
Monday, June 9, 2014

Duggar Beauty Box

The little Duggar girls are following in the footsteps of their older sisters, who enjoy experimenting with different beauty products. This weekend, Johannah and Jennifer came up with the creative idea of giving pedicures to their younger sisters. Notice Johannah and Josie's adorable matching dresses.

Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn, and Josie
 Johannah and Jennifer Duggar give pedicures to Jordyn and Josie Duggar

Johannah and Josie Duggar make popcorn
Johannah and Josie Duggar make popcorn


  1. Too cute! These girls are so precious. I love seeing the pics just can't get enough:-)

  2. Lily and Ellie,
    Hey! I love your blog and all the posts. Would you mind bringing up Josh Duggar's Endorsement of Alone Yet Not Alone movie? It is coming to select theaters nationwide June 13. I would love to see thousands of people attending!
    AYNA liaison

  3. I hope that they are being supervised when "using" the stove. They both are too young to be cooking. Also, in the hot summer it makes NO sense at all to put these kids in 2 shirts; it's just unnecessary and hot. Just get them proper dresses when one layer of clothing is required. I doubt these dresses were bought "used and saved the difference". They should just fess up and tell the truth about where they are with things now. Thanks

    1. This pic is obviously staged for cuteness, I seriously doubt they were cooking. I dont understand your comment about 2 shirts, I see one shirt under a dress seems very appropriate and cool for summer. The dresses are cute and look like they were homemade to me. Possible gift from friends. The Duggars have shown time and again they buy used and save the difference. Its sad your so cynical :-( ~Stacy

    2. Obviously they are being supervised, someone is taking the pic. And I'm pretty sure its spring not summer, and if it is hot, they are inside in air conditioning. Are the not allowed to even have brand new clothes without judgement? I've never once heard them say EVERYTHING we buy is used. The dresses could've been a gift for all you know. These are remarkable people who have been financially diligent. Your judgment is very troubling.

    3. really, just because the cloth look tattered doesn't mean tgey aren't from a thrift store. and they have said they shop clearance racks. also im sure clothes are given to them by family and friends. i only 3kids and they havesome designer clothes because people give us clothes their kids outgrew.

    4. My mother has always told me if we do not have anything nice to say then we should keep it to ourselves. I am passing that advice on to you in case you haven't heard it. Have a wonderful day!

    5. Regarding the little girls popping popcorn knowing the Duggers they always are supervised! Also, pictures were taken probably by adult. Regarding clothes, several of duggar girls are seamstress. They make wedding dresses, etc. The clothing is appropriate with air conditioning these days. Being a grandma and also a great grandma, I find myself very proud of how the Duggars raise their children. Let's not forget it is their children.

  4. They are SO cute!!!!! Love the matching outfits! ADORABLE!!!!!!

  5. Toooooo cute!! What a sweet idea. Great job:)

  6. Johannah looks a bit like Joy and a bit like Jinger. It's amazing how you see the resemblance amongst all the children, but they are definitely their own. Johannah is becoming a very lovely young lady.

  7. Too cute...hopefully they were not putting nail polish on Josie and Jordyn since they are a little young to take on that task....also were they really making popcorn because if they were it is a little dangerous to be by the oil....hopefully the oil was not hot and they were putting the popcorn in at the same time as the oil before cooking it

  8. @Anonymous 2-

    I'm sorry, I'm just getting really tired of comments like this. I have no doubt they're being "supervised." And WHO CARES if they're wearing a shirt under a jumper? Do you really think the Duggars are reading these comments and will take yours to heart or what is the purpose of comments like these? I'm just asking. And the dresses may have been sewn by the girls.

  9. Johannah looks so much like Joy did when she was younger.

  10. Dangerous. Little kids sitting practically on top of the stove makes me wonder if something could catch on fire.

  11. They are so adorable. Josie's face looks so much like Michelle.

  12. Wearing two shirts?? They are wearing jumpers. To say it's too hot to be dressed modestly is becoming a popular excuse. And the matching dresses could very well be homemade... not necessarily off the rack.

  13. Will there be more episodes coming in this season?

  14. clearly they are being supervised some one istaking the picture

  15. awwww the first picture is extremely cute!

  16. why are they wearing such fancy dresses around the house?

  17. @Anonymous

    I think the dresses could have been bought used . I volunteer at a ministry in my town and we get brand name clothing, barely worn. Some of our items have come in with the tags still on.

    What makes you think that they aren't used? I know the internet makes it difficult to tell the tone of something, but I'm genuinely curious and not trying to sass.

  18. THERE SOOOOOOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THE MATCHING OUTFITS!!!

  19. Hi!!!! I'm ashlifler or ashlyn or clorine anyway love the photos!!! btw I'm 5 years old!!!! my sister is turning 2 on July 30th!!!!!!!! bye bye!!!!!!

  20. @Anonymous
    I am sure the kids are being supervised with the stove. Honestly, kids can do a lot more cooking safely with minimal supervision than you would think. My not even 4 year old helps scrabble eggs every morning with a cast iron pan. he totally understands it is hot, etc. I am pretty sure if they have been able to safely raise the rest of the kids, which they have, we don't need to micromanage the cooking.

    Also, a set of dresses could have easily be bought at a thrift store or garage sale. Many people get rid of matching sets. I also think the shirts underneath look like they came with the dress since there are yellow ribbons on there. In fact, if those were new I am surprised all 4 girls dont' have a set. or someone gave them as a gift. honestly, even if they bought them new, it isn't our business. Lots of people buy used all the time and also new sometimes, especially for a special occasion, etc. The Duggars don't have debt, so I think we can all just worry about our own finances.

  21. The dresses are darling and if you look closely, Jordyn's dress is also a matching one...she just isn't wearing a yellow top underneath.
    I used to love dressing my little girls alike and now that they are older (10 & 11) they like to dress alike on their own sometimes. So cute.

  22. I do a lot of thrifting and you can find many things clean and in excellent condition if u shop carefully. Often people get rid of things because of changes in size, not because of wear and tear.

  23. @Anonymous

    Hi Kate,

    Thanks for the idea. We wrote a post about it back in December. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  24. Beautiful little girls!!!!!
    Johanna and Josie are so cute at the Whirley-Pop!! So sweet!
    --Love in Christ, C. H. Duggar fan from Oklahoma

  25. Come on people, do we really know when these pics are taken,so what about the layers of clothes. Yes, I'm sure they are well supervised, nit pick nit pick nit pic. Just smile and enjoy these cute little girls . Why does anyone care if the clothes are thrift or not, its none of our beeswax." So what, who cares." The Duggars are my sunshine, when skies are gray, bless them always:-)

  26. @AnonymousCould be for a many reasons that don't concern us.

  27. I liked Carissa's comment.. Thank you for saying what many of us are thinking. Some of the comments made here are just silly, and hyper critical. If you don't believe little girls should dress modestly, by all means, dress your children as pleases your taste and opinions. As for me I find their clothing choices to be perfectly darling, appropriate to their modesty standards and the weather! Additionally, highly improbable that the girls are cooking popcorn unsupervised. My goodness!!

  28. So sweet. One day they will be the four older girls.

  29. lovely family, love the show :)

  30. Now come on folks.....Does Josie have her feet in a corning ware baking dish and does Jordyn have her feet in a kitchen plastic mixing bowl? Sorry, but the hygienic practices of this family just amazes me...keep licking, crawling and walking on counter tops and tables too kids!

  31. Love the show and what ths family stands for! Is it just me or do JB and Michelle seem a touch out of practice with the youngest kids now that the oldest girls are out doing there own things?

  32. They are so cute! Jennifer has a pretty outfit on too!

  33. They are soooo cute!!! I love the matching dresses!! When I was growing up I would try to wear matching clothes with my siblings all the time!!! My brothers weren't all that enthusiastic about it but they put up with me so long as we weren't going out anywhere that day or else they'd get changed!!

    For those talking about a shirt under a dress like that; well, come on! it makes the dress modest and still cool and comfortable!! I know - I've worn the same kind of outfits when I was little, sometimes I wish I was still little enough to fit into an outfit like that again!! If I wore an outfit like that now, had it sewn or something, people would think me weird! Ah! The old days!!

  34. @Anonymous I wear skirts ..etc. .. have all my life. I always herd other people say "arent you hot? or arent you cold? " Wearing what we believe is modest clothing like these young ladies (these little girls) is not hurting them. Believe me. Im 21, and I still follow this. And im sure they are being supervised. They probably just took the picture like this for "taking a picture" there are tons of kids in that house, young adults, and ADULTS, why make negative comments? everyone has there own way of teaching there family.

  35. @Anonymous Oh my goodness that's so tacky to come on here and pick them apart pick pick pick . Geeee Wizzzz Jealous ppl are a real kill joy. The real issues are inside the heart of the jealous picker. Turn your thoughts around and see how these people get along and love. It's amazing how happy one can live and fill when you choose to be happy and put a happy thought or observation out there instead of picking. Be happy and avoid the Devil and his snare called jealousy. Choose love.

  36. My family has the same popcorn maker

  37. @Anonymous If there is a photo of them at the stove, it's common sense that they are being supervised. It doesn't make sense to me to criticize the way they dress, where they bought them, they are adorable and looks kinda like they were made. What difference does it make what they buy new and used or make themselves they are modest.

  38. I am shocked at how many come on here looking as a fan then turn and pick them apart and pass judgments against them. If you are concerned they are being supervised then watch the show and see how it is and use common sense - they were being supervised because someone had to take the photo. I love this family and what they stand for. They work, they love, they give. GO DUGGARS!!!

  39. They is the cutest thing I have ever seen

  40. Wow! I was looking through the photos on the Duggar Blog, and I just couldn't believe how many mean and judgmental comments there were! They bothered me all day. They reminded me that SATAN is alive and hard at work on the minds of man in our world. How could 2 photos of siblings having some play time together generate so many criticisms and assumption?

    If you've ever watched their show, you know they put Christ first in every aspect of their life, including their dress. Putting a T shirt under a girls sun dress may not be the most fashionable way to dress, but it is a modest way to dress. If you don't like it, don't do it for yourself.

    We don't know whether the dishes the girls are using for their pedicures are used for food or if they are old dishes dedicated to dirty jobs, but we certainly like to assert out opinions!

    As far as the supervision of the kids go, we can't see who is behind the camera or out of the shot. We do know that these parents are very involved with their kids and the older ones often lead activities with the younger ones.

    It's time to get a life people and quit using the Internet to unleash your nasty, judgmental side. Try to spend a little more time building each other up instead of being so quick to tear one another down.

  41. I love how they're all matching

  42. Yes, they do have their feet in bowls, and if they wash them with soap and hot water, the bowls will be clean and ready to cook in. Have you never dropped a spoon or fork on the kitchen floor then washed and used it?


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