
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Tour Josh and Anna's House

Josh and Anna Duggar and their three kids--Mackynzie, Michael, and Marcus--have lived in Washington D.C. for almost a year. Take a tour of their 3,000 square-foot home in this TLC webisode:

Video no longer available


  1. Very pretty house. Happy for them. Wish they would have shown more though. That house is quite a bit larger than they showed. Love Josh and Anna.

  2. don't they have a basement. thought the fixed up a room for michelle and jim bod when they come? where does marcus sleep.

  3. Didn't they recently move from that house?

  4. So what of this rumor that they're selling their home???

  5. Did they buy this house or are they leasing?

  6. It is a nice house and suits the family they have. Josh seems happy with his life as it is, but he also seems tired and not overly enthused with the routines. So this does not seem like the preamble to a huge family.

  7. They have a lovely home there in DC

  8. @Anonymous
    I am just guessing but Marcus probably sleeps in Josh and Anna's room still -perhaps the side of the room they didn't show. They kept their other two with them until they were well over a year old (pretty much up until right before the next baby came).

  9. Where does Marcus sleep in their house?

  10. Where does baby Marcus sleep?

  11. Beautiful house!!!!!

  12. Very nice home for them. Just curious why they have such a big office; 2 computers and 2 desks? They both must feel like they a living in a castle; considering Anna grew up in a trailer and Josh shared his home with 20 others! Good for them!

  13. Beautifull home and its so clean that is hard with 3 little kids.

  14. Did you know that Alyssa Bates is getting married today to John Webster?

  15. Hey, i just received a tweet that the Duggars are inTenessee at Alyssa Bates wedding,will we see pictures of that soon?

  16. I believe they are renting.

  17. Hi Lily and Ellie. General question about the comments being submitted on the site. Some of the comments I have seen seem to be pretty mean or just a bit trivial and don't seem to serve any purpose but to be demeaning and derogatory . How do you make a decision on the ones that are viewed on the site?


  18. What a beautiful home Josh and Anna... So when will we hear that you will be Blessed again with another baby?? You guys make beautiful babies.... All 3 of your babies are adorable!

  19. Leasing im pretty sure bc in the episode that they moved they got and orchad from their landlord.

  20. I loved seeing their house. I'm curious though, about why they have a menorah in the cabinet in their dining room?

  21. When was this video taken? Very nice house!

  22. what a beautiful family all of them they are so special michelle is wonderful and jim bob too , just what a wonderful family they are truly blessed in every way, it would be nice if all families were like them just good hearted people

  23. Are they leasing or did they buy this house. It looks like the same house they have always had in D.C but anyway it looks great and so spotless.

  24. @Anonymous

    It may have been an advent candle holder or it may be a menorah as Christianity was birthed from Judaism she may teach her kids about Hanukkah

  25. Lovely! Excited to have a home big enough for my family one day....we are squeezed into a tiny house too and our third child is on the way...but it will make us all the more grateful when that day comes!

  26. Lovely home, good for them, the children are very nice,...I wish them all the best off luck.
    Love the the family.
    Greetings from the Netherlands

  27. I love the house. love the decorating and everything.


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.