
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Michelle on Dating Your Spouse

In the following video blog post, Michelle Duggar urges viewers to "date [their] spouse" and explains why she believes that connecting with one's husband or wife plays a crucial role in strengthening the family unit. "The stability of our relationship helps for the stability of our children's' hearts," says the mom of 19.

Video no longer available


  1. I agree with Michelle 100%, but I have one question who watched the kids???!!!!

  2. Hello to all of the Duggar's,
    I'm a huge fan! I totally agree with the video!
    In Christ,

  3. It's very telling that Michelle talks about those early years when she had lots of little ones. She has lots of little ones now, but I guess since she has the older girls taking care of the little ones now, they can have plenty of alone time. She also talked about how much time Jim Bob was gone during the day at work during the early years. I guess with TLC money coming in now, he can be home all day and doesn't have to go to work. It's a shame they don't give their older daughters the freedom to go out and do something they would like to do without worrying about taking care of their siblings. Jim Bob and Michelle chose to have a bunch of kids and should step up and raise them themselves. It's a shame the girls never got to have a teenage life that didn't involve being a sister-mom.

    1. Sounds like you really don't know the older Duggar girls very well. If interested, they have a book coming out in a few months that will address these common misconceptions.

    2. And do you know them personally? I don't think so. What misconceptions are you referring to? Michelle has stated on a past show that God blessed them with the older girls so that they could help care for the younger ones. The younger ones are paired with an older sibling buddy at an early age. The girls are not allowed anywhere by themselves. They have to be with someone at all times. The girls aren't even allowed to talk to a boy without Jim Bob being around. These are things that have been seen and talked about on their show.
      I have no interest in reading their book and wouldn't waste my money on it. I am sure it will be full of things that have been drilled into their heads since birth.

    3. I read the book description and it says the girls discuss the ages of 12-16 and how to handle school, feeling and boys. The older daughters that wrote this book are now all over 20 so it is not about their current lives. Maybe I misread but I thought it was suppose to be used as a guide for tweens 12-16 and how to stay pure and focused on the right things?

    4. So they were forced into midwifery and being on the fire department were they? Don' t think so. It's quite clear they chose that themselves. Can't wait to read their book!

  4. @Mmolesy-Jill had stated she wanted to be a nurse. However, such a career would require more than online college courses and lab work (in other words e out of the her parents reach and in the main stream world). As a midwife, she can study online and assist locally with her sister (gotta have that accountability buddy even when you're over 21!) Jana "studying" to be a doula. Albeit, Jill always looks genuinely happy in her role; Jana does not! As far as the fire department positions go-they are volunteering and may have been impressed by their friends, the Bates, who began this service earlier. This is not their career. Josh had said he wanted to be a lawyer..what happen to his dreams? JD wanted to be a pilot-well, he received is pilot's license to use it as a crop duster. He probably hoped to fly jets! There is no evidence that the legally adult children are making their "own" choices in the big picture; they are making choices within the standards of their parents. What could they possibly advise readers about teen life? What do they know about competition, opposite sex advances, bullying, peer pressure, preparing for college, clothing styles, curfews, drugs, underage drinking, field trips w/o parents, thinking about high school/prep school; etc.? Nothing.

  5. How does Jim Duggar raise a family of 19 kids? What does he do for a living?

  6. @hello @Hello, why are you here if you have such animosity towards the Duggars? I'm sure you have more fun ways to spend your time. :)


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