
Friday, June 13, 2014

Josh Duggar on Being a Dad

This Sunday, families all over the world will honor their dads in celebration of Father's Day. In the following video from Family Research Council, Josh Duggar talks about the role of a father and why it is critical for dads to invest in the lives of their children and wives.

Video no longer available


  1. "A Duggar Leaves Home" is on youtube! :) :) :) :)

  2. Nice job Josh!!!!!

  3. That's sweet! There kids are so cute!!!!!!!! you guys need/should post more pictures of Ben and Jessa!!

  4. Lily and Ellie I was just wondering if you will be attending Jill and Dericks wedding?

    1. Hi Anonymous at 6:21,

      Yep, we will be at Jill and Derick's wedding.

      Lily and Ellie

    2. Wonderful, does that mean we get details before the wedding special, or do we have to wait? Please tell Jill, Derick and family that the bloggers on this site wish them true happiness and best wishes.Have fun at the wedding and Godspeed to you all:-)

  5. I hope Josh and Jim Bob both a happy fathers day. They are raising a wonderful family.

  6. Is it just me or does Anna look really pregnant in the family shot? If she is, that's wonderful! Maybe it's just her shirt though. She looks great either way!!

  7. Anna didn't look pregnant at Alyssa's wedding last month. But I've known ladies to get big in weeks.

  8. Anna kind of looks pregnant, and not in like a "she's chubby" way. Maybe it's just the shirt.

  9. Love Josh. He has def grown in these past few years and def has been a great example and not in a proud or boastful way. And not in a I am trying to be meek way as well. Hoping the best for the entire Duggar family.

    P.S didn't anyone listen to what was being said in the video. Didn't even notice anything else besides some of the great things he was saying and the happy smiles.

  10. Looks like it will not be long before he is a dad again.

  11. It reminds me sadly of the children out there who have no fathers in their lives, and the blessing that adoption can be for single teen mothers in providing solid fathers for children. My niece has reminded us countless times how blessed she is that my brother and his wife chose to adopt her, that God gave her to them, yet she was still able to maintain a relationship with her natural mother throughout her life. It's been such a marvelous act of selflessness and giving.

  12. Nice video, however these shots were taken quite close-up and I noticed Anna was carefully photographed and she hid her "middle" with Marcus seated right in front of her. Maybe it is the shirt, but in the above photo, she looks like #M4 is on the way. Just say "Yea or Nay" already and get it over with. With each progressing kid, the impact out there is less and less, it turns into being old news with this family..So, Is she or isn't she?

  13. aw that is sweet!! what a good daddy you are Josh!

  14. The kiddos are adorable :)

  15. There is no sound for most of this video.

  16. Anna is pregnant with Granduggar #4. Why the secret.?? Waiting to announce on TV?

  17. Anna is very pregnant. Due in September according to David Waller, Pricilla's husband.

  18. Also Pricilla is pregnant with #2.

  19. Just read the duggars do not want Granduggar #4 is on the way announced yet, wanting to increase ratings.

  20. that is why they do not tell the truth why are they hiding it? are they going to annouce it at jill and derrick wedding? hope not that would be rude? Please tell them to at least tell the truth and not hide it. someone is going to tell

    1. Sometimes families that have had miscarriages prefer not to announce a pregnancy because all the care and concern can make a loss even more difficult. That might be a factor here also.

  21. she is pregnant Marcus is covering her middle:)

  22. If you watch this video on David Waller's blog (especially if you make it full screen), you can see that Anna definitely looks pregnant (especially when she rests Marcus on her belly).

  23. I cant get over that crooked picture frame behind Josh! I just want to reach in and fix it

  24. This was wonderful! Loved Josh's observations of his own father and his appreciation for the effort and commitment his own father has devoted to his role as father and family leader. Really nicely done.

  25. this is how they announced Marcus so it Maks sense to do it again and that has been the case Everytime, but then again she could be wearing a lot of layers and its not like she is above trying to look pregnant to get ratings up


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