
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Most Fascinating Arkansans

Michelle Duggar has been voted one of Arkansas's most fascinating citizens. According to 40/29 News, she is "one of the most down-to-earth, soft-spoken women you'll ever meet." Here's the YouTube video of her interview:


  1. shes deserving..her voice and wisdom is heard by many people.

    God Bless

  2. Congratulations Mrs. Duggar. I don't know anyone who deserves this more!!

  3. I vote she should have been #1!!!! I'm from Arkansas but currently live in Chicago and I am so thankful for the witness this family has been to me. I am a better mom and wife because of Michelle. Above all, the glory goes to our Lord Jesus whom lives and shines through Michelle. Congrats Michelle and thank you!

  4. I hope Michelle did'ent go for that hair style again.

    1. Why do u feel it necessary to coment negatively on ones style choice or looks is behond me. The Duggars would not judge you or care what you look like. How would you feel if we all judged your appearence on a blog? We are all perfect in Gods eye and really thats all that matters. Shame on you!

  5. Does anyone know of the other fascinating women of Arkansas? Michelle certainly is fascinating!

  6. I agree Mrs. Duggar should be number 1..You are so gracious..You and your family are a gift from God to the world...May the Lord continue to bless you and cover you with His Holy Spirit. .

  7. Im 12, bur i totally agree that Michelle Duggar should have been #1 she has inspired me to do whats right. I love her so much she is one of my inspirations!!! I love you Mrs.Duggar!!!

  8. CONGRATULATIONS MICHELLE!!!!!! We have become more interested in the state of Arkansas because of you and your family. If.people like you reside yoursthere , then thats a place we will be tourists some day.Bless you and yours :0}

  9. @Anonymous

    I moved from AR to the Chicago area as well and have also been so encouraged by Michelle in my life as a mother to five and wife to one ;). Do you mind if I ask where you lived in AR?

  10. Lily and Ellie,

    Michaela Bates has entered into a courtship with Brandon Keilen!

  11. I thinks she should have been One also !! This family has changed my whole way of thinking ,, !!Everytime I watch the duggers are read about them it makes my family wont to get closer to God ,, I think God for giving the dugger family to us for them to share the story ,!!! Mrs,Dugger is a such a mentor to me , as well as her family is to my family ,!! me and my husband are from alabama and we been tog,13 years with 4 wonderful kids ,!! andI just wonted to thank the duggers for inspiring us to draw closer to God and put more Bible in our familys lives ,,!!Thanks for everything , !Your sister in Christ Nichole taylor

  12. I would love to say a big thank u to the duggers for doing Gods work ,!!!Mrs dugger should have been number one , !God has really used this nice lady and her family to be a mentor to me and mine!!! The duggers inspire us to get closer to God ,and put more Bible in are kids lives as well as ours ,,Thanks u so much !!

  13. The Duggars make faith out to be a bunch of rules. We are warned against idolization in the Bible. Jesus chided the Pharisees for their umpteen rules. If the Duggars want to be a Christian example why not let the young adults go forth in the world and prove their system works?

  14. I agree with roddma..I will never understand there view on religion. Leave your kids alone and let them live there lives already!! Why soooo many rules?? I would love an answer to this question!!

  15. Leave your kids alone? Who would do such a sad thing like that to their own children! We really have lost the beauty of the relationship between parents and their children. And as far as all rules...children raised with "all rules" like a Pharisee with hypocritcal parents typically rebel and leave behind whatever their parents stood for. I just don't see that here. I see a lot of honor and that's a great Christian example. Today, any kind of parental guidance is seen as a "rule" and frowned on, but God said through Solomon (wisest man to ever live): A child left to himself will bring shame. Please don't believe the lie that you should "leave your children alone"...they need you!

  16. Hi Michelle You are my BIGGEST HERO EVER!!!!!! You are a Huge INSPIRATION to how to be kind and live life with Christ. I'm shocked about how many rude comments you get. Women are so judgmental. Just know most of those comment are because of jealousy. You are such a great mother and i am honored to be writing you right now. You set a great example for your children and since i'm only 14 I sometimes feel like your influencing me even though your show was in the past. and we are a couple hundred miles apart. Just remember always just be you. Oh and I'm sorry about Jubilee I watched the episode and could not stop sobbing and praying that the ultrasound was wrong and she was alive.

  17. I would love to meet her and her beautiful family. She is such an amazing, Godly person, wife, mother, grandmother, friend. She is a wonderful role model for other mothers.


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