
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Duggar Nature Walk

Jim Bob takes his youngest children out for a nature walk and returns home with seven muddy Duggars. The kids enjoy tromping through the woods and playing in "Lake Duggar," but according to Jackson, it wouldn't have have been a mom-approved activity. "If my mom was there, she would say: 'Daddy, I don't think that's a good idea. Let's not let them get muddy."'


  1. LOL. Jackson is so cute. I love how what he says isn't "Get out of the mud' or something like that but a simple and kind suggestion. What a great example they are to their children!

  2. Johannah is kinda like a mini Joy in some ways.

  3. Loved this video. The music was not necessary, it made it hard to hear what the kids were saying. Looks like a fun time with lots of learning and exercise. Good for Jim Bob. He should be Dad of the year!

  4. Looks like they all had a great time together to "lake Duggar" :)

  5. That's too funny!

  6. Want them to "get rid of their energy'? Why don't you send them to school? A nice private Christian school is what those kids need. Such a waste of potential talent.

  7. Maybe they will let Jim Bob do the laundry from now on ; ) just kidding... Looks like great fun... For the kids

  8. Miss Lily and Ellie,

    Will you be posting picturez from Alyssa's wedding?

    Will there be another season of 19 kids and counting?

  9. Aww! That looks like fun!

  10. Good for Jim Bob! He encouraged his kids to be kids! Loved how he was laid back to Jossie's crying when her (mismatched!) boots got stuck in the muck...I would have handle one of my kids the same way!

  11. So good - what a wonderful childhood. How great is it for children to be allowed freedom to play, get messy, learn to take risks and enjoy the great outdoors. Well done Jim Bob - wonderful Daddy and such a great attitude to fun :)

  12. How fortunate for Jim Bob and Michelle, that they have fans who can advise them on how to raise their children. What a relief, clearly these two are clueless and there are so many of us fans suffering immense anxiety because these children are being educated at home, they are taught to work hard, be considerate of others, do their chores, participate in the running of the family, donate their time and energies to the well being of others, they are given opportunities to develop their talents, they play multiple musical instruments, their lives are enriched by many experiences. It's about time someone figured out that what these deprived children need is a real school. No more of this business of parents guiding their children's development!

    1. Bahahaha! I was thinking the same thing! These kids seem to thrive under their parents' direction. I'm really not sure how sending them to a school would help anything. They seem to be bright, kind, intelligent, and polite kids. Kudos to Jim Bob and Michelle for all they do to enrich their children's lives and help guide them down a Godly path.

  13. Moments like that are always wonderful. Glad they got muddy and had fun.

  14. My kids go to school and we still do stuff like this. You don't have to send your kids to school it's a personal choice. I have 5 and they always need to run off energy!!!!

  15. Great way to expense energy while having good old fashion fun with mud!

  16. That was so sweet!! Kids today are so starved for our attention and they just want our time. Another beautiful example of a godly Dad leading his family in some old fashion fun! God Bless the Duggar!!

  17. I agree with the starved for attention part. If you take 8 hours of sleep (and well, the other Duggar activities), that leaves 16 hours in a day. Divide that by 19, plus personal time.

  18. Sweet. This is what great memories are made of.

  19. I think Michelle would have been fine with them getting muddy, she was a tomboy herself.I wish JimBob would have dirty too.Glad they had a good time.I dont think Grandma will be that thrilled,lol! :-)

  20. to Anonymous said... 6

    I sorry but If kids are home schooled by the right parents they can get a better education then any public OR private school.

  21. I really liked Anon 9's comment
    "That was so sweet!! Kids today are so starved for our attention and they just want our time. Another beautiful example of a godly Dad leading his family in some old fashion fun! God Bless the Duggar!!"

    The positive comments here are so uplifting and encouraging. People in general are exposed to so much negativity in life, it is a relief to read something positive. Every family is faced with challenges, failures, successes, ups and downs, but I am glad there are so many people out there with a word of encouragement!

  22. Best part is the very end…. "Wait 'til mama sees your treasures!" :) Love this family!

  23. my dad is the DAD OF THE YEAR ! NOT JIMBOOB! our parents let us go to school like our christian friends thanks to above here who made there comments linda mullet parkman ohio

  24. You have absolutely no idea how homeschooling works! How sad for you!

  25. Home schooling is a great option for the Duggar family. Public school is likely the anti thesis of many of their beliefs and values and the totals for Christian school tuition might get very high, plus all the transportation costs. Anyway their family is like a class room size itself! Why should the Duggars pay for teachers to teach their children in a classroom setting when the mother is willing and capable of doing the same job in their lovely home with it's grand yard? I admire that these homeschooled children grow into self confident adults with healthy self esteem and when they go out into the world they take that attitude that comes from being loved and cherished with them. Jim Bob is doing an excellent job of raising his children.

  26. I'm a fan of home-schooling. If I still had kids in my home now, I'd choose to do it. Based on what I see around the web, it seems like most schools have completely ignored some of the basic lessons in spelling, punctuation and forming complete sentences.

    The Duggars family, parents and kids, are a great inspiration.

  27. I just had to laugh. Jim Bob is like a big kid himself! He's got to be a sanguine personality where life is just a "ball of fun" all the time. He doesn't seem like one who ruffles easily and I bet those kids had a blast making memories. I'd be the momma saying "are you out of your mind?!"

  28. I'm sure they would be less able to expend energy in a traditional school setting.

  29. You guys are my favorite


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