
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Gender Guessing Game

In the video below, hear the Duggars' guesses for the gender of Josh and Anna's third child. (Josie's guess is right! It's boy.)

Video no longer available


  1. I really thought it would be a girl, but I guess I was wrong. I loved what Jeremiah said: "I'm pretty sure I know what it's gonna be; I think it's gonna be a baby." Haha..... I laughed. :)

  2. I just want to say congrats!! Your family (all of you) is a true blessing and your good fruit is always so evident on the show! Thank you for sharing your lives with us!!

    Jenny Moore

  3. Congrats to you on your latest pregnancy! Your family (all of you) is such a joy to watch! Thank you for your good fruit that is always evident. Also thank you for sharing a part of your lives with us!

    Jenny Moore

  4. so happy its a baby boy! it will be so great to see mckynzenie watch and play with her little brothers!

  5. Congratulations for the little boy on the way !

  6. All the kids looked so tired. I am amazed how they all have grown up :-)

  7. I'm #5 in my family too! Yay for fifth-borns!!

  8. Congratulations to all of you..3 of 200 grandchildren. Tons of tiny miracles waiting to be born.

  9. I was pretty sure it's was a girl, but I'm wrong. Hey you know what, I'm sure non of you knew this but one only one person knew and that is God, yap only God knew for sure that it is boy!


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