
Friday, June 6, 2014

Celebrating with the Midwives

A Mommy's Butterfly Midwifery, the birthing team that Jill Duggar is a part of, threw a wedding shower for her and Derick this week. Take a look at this adorable cake:

Jill Duggar holding a cake at her wedding shower

A few dozen moms and babies that Jill has served over the past two years came to help her celebrate.

Jill Duggar with moms and babies she has served

The midwives that Jill works with also made her a cake for her 23rd birthday:

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard

Jill and Derick's wedding is only two short weeks away. Click here to view their gift registry.


  1. Nice pictures!!! That was realy sweet what they did for Jill and Derick. Curious... what did fhe cake say??? It is hard to read. God Bless!!!:)

  2. Oh!! Whoopppsss.... i just figured out what the cake said;)

  3. there so in love!:* are you guys going to film the wedding? or not?

  4. You guys should do a post on what the Duggar girl's favorite clothing stores (besides thrifting) are.... I'm very curious! :)

  5. Is TLC going t film Jill's wedding?

  6. Jill is cute with glasses.

  7. I looked at their register but couldn't look at the rest of the site because I needed a code. What's their code? Can they just tell fans of the show that.

  8. Anonymous 4 the Duggar girl's sometimes shop at Ross but they mostly shop at thrift and consignment stores. Anonymous 5 YES the wedding will be filmed and it will air on TLC sometime this summer.

  9. Anon 1 The cake says "She said yes totally!"

  10. Well I just can't figure out the writing on that round cake...if it had had darker writing it would be easier...It sure looks good though.Elizabeth

    1. It says "she said yes totally!" :)

  11. It is interesting seeing their registry, and how they will be furnishing their home. :) I see a lot of duplicate items. Wondering if they are perhaps planning on furnishing a home here, and a home on the mission field?

  12. @AnonymousI agree. She is precious all ways. :-)

  13. The round cake said: "She Said Yes, Totally". It is hard to read. I don't get the name of this service? It doesn't make sense to me. Anyhow, I "clicked" on it and their services don't include any medical testing during pregnancy; just TLC, fluffy, squishy, feel good stuff. If I have to be referred for a sonogram, as indicated there, why go to them in the first place? I understand some women prefer to NOT have much medical intervention during pregnany, (I don't know why), but when you're delivering, and ANYTHING is at question, for the child's chances, I would want to have ALL equipment and abilities right there on the scene. Also, it says they deliver in hospitals, too. Is Jill allowed to participate in those too? Can she deliver babies of the "not like minded"? They don't address any particulars with anything they do. I'd like to know that. I understand that Michelle and the 4 older girls were to appear on Oprah a little time ago. Is this true? The girls stated publicly that they all wanted to be nurses "when they grow up", so Oprah was going to surprise the girls with 4 full college scholarships to complete that training. When Michelle and JB learned that, they cancelled. Now, come on, how can these girls publicly say that they want to be "real nurses" with the belief system they have? You can't complete training with "distance learning". The day will come when you have to go to a real classroom, lab, hospital and handle ALL patients, males included, other Christians, non Christians, and no faith patients. Totally unrealistic of them. Maybe these sheltered daughters didn't quite understand back then what would be involved, but their parents did. This is quite odd. Anyone know the facts about this? Thank you so much for posting this and maybe clearing it up with facts.

  14. @zendya

    Yes TLC will be filming the wedding...

  15. Such nice pictures! Cute couple! Jill, you look so nice in glasses! :)

  16. I'm just so happy for Jill. I hope that in the next few years, all of the older Duggar kids have found their spouses and get to enjoy married life.

  17. Is Derick an independant baptist like the Duggars?

    1. He served as a journeyman in Nepal with the imb (international mission board) which is part of southern baptist convention.

  18. I want to have a relationship, a proposal and lead a life just like Jill and Derick! I wish them joy and happiness in their marriage. God bless.

    1. AMEN!!!!! So do I!! Pictures are nice.
      --Love in Christ, C. H. Duggar fan from Oklahoma

  19. Do you know where Jill and Derick are going to live after they get married? Seems like they would be able to stay in Arkansas unless of course they're doing missionary work!

  20. AW! She said yes, TOTALLY <3 CUTE !!!

  21. Jill looks different in glasses!

  22. How so "totally" sweet of those Moms and babies to throw her a shower!!! Love how they included Jill's response to Derick on the cake! Someone was paying attention!!! Jill seems like such a caring midwife in training; I'm sure all those Moms appreciated having her attend the births of their babies!

  23. I'd love to send Jill and Derrick a wedding gift, but how? I understand completely, why their address etc is secret, But maybe you could suggest (since you're friends) that they get a PO Box for a few months, so fans could send gifts. I love this couple and are so pleased to see a young couple wait for marriage, before living together or having a baby first.

  24. My favorite part was in the car when Derrick asked her about the ring. Her response was raw, almost like she forgot the cameras were there, her eyes flare when she says, "It's gorgeous!"

  25. I would have liked to hear from Derick and his family as to what their spiritual views are in contrast to the Duggars' belief system. I think we all would like to know how are Derick and Jill addressing any differences in lifestyle? Derick's history doesn't look like it's super strict like Jill's is. Hopefully he will assert himself into the household and ask Jill to bend some to his ways. What would her parents think of that? What does Derick's family think of the strict rules that Jill has been brought up in? How will it affect them, if at all? Will Jill be "ok" going out all by herself to the supermarket for the first time ever? She has a lot of growing to do yet.

  26. Jill and Derick are certainly happy now, but I hope they stay happy as their differences haven't been experienced day to day yet. It is very early in their relationship to be marrying; but that's the way the Duggars and the like do things...but what about Derick's family, do they date traditionally?
    Also, saving your heart stuff, is nearly impossible. Although Jill didn't meet Derick in person until Nepal, she was already saying "I love him/you" right away. What if it didn't work out for them in Nepal, or JimBob didn't give permission for an engagement after spending time with Derick in the USA? Wouldn't Jill's heart have been crushed any way? How would she have handled that? So, this "saving pieces of your heart"" stuff is baloney, they are only talking about keeping their bodies from being touched...Derick touched Jill;'s heart right away. So illogical, once again. They should address this issue.

    1. Yeah I was thinking the same thing in the new book they say dont think about a guy romantically and she was in love before meeting him . I agree with you they should address this!

      And also It looked like he kissed the top of her head when he proposed to jill and yet no michelle or jimbob did not address that as well.

      Yes this kinda stuff is no big deal to the average person but the duggars are famous for the strict ways they raise their 19children. So i would like if err y addressed these questions . I mean its kinda funny how they were on a book tour promoting a book on not having romantic feelings about guys and he calls and leaves the book mid signing to talk to him LOL

      Yes I love them and the show but I love what you said and agree with you 100 percent glad someone feels the same way!

  27. That was so sweet for them to do that for Jill!

  28. is it possible to buy something and ship it to them from their registry?

  29. I love 19 kids and counting. I love the way the duggar girl have chosen to guard their hearts. I wish I had done the same thing. Jill and Derick God bless you both.

  30. @Anonymous I thought it was odd that on their website you could get to the page that has their gift registry but not to other pages. Hmmm ok to buy us things but not to see the rest of the site!?

  31. You need a code to see any wedding details, except you don't need a code to buy them a gift. That speaks volumes to me.

  32. I love how confident Jill is when she is doing her midwifery. She totally glows!

  33. Where are they going to live? Do the have a house,?

  34. What date is the wedding set for??

  35. It is always so nice to feel the support of friends & family. How thoughtful of all these people to throw Jill a shower.

  36. Hi Readers,

    For those of you looking to send gifts to Jill and Derick, you can ship USPS packages to P.O. Box 1000 Tontitown, AR 72770 and UPS or Fedex shipments to 548 Arbor Acres Ave Springdale, AR 72762.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  37. Re: their wedding website:
    I can kind of see them not wanting to make all the details public to avoid wedding crashers. A lot of local and maybe not so local fans could show up uninvited. :)

  38. I agree,,,
    I think that the training is for a lay midwife.. she may not be able to attend a birth in a hospital setting, due to legal issues, the sister that is pursuing a doula roll may be able to attend the birth as a support person. I don't believe even in Arkansas you can get a NURSING license on line, I'm a retired OB Florida

  39. Just because the Duggars didn't want to accept charity from Oprah for college expenses doesn't mean they are against education.

    And yes, midwives can be licensed to deliver in hospitals.

  40. It is absolutely amazing the scrutiny you undergo God truly has blessed you and your family. I also noticed you never have one negative reply God has given true patience to you all. I watch your stories have to say hard to keep up. But you are seriously an inspiration your brave daughters whom you and your husband have raised in Gods words. Thank you for showing true Godly life to the world as an example to live by.


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