
Monday, June 2, 2014

Life in Washington D.C.

Josh Duggar talks about his family's new life in Washington D.C. Although they miss the rest of the Duggar clan, Josh and Anna are enjoying living in the nation's capital. "Moving away is not easy," says Josh. "But you adjust, and you are able to appreciate, I think a lot more, what you have at home."

Video no longer available


  1. Hi, Lily and Ellie! :) I just wanted to let you know that the "Living the Dream Mom" links on the right side of the blog don't seem to be working for me. I don't know if it is just my internet connection or if there is a problem with them, but I just thought that you might be interested in that. :) Thank you both very much for all of the work that you put into this blog!

  2. I find it funny the way he said, "MuseEms." Never heard Museums pronounced that way.... !

  3. Im glad Josh and his family are liking DC so far :)

  4. Love this! My husband, myself, and our four little ones just moved from Upstate NY to VA this winter. It was really hard to do, but we're adjusting and loving it. Glad the Duggars are doing so well.

  5. Nice video. Glad that Josh and Anna can spread their wings a little, some people can't do that if they continue to live too close to their families,. I think that's the case for them. Also, it's unnatural that family can't hug one another. These invented "side hugs" are awkward and silly. They oppress genuine love and affection that siblings, parents, and children have for one another. This family isn't allowed to display their emotions or affection for one another. Very sad. Hopefully, Josh and Anna, and this generation of the family will change that. It was evident at the airport with Jill and Derick as to how inane this self imposed rule of the family is.

  6. I figured out that it would take less time for the Duggars to come my town then to go see Josh and Anna.

  7. @Anonymous Hay thay didn't start yelling at her when she hugged Derick. They learned from it and moved on. So many people dwell on it and make a big fuss over it. Why cant they let it go.

  8. The side hug is a good idea in my opinion. Just like the dated joke that children hated the elderly Auntie's greeting and goodbye kisses that left a lipstick smear on their face lots of people would rather avoid a full on sandwiching of their body with that of their family and friends. I have a few awkward memories that haven't faded much and no one jokes about it or has words for it, but I just hope they don't remember it as well as I do.

  9. I love Annas darker hair!

  10. I applaud them as raising kids without the help of family is difficult. It doesn't make you "better" doing it alone either. You miss so much when you don't live near family. As far as the critic on their hugging style, that's ridiculous. I don't do side hugs but I'm pretty sure the Duggars have emotionally invested more in their children then many families do. Verbalizing love and emotions is far more mature, safe, effective and meaningful then the way you hug someone. They are all doing a wonderful job!

  11. Sorry, anon. 4.... this family shows (and has) more genuine love and affection for each other than probably most. I don't see where they don't, notwithstanding the "side hugs"!

  12. The side hugs are an extra measure of security against stirring up passions before the appropriate time. It is far better to err on the side of caution, than to go through the heartaches that can come from unwise behavior.

  13. I think the side hugs were implemented with good intentions. There are ways other than physical to express ones love. It seems to work for them. I admire this family so much! If more people would raise their children with these types of values the world would be a much better place!

  14. Where will Derrick and Jill live? What type of job does he have? How is she handling being away from her family?

  15. Where are Derrick and Jill living? Is ther house paid for. What job does he have? How is handling being away from her family? Just so interested in their lives. Want to read about all the details?


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