
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Photos of Jessa and Ben

For all of you who have been asking to see photos of Jessa Duggar and her beau, Ben Seewald, your wish has been granted. The two announced their courtship last fall and have been enjoying getting to know each other. Here are a few pictures of their relationship thus far:


  1. How exciting! You're an amazing woman Jessa and deserve all the happiness in the world! May God bless you both! :)

  2. They will make a beautiful married couple and have great-looking children :) I wish them both the best from Springfield, South Dakota.

  3. How sweet are they

  4. what an adorable couple.... are they following the same courtship "rules" as Josh and Anna did?

  5. Jessa I am extremely happy for you. I have followed your family for a while and have learned a lot from your mom. You look so beautiful and happy. Wish you the best of luck in your future.

  6. Ohhhhh so exciting!! Finally some pictures!

    Ben really looks mature -- considering his age. Best wishes to them both.

  7. She is so pretty & she looks very happy. I hope they have a very happy & love filled life.

  8. Jessa is a very pretty young lady. She looks very happy. I wish her & Ben much love & happiness in their life together.

  9. What a sweet couple. I wish the same for Jill, she seems the most motherly and ready. Im sure the Duggars would do just fine if they married off their first four as the whole clan is getting older too. The boys are taught just as well as the girls how to run a household, remember folks, Michelle did raise the first bunch witbout help for u people who think she does nothing. Let's all b supportive. Wishing you all the best.

  10. Awwwwe, they look soooo happy, and i'm happy for them. *_*

  11. Congrats jessa! N hopefully the other older duggar girls will start courting soon too! :)

  12. Beautiful! You have raised a wonderful daughter.

  13. They must be getting along better than we expected! They are touching alot!!!

    1. They're just side hugging. No big deal

  14. Thank you for posting these pictures! Wishing Jessa and Ben all the best!! God bless this beautiful couple!!!

  15. Jessa is such a beautiful girl inside and out! Congrats to her. Wish her much happiness!

  16. They make a very cute couple. Best wishes to them.

  17. What a beautiful couple! May God bless your courtship and your future together!

  18. Thanks for sharing these pictures! I enjoyed seeing them! :)

  19. Wow! Too cute. Beautiful photos! Many and continued blessings in it all.

  20. Yay! More pictures of Jess and Ben! :) They are adorable together. She is stunningly beautiful inside and out, and he is very handsome. I love that cup! :D

  21. Absolutely gorgeous couple. It's so exciting to see Godly young couples can still exist in 2014. Can't wait for the wedding episode!

  22. She is absolutely gorgeous!!

  23. Ben and Jessa are so cute together! I hope we hear an announcement soon!

  24. I love the Duggar Family & their relationship with Christ. I'm so happy for Jessa & Ben and their courtship. I was just curious how Jessa & Ben met and how long they knew each other before courting.

  25. Such beautiful couple! and they seem to almost look more comfortably in the pictures as time goes it is so sweet.Do you know how Jessa does her hair I love it? It so great in all the pictures! So happy for them I pray that God will bless them ever step of the way.

  26. So cute! Ah, young love :) I see beautiful babies from these 2!

  27. Such a good looking couple.

  28. how adorable they are together!!

  29. I wouldn't call them "rules" more like guidelines to help them reamain pure until marriage. I know that Jessa had committed to saving her first kiss for marriage. The couple also has abstained from the physical side of their relationship apart from a breif side hug shown in the ADORABLE pictures above!
    So they have followed the same principles for their courtship as Josh and Anna but remamber that every couple is different and everything won't be the same.
    Best wishes to Ben and Jessa! The Lord will reward you for your purity!

  30. Yay! Jessa is so beautiful and I'm happy for the two of them! Ben really does look older than 18! :) God bless and lead them!!

  31. SO good to see some PICS of them! Thanks for sharing!!! What a cute couple. I am SO happy for Jessa! She looks SO happy! :-D -Mary Ebersole

  32. Congratulations to you both.l wish you both a lifetime of happiness.x

  33. What a cute couple. Jessa had always been one of my favorites. Love her hair, it is so pretty.

  34. What a cute couple. Jessa had always been one of my favorites. Love her hair, it is so pretty.

  35. Gorgeous pics! May God continue to pour His blessings over you both as you grow together in Him! Looking forward to one day seeing sweet wedding pics:)

  36. wow you guys look so cute together! as i wait to be pure when my day comes i am glad to see you guys!

  37. There such a cute couple. Is she engaged yet?

  38. What a beautiful couple! Wishing you Jessa and Ben much happiness! When's the wedding ? Lol!

  39. Thanks for the pictures. They look very good together and you can see the love they have for each other.

  40. GET MARRIED ALREADY :) :) They are perfect!!

  41. please remeber this boy is 18 what boy is ready for marriage at eighteen. they need to find jobs and finsish school before they run into marriage.

    1. Well, how many 18 year olds do you know that run their own successful business. Ben already has his own windshield repair business, so I would say he has already done well in the finding a good job area of life. I fail to understand how some people can be so condescending of the life style these wonderful families are living. Unlike public school teenagers, homeschooled teenagers have that extra flexibility in being able to complete lessons outside of the 8am-2pm school time (less an hour for lunch), for only 8/9 months a year after breaks. That frees up quite a bit of time for these kids to get practical work experience. Having gone through the public school system, I can attest to the fact that it is not as easy to fit in a part time job around school, homework, and extra curricular activities during those 8/9 months while school is in session. 18 is not that young for marriage either, it just seems that way anymore because so many kids spend a minimum of three or four years getting a degree, then spend years paying back loans. This delays marriage, and has become the norm. I know MANY couples who were married at 17 and 18. The husband worked, the wife usually stayed home after the kids were born, the family lived within their means and did not rack up consumer debt, and they are still happily married and living a comfortable retirement.

    2. My husband was 18 and I was 17 when we married. January 7th was 36 years of being married. Its nit for everyone to find a love like this. Or to even want a marriage like this. But mine has worked very well. Honestly look beyond the blinders. The world would never work with only one attitude...

  42. I love these pictures! Jessa is soo pretty!!!

  43. Awww :) they look really cute together :) wish them a world of happiness :D

  44. I have read that ben is 18 and just finished his homeschooling in 2012. What does he do for a job? or is he going to college? I know Jessa has been helping Michelle with homeschooling her younger siblings, is Jessa taking any college classes or have any outside the house work. I think they make a good looking couple, I just wondering if they marry in the next year how they would be able to support themselves? Josh had the car lot for a few year before Anna so he was ready. Jill & jana have been working on their education and work so they seem ready. JD has been building a business for 6 years so he is ready. I just worry a but about Jessa and Ben since he is so young without college or work history. I'm hoping maybe someone knows what he does for a job or maybe he is working for his family?

  45. Such a handsome couple!! Can't wait till they get married, she is going to be a beautiful bride!

  46. What a sweet couple. Thank you for setting an example to all the young people especially mine.

  47. Such a beautiful couple. I know God has a beautiful life in store for them. Glad they are taking their time before they make the leap. Blessings.

  48. I think it is supper funny how Ben always has his arm around her and Jessa always has her arms crossed. :) Hannah

  49. How cute are they! Blessings on your relationship!

  50. Beautifull Couple, i can see cute Babies will coming! :)

  51. i saw on his facebook page he works at a state farm agent office. hope and pray they do not rush into anything. they need to hold jobs and get esbilshed before marriage.

  52. @Cammie

    Ben does attend college, he is going to school studying ministry. Most likely he will end up being a Pastor/Preacher.
    Ben at the moment works for an insurance agency - State Farm to be exact. And before this job he worked several miscellaneous jobs for many years. He has a great head on his shoulders and is very mature for his age.

  53. They are so cute together! :)

  54. When is your wedding

  55. When Is the wedding and will it be on tv

  56. Love all of the photos

  57. Ben has a job with State Farm in Hot Spring, AR, and he also owns his own windshield repair business.

  58. Beautiful couple!! Be happy guys xx

  59. @Stephanie McCoy I'm not being mean; but what makes Jessa "amazing"?

  60. @Anonymous

    I have only seen the boys help inside the house once. Not ot say they don't, but the older girls do seem to do all the cooking, childcare and homeschooling. I'd like to know who the boys' "buddies" are and what they do with them.

  61. @Anonymous

    Me, too. Interesting body language!

  62. @AnonymousI agree with you; home schooled students do have extra flexibility. Perhaps, Ben's family allowed him to hold a part-time job these past years, unlike the Duggar teenagers. However, acquiring at least a bachelor's degree is a gift. Not only to be gainfully employed for more that a minimum wage job; but the whole college experience ---meeting new people, learning to be independent, problem solving, and being exposed to a different environment. You are lucky to to know families who have made it married right out of high school! Not the norm!

  63. Knowone truly knows ones financial means. Jessa could have put away quite a nest egg from the show, all of the family members get money for that. Ben, well he could for all we know have an inheridence or comes from a wealthy family who is.generous.So therefore, they just might have the means to support themselves, which by the way is not anyones buisness really.I wish them nothing but happiness.

  64. Lily and.Ellie, thankyou for not posting a bunch of rude comments. Really, we hav all had enough on other sites. It's refreshing to have a place to go and feel at one with so many well wishings Christians.Godspeed!

  65. They are super cute!

  66. Can't wait to see another Duggar get married and have more grand babies!!!

  67. They are such a cute couple! I wish the Duggar family best wishes and wonderful blessings!

  68. Thanks for the information. I saw the windshield business had a website. I guess it is a mobile windshield business(says he doesn't take credit cards or insurance, yet he works for state farm?). Where I live the norm is getting married 18-21, depending on if you do mission work or not. I have watched many young couples be successful and most started families right away as well. I was very happy to read Ben is attending college. the young couple where I live usually get married and live in married student housing and both attend college. a lot of the young women become nurses or teachers and work for a few years while there husbands finish school or graduate school. By the time they are 25, they have a normal suburban life. the first few years are lean years while in married student housing but I think it brings young couples closer together. I hope Jessa is able to attend college as well as Ben. Curious what she would study since she seems to be the mystery Duggar(we know what Jill & Jana, Joseph, Josiah, Jinger & JD all want to do but have never heard much from Jessa?).
    I also agree Jessa could have some of her own money since she been over 18 for 3-4 of the years the show is filmed. If TLC films her wedding she might get enough money to purchase a small house or let her have a very comfortable start in life.

  69. I'm so happy for u Jessa & Ben!
    I've been where u are & it's truly a blessing to do it God's way & wait before your physically involved. I pray that God continues to bless you all and show favor upon yall!

  70. I see really cute kids from these two worthy people! Congrats!

  71. I love this comment.

  72. they are such a cute this family

  73. saw the cup Ssays, jessa loves ben alittle PREMATURE I THINK! need to explore other avenues, get good JOBS/EDUCATION and explore the world. they have not known each other but a FEW months it takes awhile before you really know someone let alone your spouse. also quit focousing SOOOOO MUCH ON LOOKS! good loves ALL!

  74. I was 17 and husband was 18...We've been married 44 and a half yrs.and would do it all over again...GOD BLESSED Us and HE Will Them! So proud for them!

  75. How do you know they haven't known each other for longer? Just b/c we 'saw' them on the show, etc last summer doesn't mean that they only knew one another for that long.

    And why do you say they are focused on looks?? Because they take care of their appearance and try to look nice? Oh yes, how terrible.

    My husband and I were married at 18 and 19, after knowing one another for 9 months. It was the best thing we ever did. We've been married for sixteen and a half wonderful years, with seven beautiful children. God has blessed us indeed!

  76. I love how ben just fits in the family

  77. @AnonymousHer body language is a tell tale sign!!! We see it Jessa!

  78. @Anonymous
    You don't know their situation. They've gotten to know each other for about a year now, and just recently started courting.

  79. From Melinda in Michigan, I wish you the best Jessa and Ben and I've always loved your Family and their principles ,their should be more families like you God Bless U All!

  80. Im so happy for you jessa I wish you the best with ben God bless You and your family many blessings to you all :)

  81. Jessa and Ben I wish you a lifetime of happiness.
    God Bless!!!

  82. Aww I'm so excited for you Jessa! Your my favorite Duggar. I love your family and been watching an growing with you all.

  83. I applaud both of them for letting God pick them for each other. They have trust in his love for them and his work in their lives. It's faith and trust that make a marriage work and if God is in the center - then stand back -- they are going to do great things and have a wonderful life. Besides -- who are we to judge.

  84. Sweet young people! I don't think marrying at a young age, with the upbringing these kids have had, will be unduly hard. Face it, marrying at any age is hard. But they appear to be doing all the right things to lead to a fulfilling relationship, and I hope we will see more of them together next season. I've been watching reruns on TLC in the early mornings, and just admire the family so much, and still wish I could have Michelle as a friend! I would like to post by name, but don't know how to find my url!!!

  85. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 90,

    You can comment with just your name. Just leave the url part blank, and Blogger should still let you post the comment.

    Let us know if you're still having trouble:)
    Lily and Ellie

  86. I wish only the best for Jessa and Ben! I believe God brought you two together for a reason!
    The two of you will live a very blessed life together and in time I hope you will be blessed with
    beautiful children of your own like Josh and Anna!! I am a big fan of your entire family and think
    the world of you all! Aloha from Hawaii!! :)

  87. They look great together! When are they getting married? Soon I hope!

  88. I just love seeing pictures of couples who are desiring Yehovah's best in their "relationship"!

    Jessa and Ben - congratulations on your courtship. May Yehovah bless you as you seek HIS will in your lives together.

    I just love how her arms are crossed while his arms are around her.....too cute lol :)

    Looking forward to more pictures, and another Duggar wedding in the near future (if Yehovah desires) :)

    Blessings to the cute couple!

  89. Congratulations to Jessa and Ben on having a courtship with each other! :) I hope and pray that the two of you will continue to be very happy and will continue to have a blessed relationship filled with God's love and grace.

  90. Am i the only one who is opposed with benessa!!!!

  91. They are so cute together can't wait until new season

  92. @AnonymousMy husband & I married when I was 18 & he was 19. I worked to help put him through Bible College and his last year of college, he also worked a PT job. This past July, we celebrated 40 yrs of marriage together! They have already chosen to follow God's plans for their lives, & they have a great support system, so they will do just fine. Vicki

  93. @Anonymous

    Actually, Ben is in college, and is likely working for State Farm because he needs a job in the field he is going for to graduate. Thats the way it works at NPCC

  94. How do you feel about Rotan commenting that Jessa and Ben celebrated Christmas in a very special way?

  95. Jessa i have watched every single show that your family has done and this is very exciting i wish th ebest for you ben and both your families!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 :-P

  96. Jessa and ben you look so good together.

  97. their not married yet! their just courting!!! I think Ben is too young to think about marriage since he is only 18 or 19!!!

  98. What does it matter their age you can be 25 and not ready for marriage. Jessa an Ben have been raised to do right.
    I say Congratulations to the couple enjoy your courtship time take it as you feel the Lord is leading you.

  99. Though I do not share the complete same values as Jessa, and Ben, I applaud them. They were raised the right way, with wonderful values. I commend them on this. I wish them the best in their courtship, and a wonderful life!

  100. @Cammie
    Pretty sure they can handle it...:) all the faith and love in the world to you both...such a beautiful couple !

  101. Congratulations. you make such a sweet couple. I have loved watching your family over the years.

  102. Is Jana engaged, I just read that some where

  103. @Anonymous
    (Anonymous number 78)
    Since when did having a job/education make a difference in how you love another person? If you had watched the show, you would know that Jessa, and the whole Duggar family, are among the most well travelled American's in the whole country. I don't know where you are from, but there are only about 35% of American's who even have passports, so the fact that we have seen them travel not only to South America, but also China is huge! ESPECIALLY for a family from "The South". So your comment about exploring the world is null and void. As for needing to know some one for a few months before really knowing someone especially your spouse - well, they aren't married, so therefore they aren't spouses yet. We have no idea how long they have known each other for before they wrote on that cup. It's a picture of a heart, and a cute picture, not a declaration covered by law. And besides which, some people DO know within a short amount of time. My mum and dad knew within 6 days that they were meant for each other, and were engaged a month later. They would still be married well into old age if Jesus hadn't called her home last year.
    As for the looks, so they are blessed to be two good looking people, and what?! So they aren't allowed to be together, they have to go and find ugly people to be with just to please you?

  104. It is so refreshing to see young people behaving the way that sure seemed the "norm" to me growing up. I am 44 now and never got to get married, I was disabled in a car wreck when I was 22. But definitely never considered sex before marriage. I regret a few kisses :) Saving precious things for your life mate is just wise for so many reasons.

    Thank you, Duggars, for helping me feel a bit less alone in the world. We who belong to the Lord (not because we're "good" or anything we did! Because of His grace!!) need to be shining lights in this world, more and more every day. Keep doing and being that, all of you!

    Smiles for you from just a bit west in Oklahoma ;0)
    sarah t

  105. Congrats jesse and Ben, lov lov the Duggers

  106. I have been a HUGE fan of the Duggars for many years and am so very happy to see that Jessa has a beau.......Ben must be an outstanding young man to win the heart of such an amazing young woman. My wish for you both is for happiness and health and a wedding......what joy.

  107. Wow. I am surprised that the family allow them to take pictures with his arm around her like that if it's just "courtship". I saw on tv how josh and anna were bearly allow to hold hands and thats cuz it was engagement not courtship. That happens to every family I guess, All the hard rules go to the oldest and the youngest kids have permission to do whatever. As a mother myself I would break the arm of any young man trying to take a picture with my daughter that way. He can do that after he marries her.

  108. Aww she looks so happy!!

  109. It's awesome to see that there is still young people out there who take their purity seriously, who cherish and treasure the one thing that God asks of us to be pure and holy. I know that their life and marriage will be blessed because they took it upon themselves to obey not only what their parents have taught them but more importantly what is taught to us in God's living word. I also give praises to Mrs. Duggar and Mr. Duggar for raising such wonderful children who have morals and values. I know that they are not perfect but they have managed to instill in their children the importance of following and obeying God. They have done as the Word of God says in Deuteronomy 11:19-21 "Teach them to your children. Talk about them all the time-whether you're at home or walking along the road or going to bed at night, or getting up in the morning. Write them on the door frames of your home and on your town gates. Then you and your descendants will live a long time in the land the Lord promised your ancestors. Your families will live there as long as the sky is above the earth." You and your family are an inspiration to me.

  110. Exciting! Jessa is so beautiful and I love her long hair! :)

  111. Congratulations, Jessa & Ben! God bless you both!

    - Angela in Arkansas

  112. Congrats to you both! You can see how much they care for each other in their eyes.

  113. Jessa is a REAL roll-model for young people of this day and age. Your parents have taught you well and i commend you for following and trusting there guidance. I wish more and more youths would follow the teachings and guidance of the Holy Spirit, than just trusting in themselves and making wrong decisions. May God continue to shine through you both and your Family as well. Hope you continue to touch more and more lives each day.
    Shellean- Ocho Rios Jamaica

  114. congratulations jessa and ben. I tried to hold myself to that standard and had every intention. But Fell to the temptation and have regretted it everyday of my life. I missed out on giving my husband that gift that only I could give him. I pray my daughter does not make the same mistakes I made. I hope that I can be a better influence on her and teach her to be wise.

  115. Wow! ,, This so exciting ,,, i hope they show the wedding on tv that would be awesome... congrats Jessa and Ben wish you too the best life has to offer ,, My God watch over you two ,,, sign Jackie from N.C

  116. Jessa is beautiful. Her boyfriend is handsome and looks to be nice. Is her a one of the friends of the family kids? Where did they meet? God Bless them, and Josie looks
    great too. She is growing and looks healthy. Thanks, Alicia

  117. Jessa and Ben, you two are wonderful role models. One of the reasons that our family has watched your TV show for so many years is that, as a parent, I know that my children won't see anything inappropriate, just an extended family of loving, supportive and uplifting people. Great job, Jim Bob and Michelle!

  118. Are you not aware that Jessa is a celebrity and probably doesnt have to worry about finances. The Duggars all seem pretty well prepared by their parents to lead successful lives.

  119. Dear, Lily and Ellie,
    On fan page of the Duggars it says, "That's an engagement ring??? I don't think it's the purity ring." In Jessa's album is it true that she is engaged with Ben. Please respond please.

  120. @samantha scharf

    Hi Samantha,

    Nothing has been announced. We will have to wait until the new season to find out the details of their relationship.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  121. Hey this is Crystal i pray for the best for yall. I hope my son find happiness like y'all. So may god bless y'all. Me and my husband been married April 10 it going to be 17 teen years

  122. Is it weird that I don't want Jess and Ben to be continued to be filmed, like how Anna and Josh are, once they're married?

  123. Hi! Gosh, you two look sooo nice together! When I'm of marrying age, I think I'll court the same way you guys are doing it. If I ever meet the right guy. I'm soo happy for you two! God bless!

  124. She is absolutely adorable...

  125. Don't feel like you have to get married just because you are courting. . . just my word of advice! -26 yr. old homeschool grad :)

  126. God bless you two

  127. God bless you two may you have a great future together.


  129. So happy for you Jessa God Bless yall two my best wishes !!:)

  130. I cant believe there courting!!!!!!!!!!!

  131. they are an adorable couple!! so cute- they are perfect together!

  132. just watch this episode, so wonderful may the Lord bless you both!

  133. Victoria Middletown,DEApril 8, 2014 at 2:27 PM

    @AnonymousCongratulations Jessa and Ben I pray that your love continues to bloom from courtship to marriage


  135. I normally feel everyone should be allowed to live as they please. However, after watching the "double date" episode, I was astounded at Jim Bob's behavior. He was overly competitive and seemed to delight (excessive laughing) in Ben's lack of skill in the mini golf area. I also was disappointed in the immature public displays of affection in front of Ben & Jessa as if to taunt them. Honestly, I thought he acted like a jerk and is not a good example for TV watchers.

  136. I am such a fan of all the duggars. Love the show and can't wait to see more of the love stories as they unfold. God Bless!

  137. Through the book you and your other three sisters wrote, I learned a lot as being a daughter of my mom, and God; the way to guard my heart until one He chose for me. Thank you the four of you very much, and God blessed you and your sister Jill a happy engagement.


  138. May God's will be done in your lives Jessa and Ben. We know His plans are always the best. Enjoy this special time of getting to know one another. Always make sure you pray together as a couple, but Jessa I'm sure you have had your parents example to follow.
    May Our Lord bless you both as you discern your future.

  139. How they dont trust them goin on a date together alone n see every text is so untrustworthy if their goin to do something their goin to do it regarless especially if they kniw they raised a good child

  140. I think they are a beautiful couple!!! I as a teen myself am so inspired by their everyday living and obedience to their parents! Although many would not understand why they have the dating guidelines that they do, I think it is wonderful because my family has those same guidelines! And it is not that their parents do not trust them but that even within Christians the temptations are still there! I am so happy for them!!! I hope that one day i get to meet them in person, it is my lifelong dream!!!!!

  141. A beautiful couple - how will Ben support Jessa and future children? He seems so young to be married any time soon

  142. How wonderful to see a couple date, become engaged and marry the way our Lord planned it. We wish you many, many happy years of marriage.

  143. This is very exciting news indeed!!!

  144. With the Lord first and their relationship with each other second, all things are possible, age is just a number. As long as they talk to each other about everything, try to please each other and continually work on their relationship they will be fine.
    Everything should be "OURS" not his or hers in a relationship.
    Wonderful family, they have admitted that they made mistakes but they have learned from them.
    That is the first lesson of marriage, be open and truthful regarding all mistakes. Don't be phony or try to keep up with the JONESES. Keep love and family alive.

  145. Thank you all for saying 'yes' to God! You are A beautiful family,and a wonderful example for us all!!! May God continue to bless you as you live
    your lives for His honor and glory!!!

  146. How beautiful! Congratulations to you both for finding each other and creating such a beautiful bond that will last a lifetime!!

  147. i love all u guys so much and always watch your show. your all so pretty and love your books!!!!!!!! please do a book sighing in ATL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yawl make a cute couple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  148. I love all the duggars and I am so happy for Jessa and Ben. He seems like a very responsible guy. I think he wants to ask to propose but waiting for the right time. The way they look at each you can tell they are in love..... look at the pictures were they are looking at each other. You will see what I am talking about. Wish you too the best.

  149. The pictures are all so beautiful! What a sweet couple! I absolutely love the black shirt with white polka dots that Jessa is wearing with Ben, gorgeous!

  150. These pictures are beautiful! What a sweet couple. I absolutely love the black shirt with white polka dots that Jessa is wearing in the photo with Ben, classic and gorgeous!

  151. Such a cute couple, congrats to u both. BEN IS HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  152. Honestly? Why do we need to see al these pics of them?? Its there relationship that is private between there family and friends and most importantly their parent's and god. It is not something that their followers need to rave about if they don't see all the pictures from that one meeting.

  153. Ben looks exactly like my hubby!

  154. Jessa is so beautiful! Im jealous.

  155. I'm so happy for Jessa and Ben. They make such a cute and sweet couple. I love the show even more now since the kids are getting older and "courtships" are happening.

  156. That is great! I feel like i can really look up to Jessa for the rest of my life.

  157. I don't remember Josh and Anna hugging and touching when they were courting. (Maybe they did?) after becoming engaged they just held hands mostly. Jill and Jessa and the guys seem to always be very close in their pictures always touching bodies in some way. I think it's fine but according to JB & Michelles always stressing in the past about hand holding and quick side hugs, I'm curious if they're easing up a bit on that 'rule'?

  158. Happy for Jill & Derrick also Jessa & Ben both are lovely couples and may our Lord bless them as they enter their lives together. Now waiting for the beautiful Jana to meet her special somebody, hope it happens soon. Love and peace from New Hampshire

  159. Maybe this is just me but does anybody think JB is way harder on Jessa and Ben than he was on DEREK and Jill. He seems to be always.... I don't know just something about the way he acts towards Ben I don't like, but all that aside... Ps. Anybody else feel that?

    Jessa is GORGEOUS and Ben WOW!!!! I hope we hear an engagement announcement soon, but I love how they seem to be taking there time with the relationship and making sure before they get engaged. Love them both and hope all goes well.

    Ps. Ben you've got a great gorgeous amazing in love girl there, be a good guy and marry her! Please?
    PPS. I think there engaged. Good luck guys! God Bless.


  160. sailawaypam@aol.comAugust 4, 2014 at 1:31 AM

    I think there are to many cooks in the kitchen. It is not up to anyone to say they are to young or do they have jobs or are they going to collage or are they going to have enough money to live on. They have something greater than that, they have faith, trust and Love for there master and that is the right spirit to have. This family and Jessa and Ben have blessed us with the word of the Lord,inspired millions to follow HIM and not only tell us the beauty of God's love but SHOW us his Love in every thing they do.I only wish that I had the honer of growing up in a family like that. Age 65 on 3rd marriage living in poverty in poor health and am finely learning how to trust God to take care of me ,'cause no one else did, but they did the best they could. Just because we our honored to be able to watch and love and learn from this family does not give anyone the right to judge or ask some of the questions or share opinions that I have seen on this blog.I pray GOD will continue to BLESS all of the family. I Love you all and Thank you for the lessons I have learned form your faithfulness. "Well done my good and faithful SERVANTS"....

  161. Jessa and ben look so cute. Can not wait to see what god has planed for you


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