
Monday, December 2, 2013

All About the Duggar Girls

As we announced on Saturday, Growing Up Duggar is now available for preorder. Written by Jana, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger, this will be the third book published by members of the Duggar family. 

Author Bios
Jana, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger Duggar appear with the rest of their family on TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting, which airs weekly and is now in its seventh season. The Duggars have been guests on dozens of national TV shows, including NBC's Today show, Good Morning America, The View, Inside Edition, Jimmy Kimmel Live, and The Dr. Oz Show.

Jana, 23, has a passion for children. She has gone on numerous mission trips and volunteers at local ministries that care for kids. Currently studying to be a doula, Jana coaches other women through labor and assists them after childbirth. In her spare time, this Duggar enjoys playing piano duets and investing in the lives of her siblings, including twin John-David. Like the other Duggar girls, Jana has been a leader for young women on IBLP's Journey to the Heart, a 10-day retreat in the upper peninsula of Michigan.

At 22 years of age, Jill is studying to be a midwife. Both she and Jana spend their days checking up on pregnant mommas and assisting at births. The social butterfly of the family, Jill is easy-going and loves taking time off to hang out with her younger brothers and sisters, whether that means running errands or making dinner together. You will often find her counseling girls via phone, text, email, or in person. She enjoys playing harp and violin, spending time outdoors, and loving on little ones. Jill has been studying Spanish and hopes to someday use those skills to share the hope and love of Jesus with the people of Latin America.

Jessa, 21, is talented at playing several instruments, with guitar as her current favorite. She can hear something once and the next thing you know, she's up in the girls' room picking it out on an instrument. In her "spare time" she enjoys reading interesting books, memorizing scripture, discipling friends, and hanging out with her fam. Jessa has the gift of organization and loves using it. Whether she is de-cluttering a storage area, packing for a trip, or corralling the little ones, if she gets involved in a task you can be sure it won't be done halfway. Jessa recently entered a courtship with Ben Seewald, and the two are enjoying getting to know each other via texting and family visits.

Jinger, who will celebrate her 20th birthday in December, is full of energy--that is, when she has a cup of coffee in hand. She has become quite the photographer and loves practicing her skills with her siblings while picking up helpful tips from other professional crews that often come through the Duggar home. Jinger can probably make more facial expressions than anyone in the whole family and loves jammin' in the living room. She has a passion to reach the world for Christ, so it's not uncommon to see her stop and pass out gospel tracts in a grocery store or at a resale shop.


  1. Congratulations on your book. We would love for the books to be translated into Spanish. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.

  2. Noticed a typo. "hanging out with her fam." Might want to change that to family.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. really? isnt this their blog? one shouldnt nit pick instead of enjoying the blog!

  3. I wish with all my heart that I could meet them in person or even stay at their house for a month. I love these girls, and they are a great role model for me! Keep it up, and I'll also keep on dreaming.

  4. it is very neat to hear about the girls. :) -Sarah Ebersole

  5. They are all beautiful and talented girls..wish them always lots of success.


  6. Jana and Jill = Shiphrah & Puah

  7. God bless them hope Jana and Jill go out and get trainning behind just on the job. going to school can help them go to the next level. and please tell us why these girls do not hold any type of job. How can they support them selves and live in the real world.

  8. @Kim McCaffrey

    Fam is short for family ;)

  9. im so excited for their book to come out!!!! they are such amazing examples to me. i wish there was a way i could talk to them and ask them for their advice on things...that would be a blessing! love this blog. thank you for posting!!! :)

  10. @Kim-"fam" is a very trendy way to mean family. @Anonymous 7-JimBob's plan is for his daughters NOT to support themselves; but to be supported by their husbands.

  11. It is disgusting that Jim Bob plans for his daughters to be supported by their husbands. What if something happened to their husbands or they got divorced? How would they be able to support themselves and the million babies they want to have? It is extremely irresponsible to just expect another person to support you.

  12. Any idea if they will be selling autographed books? Can not wait to read their book.

  13. @Anonymous
    Annonymous11: sigh, the Duggars main vision for their girls is that their husband provides for them. BUT they also trained their girls to be able to go out and support a family if the need arises. ( eg: if their husband dies,is injured at work and that leaves him unable to provide, or if he is too ill to work for long periods of time etc.) so what previous commentors have said is not entirely accurate. And as for the 'real world' comment, what a joke, with all the crime and nastiness and devastation in the world, there is nothing like belonging to a home that is safe, and secure and where you will be accepted and loved. These girls are enjoying their lives and are happy. Just let them be!

  14. Being a doula, midwife, photographer, and musician are ALL marketable skills, aka money-making. Should they not marry, divorce, or even become a widow, they all have skills that could earn them a living.

  15. God blesses this family for there belief, and blessed the world by letting us know this family.they give me hope.I wonder if they've ever thought about counseling drug addicts..?just think how there way of life could help a person heal. God bless them all for the hope they give.

  16. Can't wait for this book!

  17. So Happy for Jessa and Ben! I love seeing pictures online of the two together. They seem so happy! God has truly blessed them!
    Can't wait to read this book!

  18. I think it is great that they will someday have husbands who will support them in putting their family first. I am sure that the family would pull together and help them should they lose a spouse. And if you have been watching the show for any amount of time you would have seen that the girls know how to work outside the home, as well. I believe it is the two oldest two are studying to be midwives.

  19. Dulas and midwives do not work for free. I do believe this them finding a career if they need it.

  20. in this context what does "discipling friends" means? > its in jessa's bio

  21. @AnonymousNo, we have not seen the oldest girls work outside the home! We have seen them work one day at a coffee business; Jill in training to be a mid-wife (without college education) and Jana tagging along trying to be a doula. She does not look very excited about the position. Jinger, Jessa and Joy do not work a paid position. For that matter, does JD still have a towing business, does Joseph or Josiah work anywhere???

  22. I wish more women and men today considered having the wife stay home and take care of the family. It is not true that you can't make it on 1 salary. The reality is that people think they need a lot of stuff that is not needed. I had to work to support my husband and child because of my husband's disability and I would have loved to be at home with my child.

  23. I have a masters degree and am a stay at home mom. Being a stay at home mom is a lot harder then my job was. I miss my work sometimes and am happy when my kids are older I will be able to return to my job. All of the paths the girls have taken could lead to some employment but not a full time salary to sustain a family. My neighbor has a BSN and was a labor & delivery nurse but decided to be a doula because she loves her work and her husband income was high enough they could afford the huge salary cut from 65k a year to 12k. Being a doula pays poorly $500 a patient and she can only take on so many patients because of the time commitment, she manages about 25 patients a year. A lay midwife might be able to get $1k a patient and again can only handle so many patients so neither field will provide an full time income but I hope if they do marry and it is their passion they can continue the work at some point in their lives. I feel bad as hard as we see Jill working she is not becoming a certified midwife because just a few years in college makes so much difference in her profession. Photography and music rarely provide a full time salary, again nice part time income but only a select few can make a real living at photography or music. I think being a stay at home mom is an important hard job. I think the issue I have is that these 4 talented smart ladies are not married yet and are living at home so what would be wrong with going to a christain college? If Mr right came along, they could decide to leave college but right now all 4 ladies could have finished a degree or program while they waited for prince charming. I hope the books explains more why they have chosen not to attend college or how they are building a career like in music or photography, like are the taking baby pictures or playing music at weddings. I also would love to know what Joseph & Josiah are doing as far as a career but don't expect that in this book(kind of glad the girls get their own book), but maybe in a future episode?

    1. Certified nurse midwives are not allowed in Arkansas to practice as independent homebirth midwives. They deliver babies in hospitals under a doctor and sadly many of our hospitals won't hire them because they take revenue from the doctors. A licensed midwife in our state goes through an intensive training program as Jill is doing and my friends who are midwives make around $3k per client though some do charge less or work on a sliding scale for low income clients. Most midwives practice for the love of what they do.

  24. Writing a book brings royalties so I'm sure they'll be okay financially. Not to mention they have been taught business and financial skills from the time they were small children.

  25. Okay, here goes; I cant take all the ignorant negative statements anymore. This family doesnt harm anyone by the lifestyle. If u truly watch the shows and know them then u would know how happy and well adjusted they are.Those girls are NOT sheltered, have u seen them jump out of planes, travel, build ahome from ground up. They have quite a nice nest egg financially from the show and JimBobs buisness smarts. I would rather have a daughter that can run a household, have common sence and a pure kind heart, than these wild, lazy, selfish girls these days. Tell me who would u want to have your back in a bind? I thought so!! And to u people who want these girls married A.S.A.P. Give them time, Jana is still very young at 23. It's not a race with the Bates. Actually they are being more modern with the current times as the average marriage age is 25-36. People who judge are usually so uninformed about the facts, or there so miserable about their own sad little life that they have nothing else better to do but spew vile hatred, funny thing is that the Duggars pray for y'all. I strive to be a better person because of them. I truly love and care for this family. Godspeed to them, and the haters, may your soul soften ;0) Sincerely, Natalie and Linda

    1. I completely agree I enjoy the show and respect this family. I wold definantly want them in my corner.

    2. I totally agree with this family. They are what a true Christian family should look like.

  26. Thank you, very well said. If you don't like the Duggars, leave them alone. I do love them and love what life they are living and teaching their children.

    Thank you for this blog!!

  27. Anyone know when the Duggars will be coming near Nebraska?

  28. @Anonymous

    I think the Duggars are wonderful role models for everyone, from all socio-economic backgrounds, all races, religions and even non religious people like myself. Obviously they are doing something right since none of these girls have gone wild and have chosen to live the way they do. At 18 years of age any one of them could leave home if they wanted. It's not as if they are being held prisoner. I think the world would be a lot better off if more families had the morals and integrity of the Duggars. Each of these girls are very smart and I feel certain they could all have careers if they chose to do so. They have already had more positive life lessons than most people ever experience. You must not pay attention to the show or you are just looking for something negative. You would probably enjoy watching The Real Housewives where you can find plenty of college educated, career women with lots of real financial issues. These girls are fantastic as is the whole family. I would love to meet them.

    1. Very well articulated!! Now these are the.posts.that i enjoy and are worth reading.i dont understand all the negative Nellies, you can tell who are miserable people just by what they say, their like an open book. We all need to pray for those lost lambs.

  29. @Kim McCaffreythat's not a typo, fam is short for family, lots of young people say that.

  30. @Anonymousthey are taking schooling for this, licensing demands it. Please do not assume they aren't properly trained just because you do not see it on tv.

  31. I love these girls! They are all beautiful and smart and will go a very long way in life. Can't wait to read the book!! :)

  32. @Kim McCaffrey That's not a typo, it's slang for family

  33. @Anonymous If you don't have anything kind to say. Don't say anything at all.

  34. Unfortunately the skills you have awarded to the eldest Duggar daughters do not exist in the real workplace. They dabble in a limited form of musicianship, they comfort an expectant mother, before. during and after delivery. They make casual stabs at learning Spanish , and repetitive family photos does not a professional photographer make,oh what they could have been with an accredited college education!!!!!

  35. What I don't understand is why anyone who criticizes the Duggars would even come to this forum in the first place. I mean, really? Whether spot-on (thanks Natalie and Linda, and Anonymous 28) or woefully misguided, yes everyone is entitled to an opinion. But can't the admirers have a place to go that is untarnished by the nay-sayers? The Duggars endure enough heat in this contrary culture. It would just be nice to have a place online where they and those who support them can be in peace. I'm sure they would appreciate a "safe place" to read from their supporters. And good grief, they are kids and harmless young people! Leave them alone. Hate in places suited for negativity, but not at this site, ok? Or better yet, open your heart a little. Thanks.

  36. Cant wait to read the book, those girls no more about life then girls twice there age or older... go Dugger girls...

  37. I don't live my life the way the Duggars live theirs, but I dont see a reason to degrade their lifestyle. We have to learn to appreciate everyone for everything they contribute to society.

  38. @AnonymousI work in the student loan industry and am daily confronted with college educated folks who can't find employment (or choose not to) and are deeply in debt due to the expense of education.Our society doesn't understand that a formal post-high school education is only a small part of being a productive,well rounded person. I love the Duggars and love the way they have chosen to live their lives.

  39. I love the example the Duggars set for young girls. Girls today need good people with good values to look up to. There parents have taught them to look for men with the highest of standards. Who will respect them and there values. But they have also have taught them life skills. I think any of these girls would be able to handle things on there own. There life style is not for everyone but it works for them and you can tell they are all happy. I have learned alot from watching the show. Things that have helped me to be a better parent. I wish all of them the best of luck in what life has to offer them.I am excited to read there book. Thanks for being someone I would be proud to have my girls look up too.

  40. Amen,Amen,Amen,and please to God be all the Glory.

  41. I am wondering how the kids first cousin is doing? I am so very sorry that, right at this moment, can't recall her name. She went to Nashville. I thought she would be around for all the festivities. Just wondering! Thanks!

  42. I adore this family and think most of the time when they do something it is spot on with the Bible. Nobodies perfect and the way they raise the children in this protected way is to be commended not put down.If you love your child you prepare and protect then as well as give them a safe place to be. The world is very dangerous.They are high profile beautiful girls and I am all for them staying with their folks until they are married simply for the safety of it. We have all heard of young single women who were attacked or worse living alone and I do not think living alone is safe for women nor has it ever been safe. I think this family is delightful and a blessing to this state. I also think they will be able to support themselves with no worries if they are good stewards with their finances. Those girls know how to work and in a pinch you can clean if you know how to work.


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