
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Duggars Go Snorkeling

While in Puerto Rico on a marriage retreat, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar go snorkeling for the first time (video below). Have you ever been snorkeling?

Video no longer available


  1. It looks so beautiful! God it SO AMAZING. And yes I have gone snorkeling before! It was AMAZING!!!

  2. Why can't JimBob own a pair of swimming shorts???

  3. I've been snorkeling several times. Once in Thailand which was amazing! But I always seem to have a problem breathing through the snorkel. Almost every time I end up swallowing a bunch of water.

    What I'd really love to do is go on that zip line!

  4. Skirts and curlsMay 2, 2013 at 1:01 AM

    It was funny to see them swim in clothes!! Yes I have snorkeled before. Its super fun!! We even liked it so much we bought our own snorkel gear!

  5. They are adorable...lucky children

  6. I love Michelle. She is great and a good sport. God Bless you Michelle.

  7. If you can swim in cut-off jeans (that show your legs), why not own a pair of swim trunks? I'm guessing there must have been an explanation that was edited out.

    1. Swimming in cutoff jeans is actually a "southern thing" that a lot of us down here do.
      Its cheaper than swim trunks!

  8. To pga127

    Hmm... I've never seen him swimming shorts before either.
    That might be because he doesn't like swimming, or he didn't know they would be going snorkeling, or as he said in a different episode the boys don't wear pants above the knee.
    I don't know, just guessing.

  9. I think I would rather go scuba diving, since you don't have to learn to breath through a snorkel.

  10. I was really surprised that we saw her knees! I believe she once said on "Duggar in Danger" she did not like showing her knees.

  11. I've never gone snorkeling cause I can't swim :( however my husband & I are looking for a great marriage retreat & it appears the place you & Jim Bob went was great. Where exactly was the retreat & what's the name & would you recommend it. Thanks so much!! I love your Godly family

  12. @WA Henry

    Hi WA Henry,

    Here's the link to the website of the couple with whom Jim Bob and Michelle did their marriage retreat:

    ~Lily and Ellie

  13. Well, I've never been snorkeling outside of a swimming pool :) but I have been to Fajardo, Puerto Rico! My younger sister and I went last year on a missions trip.

  14. Snorkeling is a very fun and addicting adventure of all time. Have fun snorkeling with whale sharks in the Philippines. Have a moment with the giants of the ocean. It is not just having fun with them but you can also stay there for a vacation. Puerto Galera is one of the best tourist spots in the whole world so find Cocktail Divers where they offering snorkeling with whalesharks, diving with the dolphins and more. so check it out.

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