
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Duggar Lineup in 8 Seconds

Michelle Duggar can list all 19 of her kids' names in 8 seconds. How quickly can you list them?


  1. C'mon Michelle you can do it!!!!!!!!!! lol.

  2. Love the new hair and can't wait for the new season to be available in the UK :) (When is it?)

  3. I can do it in 6 seconds!

  4. 6.5 seconds!!! I'm sure she could have done it faster, but Michelle isn't one to rush- always keeps her cool :) I'm sure she could have named them all backwards, it just would have taken a little bit more thought.

  5. I can say it back-words!

  6. Funny you posted this because I was actually practicing this the other day. I can do it in 6 seconds! :)

  7. I timed myself...I was able to say them without looking in 6 seconds... :) :) now backwards? That's a lot harder:)

  8. I did it in 7.51 seconds! :) I couldn't do it in reverse :[]

  9. woww!! good for her!

  10. I think you did quite well naming the children so quickly, in order, from oldest to youngest. And I agree with you... requesting to name them in reverse order is "crazy". *haha* Good for you, Michelle. Love you & God bless~ Andrea

  11. I can name from Josh to Jubilee really fast. I also have all of their middle names memorized, and most of their birthdays memorized, this is the next thing I'm working on. Then onto the Bates family. :)

  12. I was able to name them oldest to youngest in 6 seconds...Oh yah!!!:)

  13. I named them from oldest to youngest in 5 seconds!!! :) ~ Therese Dupre, 12 years old

  14. I did it in 5.4 secs. I don't talk as calm as Michelle, though

  15. i timed myself, regular- 5.38 and backwards-30.33 :)

  16. My record is 5.38 seconds...

  17. I don't know how long it takes me - haven't timed myself yet - but I can say all their names pretty fast.. prob. same as Michelle, not sure though!! I thought I was the only one with a talent like this (except the family) until I stumbled across this... oh, well! The more the merrier, right?!!

  18. 5 seconds!

  19. 6 seconds!! but that is not with Anna and their kids.


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