
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Recap: "A Toast to Love"

On tonight's episode of 19 Kids and Counting, "A Toast to Love"...
  • Derick is finally returning home to Northwest Arkansas after spending two years doing humanitarian work in Nepal. Jill enlists her army of siblings to design posters and blow up balloons to prepare to meet Derick and his mom at the airport.
  • "I've never seen Jill so excited about anything," says Jim Bob.
  • Jim Bob and Jill are the only Duggars who have met Derick. "I feel like I know him because Jill talks about him all the time," says Michelle. "Of course Jill has explained more than I would ever need to know about Derick and what a great guy he is."
  • When the Duggar welcome crew arrives at the airport, Jill lines everyone up and grabs a heart sign that reads "I've waited 60 days for this moment." Derick's brother and stepfather are also there.
  • When Derick comes into view, he and Jill run to meet each other and engage in a full-on hug.
  • "I think the intentions were to do a side hug, but I think they both were caught off guard," says Michelle, smiling. "Needless to say, they probably won't let that happen again."
  • Derick, who says the experience was "a bit overwhelming," gives side hugs to the rest of Jill's family. Four-year-old Josie asks him if he is going to marry Jill.
  • Jim Bob and Michelle take Jill and Jessa and their boyfriends out for a triple date. "Tonight I have planned a special triple date for all of the Duggar couples to get to know on another better," says Michelle.
  • Jim Bob, Michelle, Jill, and Jessa Duggar, Derick Dillard, and Ben Seewald enjoy a meal and an etiquette class at the beautiful home of a local family and their dog, George W. During dinner, Ben makes "a toast to love."
  • Later, while Jim Bob and Michelle are out of the house, the Duggar kids prepare a dinner theater for their parents. Jana is in charge of the operation.
  • Joy-Anna's job is to teach "Jesus Loves Me" to the five youngest, and she brings in cousin Amy Duggar to help.
  • Joseph, Derick, and Ben construct the stage, while Jessa and Jinger make dinner (steak, sweet potato fries, salad, rolls, and asparagus) and the rest of the kids clean the house.
  • When Jim Bob and Michelle arrive home, they are pleasantly surprised by all the work the kids have put into the Duggar Dinner Theater. While Mom and Dad enjoy their dinner, the kids perform music and skits, and Jeremiah recites a touching poem thanking his parents for investing in their kids' lives.

Tune in next week for the season finale, and watch Derick pop the question!


  1. Lily and Ellie, can you please answer why didn't they show results of the doctors visit? I just saw the recap. Have a blessed week. Caroline

  2. I'll have to wait till someone uploads it! :( What did the dr.s say about Michelle having another baby?

  3. The Duggars are a beautiful example of the kind of people we should all strive to be. May God continue to bless them in their efforts to spread His word.

  4. Aw, that's so sweet of Jeremiah!! I really can't wait to see this episode and hope someone posts it soon! Anything with the two couples is a great episode!! :) TLC's ratings must be through the roof for this season of 19KAC! :) :) I hope this is the longest running tv show in history...I want to see Josie walk down the aisle. <3

    1. Here here , i said the very same thing, we have invested so much time with this family. Thank goodness for social media, just incase the series comes to an end, we will be able to keep up with them, i hope.

  5. Derick is very likeable in the show. Hope he and Jill are meant for each other and happy.

  6. I did not see John. David in this episode, why

    1. I was wondering the same thing as watched the episode again. John David is nowhere in the episode. So much for doing one big thing before the family dynamics change.

  7. But wait I thought we'd get the results of whether or not Michelle is in pre menopause?

  8. Lilly and Ellie I have tried to post before but no luck do you guys by chance know the exact date that Josh asked Anna to Court Ben asked Jessa to Court and Derick asked Jill to Court. I just was curious since Mrs. Bates posted the exact dates on her website for her kids I wondered if you knew the exact dates for the 3 duggar kids that have been in or are involved in courtship. I know what month for Jill and Jessa but not exact dates. If you don't that is fine I was just curious.

  9. I think this was a great episode...since the children are getting older I really feel like the series finale will come soon.michelle is done having babies kids growing up and I've been following the duggar every since 14 children and pregnant again..I have seen every single episode of that family weddings funerals births I've seen it all.i will continue to watch as long as the continue to air new episodes I love watching great things that are uplifting.and I have learned a lot over the years as I begin to raise my own children.GOD BLESS THE DUGGAR AND BATES FAMILY AND EVERYONE WHO WATCH THE TRUE REALITY SHOW AS MUCH AS I DO.:)

  10. Courtship is a beautiful way to find your mate. But people watching may be getting the wrong idea about courting. People in courtships do get time to talk to each other and have time with each other, chaperones can be at a distance, or the couple can be in a public place, or they can be in a room with other people in another room with the door open. It seems as though Ben is never given the chance to have any time to talk with Jessa and spend time with Jessa As a proper courtship would allow. Derick is older and has asserted himself a little more, and so arranges time with Jill to talk and spend time with, and has also moved the relationship to engagement to ensure that he will eliminate this overly intrusive chaperoning as soon as possible. Because Ben is younger, he has suffered through overly aggressive chaperoning who seek to constantly keep him at a distance from Jessa and prevent him from having any time to talk with her uninterrupted by smart aleck chaperones, and intrusive dinner date ruiners. Why has Ben not been allowed to have one dinner with Jessa at a restaurant without a chaperone actually at the same table- the chaperone can be at another table across the room! It is apparent this is kind of driving him a little crazy, and making him unduly nervous and frustrated. Jim Bob is having a little fun with this intrusiveness and teasing at poor Ben's expense. When Derick got off the plane, his Mum said she hoped he would have a chance to talk with Jill, and he said he would too. I hope that Ben's parents act to help Ben assert himself a little bit to get time with Jessa. How can a couple see if they are compatible if they don't get time together to talk, interact and have some fun too.

    1. We dont see everything on the show. I'm sure there are times when the couple's have time together without someone right beside them. It is a half hour to hour show. They can't show us everything.

    2. I agree. Courtship is wonderful, but Ben does seem frustrated about the constant intrusion of their time. Clearly they're not asking to be 100% alone, as it wouldn't be appropriate, but just a little space. I would hate to see this beautiful courtship go sour because of this.

  11. So looking forward to watching the proposal! It's curious that they went browsing for wedding dresses before that though...unless TLC messed up the timeline for that, or they were accompanying a friend.

  12. wow! can't believe the season is almost over already. i wonder if they will announce michelle's pregnancy or wait until next season

  13. Was great to see Jill so giddy! She's so in love. The show the kids put together for their parents was so touching and a true testimony to what great people they are growing up to be. I do hope this silences the critics who judge how Michelle and JB raise their children. This family is the best role model you could ever hope to find. I'm so sad the finale is next week:-( So hard to wait for new season! ~Stacy

  14. Wishing you all the best for a Happy Life together.......Jill and Derick should only have lots of joy--so thrilled for you both and your wonderful families......with shalom and a Mazel Tov ( Best Wishes) Rachel

  15. Tonights episode was so sweet, i was grinning ear to ear the whole time. I was surprised to see how Jessa cant cook very well.All those years being groomed to be homemakers for the girls, it doesnt make much sense.Maybe Michelle just can do the basics herself.Maybe if they would have gotten a more expensive cut of meat like a filet then burning it might have been somewhat edible,lol! Bless their hearts

  16. Michelle should take her older boys (grown men) to a class so they can learn how to pack a suitcase and pick out their own clothes and do their laundry. Grandma may enjoy helping in the laundry but she should not be doing it all. My sons do their own and I would never ask their sisters to pack for them. They are being raised to be independent.

  17. What about the blood test

    How long do we have to wait until the wedding? Is all summer going to be reruns?

  19. I love Derick's answer to the "full on hug" , "Yeah... it was nice"

  20. Just finished watching this episode. It was sooooo sweet! I cried a little bit. I am such a sap.

    Where was John David? I haven't seen him much this season. Was this when he was on the trip with the Bates?

  21. Ben and Derick are so authentic, what grace GOD has given those two young ladies.I wonder how long it will take Ben And Derick to not be alittle awkwardly shy around the cameras.That would be very hard for most people who were not accustomed to being filmed for the whole world to see.I think they are handling it well.Cant wait for the weddings.

  22. So very adorable when Jennifer and Jordan said they would lasso the girls and not let them leave.Makes me wonder if Jordan gave away Jessas engagement.Those younger kids are really gonna miss their buddy's.

  23. Loved the show. The children are so thoughtful, I had tears of joy also. The poem by Jeremiah was so sweet! Wishing them all the best.

  24. What about Michelle's test results?

    1. She can still get pregnant, but unlikely according to the doc. Still always a chance though. :)

  25. Next week is the end already? If there's any reruns on season 6 somebody should record them because they aren't on youtube anymore ! That would be fun to watch them!

  26. I'm excited to see Derick pop the question. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It can't be the series finale. I'm just in denial about this. Feels like it's not been on that long. I hope they do a special program for the wedding! Good luck and good wishes to both of them.

    1. I feel the same way really need to televise the wedding!

  27. It said season finale not series finale. It should b back.

  28. Dear Lilly and Ellie,
    When is the duggars coming back on TLC ?

  29. Michelle did address the test results, near the beginning of the episode. She said they showed that she is still able to conceive, but it is highly unlikely.

  30. Ben is getting sooo mushy! Ben just ask Jessa!

  31. I am so sad season finally next week. Excited see engagement . Can't wait until your on tv again . Love , Tammy Foster Columbus , Ohio ps y'all are like family too me :)

  32. is Michelle PREGNANT now?

  33. @Anonymous

    Without giving any spoilers away for those that haven't seen the episode yet. Michelle talked about the results of her blood test at the beginning of the episode (when they're talking to the camera one-on-one)

  34. The couples look so happy together !

  35. Tuesday's episode you have touched my heart and I cried. How nice is to give honor to the father and the mother. God bless all of you.

  36. @Anonymous
    And then he said "I enjoyed it" that boy is honest, I'll give him that!

  37. Does anyone know the song they sang at the end or is it one the Duggars made up? I would love to teach it to my kids!

  38. @MelanieI am so glad to see your thoughts, as I was feeling the same way. I love the Duggars and love how they share their lives and their faith. But I think the men in the family are hard on Ben, surely because he is young. They seem to be giving him a hard time and snickering about it. The brothers are asking him questions only Jessa's parents should, such as supporting her and his plans for the future. Being protective is fine, but doing so with kindness is better. Of course I only see what is selected for the show, but this is what is presented. Hopefully there is more acceptance when the cameras are off.

  39. Jessa, your Ben is perfect. His toast was precious [ LOVE ] and he is very cute. I wish you all the best. Please watch out for him, it seems like all the other guys are jealous of Ben....maybe they could take some notes from him in the romance department. I can't wait to see the two of you married !!!!

  40. according to Michelle's blood test, hormone levels suggest there is a SMALL window she could still get pregnant, but it is very unlikely she will be able to conceive again......

  41. I wonder when the older Duggar boys are going to be in courtships???

  42. To all who are asking about Michelle's test results.....She said at the beginning of last night's episode that they had the blood results back. Michelle is not pregnant now. She said that it is not totally impossible, but very unlikely that she will get pregnant again. So, she is not in menopause yet, but close. As for my question..I wonder who will perform the wedding ceremony for Jill and Derick. They never talk about a pastor.

  43. Have to say it is sad that they can't even hug each other without having to feel guilty. That is not right.

  44. Michelle said at the beginning of the episode that the blood test results showed: "It's not impossible for us to conceive another one, but highly unlikely."

  45. They most likely will show the wedding as a special. Also on June 10 at 8 PM EST/7 PM CST, there will be a special of "19 Kids and Counting" right before Amy Duggar's new special, "A Duggar Leaves Home" at 9 PM EST/8 PM CST on TLC. It will show Amy on the show with some other surprises.

  46. Yes, PLEASE, TLC..... do a special on the wedding!!!

  47. I pray that Jessa takes her time with getting to know Ben, and uses wisdom of others around her......

  48. Noooo! I want to see a few more episodes. I want to see them get married and have kids. please keep the blog up if it does end. Keep up the good work(and the seasons)

  49. Jill's excitement just comes through! I watch these episodes and I literally get so excited for her I can't sleep. Hopefully one day I'll meet them and tell them how wonderful they are! Can't wait to see whats to come :) Love them! Oh!, what was the last song they sang at the Duggar Dinner Theater?

  50. They NEED TO TELEVISE THE WEDDINGS!!!!! We can't wait any longer. And this can't be the season finale!!!!!!!!! That's terrible!!!!! :( :( ;(

  51. I believe that the interview with Michelle revealed that her chances of conception are not likely. I think that's all they covered on that subject.
    This family is a great example of how you can raise children to be good, moral, ethical and God fearing (even if there are 19 of them), as long as you put God first!

  52. Just to let you and your readers know that the channel 19KidsandCountingS05 has uploaded A Toast ToLove

  53. Regarding Michelle's test results, I am pretty sure Michelle said that the blood test revealed that it was possible for her to conceive another baby, but not highly probable. She said that she would welcome another child, but seemed to accept that this might not happen. She said her family felt complete, but was open to what God has in store. She pointed out that her family was growing new ways - and she seemed to think that was pretty wonderful.

  54. I really do not understand what the problem is with a hug. I understand the saving kissing for the marriage, but why is hugging, other than side hugging frowned upon?

  55. I feel that Ben is too young to be in a courtship; isn't he only about 18 or 19? The differences between he and Derick are so pronounced, Derick is an adult looking to settle down, and Ben is still trying to figure this whole thing out. I'm not sure Ben has dated much, if at all. That said, Derick and Jill had a very odd courtship given their distance, so Jim Bob and Michelle didn't have a lot of time to tease them. I wonder if they're being harder on Ben because they realize that he's really to young to be in this situation.

    Does anyone know what happens if a courtship isn't successful? If the couple doesn't feel they're compatible? I'm not familiar with how the thing works, although what I do know about it I'm not overly comfortable with.

  56. Anon 47 that is not anyone's fault but Ben's. Why is there such a difference in the way Derick has found time to ask Jill to enter into a courtship and how Ben did his requests? Derick has more savvy for these things that is all. Derick even planned to give a custom designed hand made piece of silver and EMERALDS jewelry when he took Jill aside and asked her to court him...Ben showed up with a cup of coffee and let Jim Bob lead in how things were done, so it was an office romance with the boss telling them when to hug...don't say it is fault of the environment please.

  57. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 29,

    TLC hasn't announced the start date of the new season, but rest assured that the minute they reveal it, we will post the details.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)
    Lily and Ellie

  58. I too would very much love to learn the lyrics to the family song they sang at the end of the dinner theater! I googled but can't find anything. That was the cutest song ever!

  59. Where are you John David??

  60. Correction for 62, I get your gist but to clarify something Derick only asked Jill if she would like to officially enter into a courtship. It was actually Ben who asked Jessa if she wanted to court him.


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