
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Recap: Dinner and Surgery

Tonight on 19 Kids and Counting...

"Dinner For Forty"
  • Anna tells her children they are best friends, but Mackynzie and Michael still fight. "I guess you could call them frenemies," says Anna, who spends an average of 40 hours a week alone with her two little ones.
  • For lunch one day, Anna, who is experimenting with healthier meals, prepares baked fruit salad, tilapia, and sweet potato fries and is surprised by her kids' positive reactions. "I like it with ketchup on it," says Mackynzie.
  • "Michael is learning to talk," says Anna. "Right now his favorite word is 'no.'" The almost-two-year old, who has always slept in mom and dad's room, spends his first night in Mackynzie's room. He sheds a lot of tears and climbs out of his crib several times, but he and Mackynzie eventually fall asleep.
  • The camera crew checks up on Joseph at ALERT Academy (Air, Land, Emergency Resource Team) in Texas, where he is going through intense physical and spiritual training. "Thank you for praying for me because that's the only way I am going to make it through this. Send me some oatmeal cookies," Joseph writes in one of his letters to the family.
  • "I'm happy for him, but I sure do miss him," says Michelle. "Even with 19, you miss one when they're not there."
  • Jim Bob and Josh's trainer, Steve Conley, brings his family over to the Duggars' for dinner. They are joined by Steve's pastor and his six daughters. That's a total of 40 people! "We enjoy having a full house with lots of friends," says Michelle.
  • Before Jim Bob and Josh sit down to eat, Steve inspects their plates. "I know your wife is eating for two," Steve tells Josh. "That don't mean you're supposed to eat for two."
"A Surgery & A Secret"
  • Nine weeks into Jim Bob and Josh's weight-loss challenge, the men gear up for their toughest workout yet. Their warm-up, a run around the yard while Steve follows in an RTV, is followed by intense drills, like pulling a 5,000-pound SUV up a slight incline. When they finish, Steve commends Jim Bob and Josh for their hard work.
  • Four-year-old Jordyn, who snores and is having trouble breathing, is having her tonsils removed. She and Michelle head to the supermarket to stock up on ice cream and other soft foods.
  • The surgery goes well, and Jordyn is soon back home resting in Jim Bob and Michelle's bed. "Our bedroom ends up being like the family hospital room," says Jim Bob.
  • Jordyn is kept company by Justin, who is recovering from an injury. He busted an eye vessel while playing outside with a rope and has to wear an eye patch until it heals.
  • Jordyn is surrounded by an army of little Duggars who are eager to be of service (and secretly hoping to get some ice cream).
  • "As soon as Josie realized that Jordyn was getting popsicles because of her owie...she's laying right next to Jordyn," says Michelle.
  • "Jordyn is a daddy's girl," says Jim Bob. "She's usually a happy kid," says Jill. "She has her moments," says Jana.
  • While Jordyn rests, the rest of the family enjoys turkey sandwiches, a lunchtime favorite.
  • Meanwhile, Anna has an ultrasound to determine the gender of her third child, due June 7th. The ultrasound technician gives the results to Jim the soundman, who plans a big reveal for the family. When Anna was pregnant with Mackynzie, she and Josh found out the gender by cutting into a pink cake on the Today Show. Michael's gender was written in the sky by an airplane. How do you think Jim is going to reveal the gender of baby #3? (It's a boy.)


  1. If the whole family goes to tx for joseph graduation he could incorporate the reveal into the cermony Got a big laugh w micheal fighting sleeping in the kids rm he seems like a mama boy gonna have hard time w new baby excited that anna will b delivering in next few wks

  2. Skirts and curlsMay 8, 2013 at 1:21 AM

    Good episodes. I dont like how fake the scenes are with josh and jim bob working out. Those are very staged. But other than that I liked tonights episodes!

  3. This was also a good episode, it was fast paced with many different story lines going on. Each story line felt a bit rushed. The exercise regime was really good, you can see the transformation happening. Good for them! Seeing Joseph was also nice. His letters to his family was so special. I guess they will save the big announcement for another episode. I'll keep watching..Till next week.

  4. Why did you spoil the secret of the baby's gender?

  5. I enjoy reading about the Duggar family. I am glad that everyone is working on getting healthy! My youngest son recently had his tonsils and adenoids removed. They were so large that it affected his sleeping etc He is doing fantastic now! You can read about our family by clicking on my name. Have a great day!

  6. I bet he'll have a total stranger tell them

  7. Very relaxing to watch while stuck in the ER with appendicitis.(still there)Surgery is at 3pm today.

  8. I liked seeing Josh and Anna work together on bedtime. I thought it was cute how she was so nervous about the kids eating the healthy meal. I hope she can learn from it that now is the perfect time to start the kids eating healthy before their tastebuds get overly accustomed to chicken nuggets and hot dogs all the time. Its one of the best things she can do for them, especially if she and Josh lead by example. One thing I have noticed on several episodes is that the younger kids are much more open to the experience when they try new foods than the older kids. I really think its because as they've been filming and traveling more, they have gotten used to new tastes during their young years when habits are shaped, the older ones while little ate fish sticks and tater tot casserole kinds of foods all the time and never got used to trying new things. I just hope this healthier living doesn't stop after 90 days or it will do no good for anybody. Its not about rigerous workouts with the trainer, its the half hour or hour run or treadmill you do several times a week that pays off in the long haul.

  9. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    The baby's gender was officially announced on the Today Show at the beginning of April (

    ~Lily and Ellie

  10. Wondering when Josh and Anna will publicly announce their big move. Sad for her. She's not going to know anyone and have all those babies to care for. I know she'll be okay, though. God is with her. They are going as soon as she has the baby. Already rented a place over there. Pray for Anna, folks. She looks so exhausted already. He's planning on moving furniture in the next few weeks. She'll have to go along. She's hugely pregnant right now. Feel so bad for her. She should be resting and only focusing on the new baby, not preparing for a major life change.

  11. Anonymous @ 5:41 AM,
    How do YOU know all this?

  12. Great episodes! Everytime I watch one of the newer episodes I always wonder where Josiah is. He used to always be right by the camera and in every interview but we never see him anymore. And that's too bad cause he is one of my favorites.

  13. Anonymous, how do you know all the specific details of Josh and Anna's move?

  14. It doesn't matter if the gender of the baby was announced on another media outlet. I was following the series without watching the news and was disappointed that the gender was announced without a spoiler notice on this blog. The series had not said what the gender is yet.
    Please give us a spoiler warning next time. Thank you.


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