. I am shocked when I come across people, like my best friend, who has no cousins. It is so foreign to me not to have a dozen young kids around all the time!

  15. I wish Amy the best. I'll watch the show to support her. 19 kids is a great show and I'll happily watch independent shows with Amy as well.

  16. Another posted on here commented that they aren't featuring the older boys and I was just thinking that myself. Agreed. Hey TLC, my suggestion is to flesh out the other family member's lives a little better! (and seeing Josh traveling around all the time but not at his job is confusing to me. Who does that? Not real life to take that much time away from the office. )

  17. Anonymous 6, she is an only child and her mom went with her on the trip.

  18. Does idk stand for incredible dynamic kid? That is very suiting for Amy!

  19. Go and shoot for the stars Amy! Don't let anyone tell you your dreams are too big or too unrealistic; I bet they said the same to Taylor Swift or Dolly Parton (or really anyone with a big dream) and look at them now! :)


  21. I paid to watch her episode on Amazon and I LOVED it!!! Two of my favorite Duggars...Grandma and Amy! I hope she succeeds in her singing and gets a deal, she has a great voice and a go get um attitude.

  22. I don't like that Grandma Duggar talks about Amy and Josh as her favorites grandchildren, for me, you shall not have a favorite grandchild or child, everyone should be loved the same and everyone should be the favorite.

  23. There is enough of this kind of stuff already on TV, my family won't be watching.

  24. I, too am more interested in the older Duggar boys... we never hear or see anything about them? Is John David still living at home? What are their plans and their lives about these days? I would guess nothing going on with them, as they don't even take care of themselves, laundry, make their own beds, no social interests, or girls in their lives. I'd like an update on them, too. They matter just as much as the girls do.

  25. Even though the Duggars seemed to be supportive of Amy's ambitions, they will probably will not listen to her music. What a shame! It is my understanding that they are only allowed to listen to or play either hymns or classical pieces.

  26. Amy sure is pretty and seems very sweet, but she does not have the vocal talent it takes to make it big in Nashville. If singing on the street was almost too difficult for her, how does she plan on performing otherwise? Her voice is nothing to write home about, but like I said, she seems very nice.

  27. This Christian momma will NOT be allowing my daughters to watch! Put back on the Bates!!!!

  28. @AnonymousI'm a Christian and I'll watch,Amy is Christian too.There's not anything un Christian about the show.Lest not b un Christian like and judge.As Christians we know that some of us are the most judgemental folks around,too bad for that.

  29. I love to see Amy on the Duggars but I didn't enjoy the show in Nashville. I probably won't be watching. I agree with Anonymous...put the Bates back on for the summer. Can't wait to see Jill and Derick's wedding. Wish them all the best!

  30. After watching her first two episodes, and the tattoo clip, it is clear that Amy didn't take Jim Bob's words to heart. He reminded her that girls and young ladies look up to her as a role model. I have always enjoyed watching Amy, and I think she is a great girl, but I worry that she is far too impressionable and unprepared for the adventure she has set out on. Here's hoping that I'm wrong! Praying for this sweet family!

  31. If Amy wants to go to Nashville and try and make her dreams come true, then more power to her. Unfortunately, the show was incredibly painful to watch. She's a pretty good singer, but not nearly good enough, in my opinion, to "make it big." Honestly, I was disappointed to have spent the money to watch both of her shows on Amazon. I'd much rather watch the original 19 kids and counting. Hopefully TLC won't be giving Amy her own show.

  32. Amy be looking for an endorsement from the Duggar family when she does not necessarily endorse what they are. Why should they be put in a position of backing her when she is not taking their lifestyle as seriously as they do. They included Amy as she grew up but the fact is that she is an adult now and lots of what the Duggars stand for is personal choice and representing their values even at a political level. Now Amy is setting off on her own and asking them for support, but what are they supporting and how does she represent them? She is always acting like she is getting real, but now it seems she needs to get real about what she can expect from Jim Bob and Michelle, if she is confrontational on ideas she doesn't share with the Duggars.

  33. What are the two songs that Amy was singing? I liked the power ballad.

  34. How come Amy was not present for the wedding


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