
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

New Photos: DC and Apple Pies

Here are a few photos from last night's new episodes of 19 Kids and Counting:

 Jessa and Jinger Duggar prepare one of Ben Seewald's favorite meals
with Jessica and Danielle Seewald, Ben's sisters

 Jessa Duggar and Jinger Duggar

 Ben is impressed by Jessa's cooking skills

Jessa and Jinger Duggar pack for D.C.

 Ben, Jessa, and Jinger say goodbye to Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar before 
leaving for Washington D.C.

 Josh Duggar and son Marcus Duggar

 Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald

 Josh and Anna Duggar with kids
Mackynzie, Michael, and Marcus Duggar

Ben Seewald and Jessa Duggar
take a trolley ride through D.C.

Michael and Mackynzie Duggar

Walking the streets of D.C.


  1. The duggar girls are too focused on their appearance these days. Their clothes are not modest and they look like the world. They spend too much time on their outside. They are losing their savor. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

    1. I listen to their hearts when they talk, and they sound focussed on placing the Lord first. I'm sure they enjoy days when they can skip brushing their hair or shaving when off-camera, like anyone else would, but that doesn't seem appropriate when the world is watching. This comment seems a bit legalistic. The kingdom of God is within. He looks on the heart. I thank God for the Duggars' example, especially because they are so thoughtful about how what they say and do comes across to others. They are a much needed guide for living a life devoted to Christ in a lost and broken world.

  2. God bless the Duggars. We just love them here at our house and we find them to be so encouraging, such an inspiration!!!

  3. They seem to be pretty good sports, trying on the big hats. Looks like all had a good time in DC!

  4. I want to alert people that this wonderful Christian movie is coming to theaters! PLEASE go to and read more!

    The unofficial AYNA liaison

  5. I LOVED and thought it was so cute the way Ben described his coming in the door and seeing Jessa cooking! He's so thoughtful and cute!


  7. Ben & Jessa look SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!!! <3 :)

    Please somebody post these episodes!

  8. LOVE THE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN IS JILL AND DERICK HAVING THERE WEDDING??

  9. Hi,

    I was just wondering what homeschool cirriculaum Anna uses with Mckynzie. I want to start homeschooling my 3 year old twins. Thanks.

  10. Very nice pictures! I'm sure Jessas meal for Ben was good!

  11. On the 5th picture down there is a sign that says "happy birthday uncle Terry." Anyone know who that is?

    1. I think thaterry is Amy's Father

  12. Wishing the entire Duggan family a blessed Memorial Day weekend.

  13. I just love ure show. Great family values and love abounding. I like how the girls are courting and taking things slow. It will prove to be solid lifelong relationships for both of them. Great mom and dad instints, too. Good kids and morals. I watch ure show at my gym.

  14. Please post this question: Does Jim Bob have to provide a dowry for his daughters? Did the Kellar family post one for Anna? If anyone knows, please respond. Thanks
    Also, MANY good points have been submitted, yet have failed to be posted. Why? I would hope the Duggars are informed about all submissions, not just the flowery complimentary ones that are mostly posted here.. that would give them a false impression of how they are perceived by
    all viewers. They need to respond to the tough questions.

  15. Does anyone know where Anna Duggar got her diaper bag? I love it!

  16. When did the Duggars change their belief that God decides how many babies they have (after they decided against the birth control they used at the beginning of their marriage), then changed their mind that the advice of a high-risk pregnancy doctor and blood tests will determine how many babies they have? Just asking and wondering.

    1. Sounded like Michelle wants to know if she still can get pregnant. Maybe they want to adopt if she finds out she can't conceive. At any rate just consulting with a doctor doesn't mean you're trying to mess with nature or force things she's just merely trying to find out where she's at.

  17. wishing both girls future happiness ,they give a good moral message to all youngsters of today wish more were like them ,

  18. Are the recipes for the chicken and the apple pie available? Also, love the chevron aprons and the painted jars.

  19. Has Michelle started to home school Josie yet as she if 4 yrs old like MacKynzie, and Anna has started to homeschool her?

  20. @Anonymous

    Deanna's husband (Amy"s Dad).

  21. I'm sure the comments aren't meant to be mean, but they are true, aren't they?

  22. Michelle went back on the pill after the birth of her first born son Josh. She then got pregnant despite using birth control but miscarried as a result of being on the pill. After that they mad the decision that how many children they have should not be controlled by birth control methods but by God. It's a decision they made based on teachings from the Bible about children being a blessing from God thus we should leave the blessing in God's hands and not try to manipulate the outcome through birth control. This is explained in their first book. Hopefully I've accurately explained their belief and decisions. Please correct me if I've got any of this wrong.

  23. If I'm not mistaken, Uncle Terry is Amy's dad.

  24. If the Duggar & Seewald girls are really cooking, shouldn't they have their hair pulled back? I would hate to eat their hair spray soaked hair

  25. thank you for allowing us to share your life through the show, its entertaining, you have been blessed with a large family, I am a bit concerned you miss michelle wanting to have an additional baby if god allows you to. I am certain you will take all precautions necessary to see if you can have any more. please take into consideration the thought of having one more, for you own health I think this might not be such a good idea. you have grand babies and more lots more will come when you can have them at home if some of your own children decide to stay close by. as I mentioned I understand you will take all considerations from doctors and what not. but anything can happen at any moment and at an instance where there can be complications for yourself and for the baby. chances it might be born with down syndrome and what not. but in birthing a baby for and elder person not old elder but young elder as yourself. I an not going to go on about if what you have now is not enough, because it is about you feeling good and better after having a new baby, the joy and the miracle in its self is ever lasting. just please please, consider that you have been already blessed 19 times. don't try to go for no record just to have more babies. I say this in the utmost of respectfulness. thank you . god bless and if it is gods will, HE will give you one or two more. good luck...

  26. @Anonymous

    this is not true, girls are still looking modest,

  27. I am sorry to say, as a deaf person, there is no CC on your shows here on line for viewing. closed captioning for the hearing impaired, I am not sure if you can be able to somehow provide us with this.

  28. Anonymous 1:
    Wow. They are still modest! They are just not wearing the choking collar dresses down to the floor anymore! They still wear tasteful length skirts, and they still have cap sleeved shirts! You can even wear shorts and still be modest. You need to get their book, I have it, and they explained that God says that a womens hair is her glory, so they put a little effort in styling it each day. That does not mean they are being vane or not-modest!

    1. I agree they are very modest compared to alot of teens and 20 something girls and guys that you can see everything even while standing up straight and tall.

  29. Re Anon 1 comment, thank the goodness that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump - because that means all the really good and positive influences of the Duggars and other righteous Christian families is continually spreading throughout the whole world right now...yeah! The light is spreading in the darkness and so now and on and on people who were insecure before can now know and continually come to know where they stand with God. The news is good, and the place all peoples feet are now founded on is a strong rock, - because their sin is forgiven, covered with the righteousness of the blood of the Lord Jesus, who loved the world so much he obeyed God the Father and willingly gave his life on the cross to redeem sinners (all mankind) from sin, death and hell - that they (all mankind) might have life and have it more abundantly. (89 verses about accepting Christ: Jesus Christ is what the Duggars are living and sharing and I think this is what makes them so engaging and exciting ... that is what I savor about this reality show and I do not think they have lost it, I think they are sharing it! More power to them whether or not they wear short sleeved tops and a bit of face make up, they should not be up on charges for that stuff by anyone on either side of the fence, JMHO.

  30. Ladies and gentleman, let us judge not lest we be judged. Isn't it wonderful that we live freely - the Duggar girls can look the way they want. They don't walk out the door in the skimpy numbers a lot of us commenters even do, so who are you to judge them? These comments "not meant meanly" Anonymous 21, I'm sorry, they are not TRUTH they are OPINION.

  31. I am sorry to say I agree. Not that they are losing their salvation but they are dressing pretty close to the line! What I am even more sorry about is that the world seems to think they are ultra-ultra modest when they really aren't. The Bates dress more to my style and standards but I think it is weird that they're all starting to wear almost-sleeveless dresses and shirts. Just goes to show Duggar critics that the girls do set their own standards even if they are dressing a little worldly these days...

  32. How is preventing a baby from being conceived the same as preparing yourself to take care of it if it is? Am I confused or you?

  33. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 29,

    Unfortunately, closed captions have to be inserted into YouTube videos by the users who upload them, and we are not the ones who upload the full episodes. Perhaps you can try commenting on the video and asking the user to insert closed captions?

    Hope this helps:)
    Lily and Ellie

  34. They dress with skirts below the knee, that's perfectly fine. Also, us girls have the rights to look good, don't we?

  35. @Anonymous They are not receiving fertility treatments they are seeing how dangerous it would be should they become pregnant again. Being prepared the best she can at her age.

  36. The girls are looking cold at the airport so why aren't they wearing long pants? I saw their mother state that pants were fine in an episode.

  37. ben and jessa are meant to be. they are so cute together

  38. @WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM LOOKING GOOD? I see alot of modesty. They are great Godly example in today's world!! Thank you!!!

  39. Saw that amazing apple pie Jessa made for Ben. Was wondering if their family would share the recipe. I've never seen one look as good as that one. Kudos to you Jessa for presentation as well.

  40. Ben is so in love, just too stinking cute for words. God really put those two together. I think he's working his tail off so he can propose to her, and I read where he's also in college. He shouldn't give that up once they are married. But, she should prepare for having less than she's used to. What am I saying! Her parents are the Duggars! Silly silly me. But, those kids should still not be, I hope not, wearing second hand shoes. Their spines and their feet arches deserve good athletic shoes, and those girls shouldn't have been raised on flip flops, especially hiking in the mountains. Parents really do pay closer attention to these things. Walmart and Payless do better than second hand with no arch support.

  41. I'm wondering what women do who have an android pelvis like mine, and wind up capable of having only C-sections. No doctor in his right mind is going to risk the life of a mother, and his medical license, by doing 20 cuttings. At some point excessive hemorrhaging will and does ensue, causing possible death to mamma and babe. And where would that leave the family, sans mother to raise what children God already put there? Don't we realize God is smarter that we are in making blanket statements about how he interprets women's health, how he's given us knowledge and aptitudes for higher learning so as to help others to not live in the dark ages? Even Jesus himself utilized women to do his bidding in spreading the gospel, and in using Greek and other languages to interpret some of Paul's admonitions to women we can see he was speaking to the very loud and busy women during his speaking engagement at Galatia. Where they hadn't been allowed to leave their homes without their husband, nor speak in their homes, they must have been thrilled to see each other! And in the O.T., if found out to have had relations with their husbands not of the norm, they would be stoned. So, my point is, Christ freed us from a plethora of legalistic activities, and we know that the women of the Bible who had shorn hair were prostitutes, so of that day, of course, women with long hair were looked upon better than those with shorter hair. So we've done away with the legalism of slavery, the legalism of polygamy, and the legalism of hair and dress, as long as we present ourselves modestly. And I hate to say it, but while working in nursing for 23 years, there were some fundamentalist women who would only wear skirts, and they hindered my work, because we would crawl all over beds getting patients off of gurneys, etc, and some of the skirts had to be exactly X inches below the knee, so sometimes we would see things we didn't want to. And me in my baggy pants? Not modest? How? I'd like to know. And my loose fitting blouse? Women's clothing. We talk in public, pray in public, even though the Bible says not to. Thanks for letting me get all this off my chest. I hope you don't really dislike me after all this.

  42. Anna is my favorite Duggar. She and Josh are so perfect for each other and are such a loving couple who are such good Christians and such good parents. It is so wonderful to see young people living a life of faith. When the show features Josh and Anna, I always marvel at their maturity. Anna is fun loving and has the best attitude towards everything.

  43. good luck to jessa and ben in the future

  44. I'm curious why the girls are using their boyfriends last name (twitter, Instagram) before they are married or engaged? Just curious.

  45. @AnonymousAll these comments about how these girls dress are crazy. I am a born again believer used to go to church three times a week. Now because of judgmental people like y'all I want nothing to do with church. I believe the bible says we are supposed to love one another. I also believe it says we aren't to judge. I would have these girls encourage and counsel my girls anyday of the week.

  46. Totally disagree. Their clothing is modest, pretty, and fashionable. They spend an appropriate amount of time on their personal appearance - enough to make a very positive reflection on their believes. They don't need to look frumpy to be what you may consider "good" Christians. My 10 year old daughter watches this show regularly; may she grow up as lovely as these girls.

  47. Howdy! Are Jessa and Ben Engaged?????? I thought I heard that they were.:)

  48. Some people just can't keep their rude nasty comments to themselves! If you don't like the pictures or don't think the girls are dressing modest then keep that comment to yourself. The Duggar's seem like a very humble and sweet family. Just because they have a TV show doesn't mean that there views and belief in God have changed. What other family do you know that can stand in front of cameras and pray when they know people are just out there judging them?

  49. @Anonymous

    Jesus also said our duty was to LOVE our brothers and to leave the judging up to Him, because we are not perfect.

  50. @Anonymous

    I have to dissagree, what is immodest about the duggar girls? NOTHING,wanting to dress stylishly is not immodest. I think you need to look around yourself if u compare them to and one else on tv they are 100 percent more modest and focused on inward beauty. I think you are being very picky just cause they don't dress like the Amish doesn't mean there not modest. I don't mean to sound nasty, but really?

  51. I don't know what you consider modest but to me the are perfectly modest. What is wrong with being stylish if you are staying modest in the process? Your view is why people don't want to dress modest these days. They think they have to choose between style or modesty but you can have both.

  52. Anonymous.....seriously, your wrong...the girls are beautiful and completely focused on The Lord@Anonymous

  53. @Anonymous Just because they look gorgeous in what they where doesn't mean it isn't modest. It's not sinful to be beautiful and attractive. God made them that way. They are still completely covered and never where anything too tight. They make modestly look good. Nothing wrong with that! I think it's great for "the world" to see that the Duggars can be stylish and still only show skin from the knee down and neck up. It may encourage others to do so.

  54. I don't understand why it's wrong to wear pants, but it's okay for Jessa to wear a lot of makeup. It seems like most pictures I see her in these days, she's wearing way more makeup then is necessary. She used to be so pretty. It seems like she's spending too much time trying to impress Ben.

  55. Does anyone here know the meaning of the word "Modest"? It means NOT attracting attention to themselves. And so far they are not wearing anything, clothes, make-up ect., to attract attention to themselves. I agree with Anonymous 50, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

  56. In Matthew the Bible states Judge not least ye be judged. These girls have not done anything to give signs of anything but their love for God. I was raised in a church without makeup or television and I feel that sometimes it depends on the person not someones opinion. If I never watched television than I would have never watched this show. I still do not wear makeup or do my hair but that is my personal preference not because someone is judging me. Keep up the great work girls. Hopefully more teens can learn from your example.

  57. Shame on you for being so critical of the Duggar girls, they are sweet little ladies and if they dress nicer and wear makeup good for them. It shows the importance of taking care of our bodies correctly.

  58. Where can we buy those aprons? They are adorable!

  59. Disagree with you. They are normal young women and girls who love the Lord and their family. It shines through with every ounce of their being.

  60. I really love this show and I've been watching it for a long time now. I get real excited when they get ready to do the seasons. here's my question : why isn't there any information on ben like his birthday? just wondering when he was born. god bless the whole family

  61. Are Ben and Jessa married yet? If so please answer back.

  62. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 66,

    Jessa and Ben married on Saturday (November 1st).

    ~Lily and Ellie

  63. @Anonymous I would like to know too!!


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.