
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Josie Duggar Blows Kisses in Texas

Earlier in July, Michelle Duggar spoke at the Stand4Life Rally in Austin, Texas, accompanied by Jim Bob, Josh, and Josie. Here's the full speech. Michelle comes in after 42 minutes. (Pay special attention at 43:43, when Josie blows kisses to the crowd.)


  1. Wow. What an important speaker she was, coming in three-quarters of an hour into it.

    1. It was a great warm up for the crowd to hear Michelle's incredible, heartfelt prayer. God bless her, her family, and the cause for life she holds dear and champions so well. May we all strive to live with even a tenth of the strength this mighty mother has.

  2. If the world would just listen, what a world we would have!

  3. Excellent speech!!!

  4. Why do the Duggars and all other pro-lifers feel the need to take rights away from women?

    1. Take rights away from women? funny..what about the right of the unborn child who didn't ask to be made and they just get murder by people who think they have rights..funny how a lot of the pro-choicers have already been born :-/ to bad they weren't termenated before they got a choice..:-(

    2. Well the live of there 20 Kids.. just go and figure it out. The Girls saty home can't go get educated... it is a business with 20 kids a form of child slavery...

  5. Again why must we remind the duggers not everyone agrees with your very out of date views. Your religious opinions are extreme. Very extreme. Your not always right with the extreme religion you practice.
    ***************caution extreme religious beliefs be aware

  6. Josie is always adorable, love her! love the 19 KIDS and Counting show, watch it all the time, God Bless the Duggar Family they are great inspiration

  7. i agree its a WOMENS CHOICE! feel like they ram it down everyones throat. there are other causes too out there.

  8. Is it about the rights of women or the right to life for everyone?

  9. There is no right to kill an innocent human being. Why do pro abortionists what to take the baby's right to life away?

  10. We feel the need to protect the rights of babies.

  11. To answer your question, why do pro-abortionists feel the need to murder unborn children? The pro-life movement is not about taking away women's rights; it is about protecting the lives of those who can't protect themselves. It is not a petty matter of spitefully taking away rights. It is a matter of life and death.

    1. I do not like how most people who are pro-life think pro-CHOICE people are abortionists. They are in favour letting women make a choice about what to do with their own bodies. They don't want people to get abortions just for no reason. They want women to be able to choice for themselves and not have the government dictate what they can or can't do with their own bodies. I am a catholic and growing up I was taught that ultimately what God wants for us is our true happiness. Sometimes having a baby can keep men and women from true happiness because they weren't ready to bring a child into this world and yet the same people who are pro-life are against contraceptives and proper "family life" education which could prevent more abortions from happening

  12. It's not about women's rights. It's about the baby's right to live. it's about the fact that abortion ends a LIFE and no one should have the choice to end an innocent baby's life. Only God is worthy to decide life and death.

  13. Why do pro choiceers feel the need to take rights away from the unborn. A woman has the right to not sleep around. A rape victom had the right to not hurt the inocent baby and make a childless couple happy. If a moms life is in danger she has the right to do all she can to stay pregnant till the baby can survive
    This is not always possible, but what mom dosnt at least try to save the baby.

    1. I can say that I have a baby through adoption and as a woman with fertility issues I treasure my child's birth mother and the extremely difficult choice she made in going through with her pregnancy and giving my husband and I the opportunity to have a family. My son's birth mother had never been to church, didn't hold the values my husband and I do, but her words were those of a wise woman even though she was only 19. She said that "this baby was conceived for a reason, it wasn't my reason but your reason. I was just set with the task of finding this baby's mommy and daddy." As an adopting couple I can say that we would never care how or why our child was conceived just thankful that he was giving the chance to live.

  14. It is great to see Josie doing well. I do think rally should have a 25 week child that did not fare as well (I know someone who has a child born at 25 weeks and is almost 20 and can't walk or talk) so people know that there is a variety of overcomes at 25 weeks. Very Happy for Josie but these groups need to support and uplift the families really struggling who choose life and now have children that will never be able to be independent.

  15. I have no idea where this comparison between the Holocaust and abortion comes from. It does not make sense at all. Abortion is not the same as the holocaust. Please, do not misuse and abuse the genocide of Jews during the Nazi period in order to stop rational arguments pro abortion.

    I do respect the fact that this anti abortion group (I really do not like to speak of pro life and pro choice, it suggest that the other is against life and against choice) wants to protect life and I do not mind the fact that they want to convince women to keep the child. I do mind, however, that the anti abortion group wants to determine and restrict the choice of others. They make the choice for the women, they determine the concious of the women. They laso show no respect to the people that think differently about abortion. They just want to become their opinion the opnion of the world. Convincing women should be done by arguments and words, should be done by giving information, not by restriction and laying down a law favored by a minorty on a majority.

    1. One definition of a holocaust is "a thorough destruction including extensive loss of lives", I would say that pretty much sums up abortion with the millions of babies killed.


    1. I was actually JUST thinking the same thing. It really made me think (your perspective). So many nasty things happen and it is a shame that so many individuals go through such a horrible experience. Personally, I do not know how it feels and therefore I am unable to cast judgement or say what should or should not be done. As a personal decision that I would hope to make is that if I find myself aware of the fact that I am unable to look after a child that was conceived under such horrible circumstances, I would hope to have the strength and ability to give the child to someone that I believe (and hope) could take care of it. But yet again, it is difficult to say because I do believe that mothers bond with their children even if they are in their tummy and thats even a difficult decision to make (to separate with the child after birth). In the end I believe that a blessing can come out of even the most horrible situation. My partner actually came out of a result of this situation. And I have thankful each and every day! But that situation is not fare. the pain is not fare. And I hope that I can go to sleep each night knowing that I am at peace with the decisions that I have made. p.s thanks for sharing this perspective:) it made me think:) thank you. All the best!

  17. i know a women who had two abortions from rapes and has 3 children now. two are grown one is in elementary. this woman is in her late forties. she was a teen when those abortions happened before she was a christian. she morns for those babies! yes God is a gracious God and I believe those babies are with Him. satan is the enemy. not God and anyone who chooses to keep the baby through pregnancy I believe will they will be given the strength to fulfill it should they look to Him! And then give the baby up for adoption if she so chooses and gives that baby a life free of how he/she was conceived if she has not healed from that experience.(9 mos. is not a lot of time for that kind of healing but some do it and keep the baby) my heart goes out to anyone who has experienced this at any level.

    1. I personally think that every woman who gets an abortion mourns for the babies. I think it's just a natural motherly instinct. However, having an abortion might have been the best decision considering the babies were unwanted and conceived by force.

  18. God will forgive her, Beth. I'd like to share somethings with you, and I promise, I do not feel anger or anything but compassion for you.

    1. The Baby is innocent and has done nothing wrong. Murder is wrong as well as rape, and two wrongs don't make a right. The mother does not have the right to murder her baby b/c of who the baby's father is. And God does not give her that right.
    2. the mother does not have to keep the baby and raise the baby herself. There are many many couples that will take in a baby and adopt him or her and raise him or her as their own child and that baby would be a wonderful blessing to them!
    3. I have a dear and sweet friend that lives in California. Many years ago she was at a Christian college for her freshman year. She was attacked and raped. Soon after, she found out she was pregnant. Many people, even so called christians, urged abortion. She refused. She was then urged towards adoption. She refused this as well. She kept her beautiful baby gir and raised her. When her daughter was 10 months old, she met and married a wonderful man and had 8 more children with him. He raised her daughter as his own and adopted her. Her daughter is now a mother of four herself.

    If my friend had chosen abortion, she'd not have her four lovely and wonderful grandchildren! She is so thankful for the choice she made, and so are her daughter, her daughter's husband, her grandchildren, etc.

    If it were my family member, my own daughter, even (I have teen daughters, one is 15 and one is 13) I would be heartbroken for her, but I'd still tell her abortion is wrong. Murder is wrong. Always. Children are always ALWAYS a blessing from God. The baby that results from a rape is a blessing in SPITE of the horrifying sin that the rapist comitted.

    Praying for you , Beth.

  19. Actually, abortion is a holocaust. The definition of the word holocaust is: any mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life. There have been over 56 MILLION abortions since 1973. That would qualify as a 'mass slaughter'. An abortion in and of itself is a 'reckless destruction of life'.

    The Holocaust of the Jews was a horrific event. It was wrong and sinful. But the *word* 'holocaust' has a definition that can and does fit other situations. The horrifying slaughter in the 30s and 40s of Jews does not 'own' the word 'holocaust'. It can be used to appropriately describe other situations when the definition fits.

    Abortion fits the definition of a 'holocaust'. Every day, more precious tiny lives are murdered. It is so sad that we do not even live up the words written in our own Declaration of Independence,that promise every person in the USA, 'LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'. It is so sad that we allow the murder of our precious unborn ones to go on. And our country is so double minded about this, that there are laws in numerous states about charging someone with two murders if they kill a pregnant woman, but if *she* wants to kill the baby, that is legal. So sad.

    God loves everyone, and He will gladly forgive anyone if they repent. If you have had an abortion, and want forgiveness, please ask Him. He has your sweet little one there with Him and He will forgive you. Please seek counseling for the trauma associated with post abortion.

  20. I totally agree with Anonymous at 8:00 P.M. A woman who was raped should NOT under circumstances have to carry her rapist's fetus to term. It would be unfair to her on so many levels.

  21. @ Anonymous August 6, 2013 at 8:00 PM
    I recommend that if you wish to be taken seriously, you review a few grammar rules. Also, only capitalize what is important, otherwise you are like someone yelling over a group trying to have an actual discussion.

    @ Anonymous August 6, 2013 at 6:26 AM
    You don't think that it is like the Holocaust. What was the Holocaust? It was Hitler and the Nazis killing a group of people, the Jews, because the were deemed inferior - subhuman. The main argument by those in favor of abortion is that they are not yet people - subhuman.
    The major, and less discussed, point that is different between the two groups in this debate is when life begins. Let's face it, according to the US laws, no one can kill another living human without it being considered murder. So let's consider when life begins.
    We can think of this in two ways - Spiritually and Biologically. I personally believe they lead to the same conclusion. Since most Christians(I hope) know the verses of the Bible that tell when life begins, I will discuss this Biologically(If I am wrong in this assumption, I can give the verses if needed.).
    I'll start when abortions are first used.
    Week 5: Neural tube(where brain develops) forms; heart begins separating into chambers.
    Week 6: Nose, mouth, and ears begin to form. Arms and legs sprout as little, protruding buds. Doesn't look like a full grown human, but is developing human characteristics.
    Week 8: Webbed fingers and toes form. Eyelids cover eyes.
    Week 9: Most body parts are present. Sex organs develop, but are indistinguishable.
    Now, the sad thing is that the law in Texas was to stop all abortions past 20 weeks. The tiny unborn child is beginning to look human at 9 weeks.
    So, what about 20 weeks?
    Week 20: Child is 10 inches head to heel. Has recently started swallowing.
    Let me pose this question: Do I have the choice to kill another human being. The answer is yes, as do all other human beings. However, that choice comes with consequences. Both morally and legally, murder is wrong. I see no difference with abortion after 20 weeks (and, in my opinion after conception).
    As far as the case of rape, I'm not going to pretend to comprehend the difficulties of that situation. I still believe it is wrong, but I will defer to any women reading this to comment on that topic. But I seriously doubt that abortion clinics are necessary to deal with the cases of abortion for rape victims. That is a procedure that could be handled within hospitals.
    For all the other cases, in which abortion is just a way to get out of raising a kid, I don't believe banning abortions after 20 weeks is restricting a woman's choice any more than banning murder is restricting anyone's choice. Life is precious. No one should be able to decide that an innocent human should be unnecessarily killed.

  22. Everyone should watch this I think you might have some food for thought after doing so!

  23. Do the Duggars support the death penalty? I'll hazard a guess that they do. If all life is precious, that applies to people on death row, some of whom were proved innocent through DNA evidence.
    If abortion is wrong then so is the death penalty.

    1. Consider the fact that, in your argument, you stated that "some" were proven innocent. In those specific cases, yes, the death penalty is wrong. But in your next statement you make the broad assumption that, since those cases are wrong, so are all the others. That is equivalent to saying that some birds can't fly, therefore no birds can possibly fly. That is overgeneralizing. In addition you compare abortion to the death penalty. I find abortion to be the same as the death penalty being used in cases of innocence. However, that is not always the case. Not to mention the fact that death row inmates can appeal, which typically takes an average of 15 years. Abortion victims don't get that chance to appeal. I appreciate your position, but your argument is flawed.

  24. Great Speech Michael, And Josie You Are The Cutest :)

    Ashleigh xx

  25. What part of the comparison do you not understand?
    It's outright murder in both cases!

  26. The innocent babies that are murdered by abortion need someone to speak up for them; A pregnant woman is not the only life involved, there are two. That's why pro-life people speak up. It is preposterous that people even call killing a baby in the safety of its mother's womb "a woman's choice". Abortion is wrong. Period. That is why we speak up.


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