
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Exclusive: A Message from the Duggars

The Duggars asked us to remind our readers that none of the kids, other than Josh and Anna, are on social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc). There are a lot of fake accounts on the web, but none are legitimate.


  1. thank you for the reminder!!!

  2. Oh thats interesting because there is a Twitter account named "Joy Anna Duggar" and i thought she was real...
    Anyway thanks for the notification!
    Kyra xx

  3. Thank you for lettng us know! I was actually wondering if Josh & Anna's Facebook page was really set up by them! Your blog is great-thanks again. Brenda H.

  4. People must have no life of they have time create and maintain fake accts they could b using that time to do something effective for the kingdom of god ! And futher more I'm sure of any of the other duggars start to participate in social media the duggar them self will let us know and give us the addy so we fans can follow them

  5. And don't forget Cousin Amy. She has a twitter account and tweets everyday. I thought Jill had one but it may be fake.

  6. What about Amy Duggar on twitter?

  7. lily and ellie-
    do you know if amy duggar has real social media accounts? i follow her on twitter and instagram. it seems like the pictures she posts are real. please let me know. thanks for all you do!

  8. I had a feeling most of those accounts were fakes.

  9. Thank you!! Thats good to know!! What is Josh and Anna's Instagram??

  10. I follow a Josh and Anna one together for TV personality. I wonder if that's the real one? I also seen separate ones for josh and Anna. Wonder if those are fake too then?

  11. And don't forget cousin Amy's twitter account. She tweets everyday!

  12. Josh and Anna both have legitimate Instagram accounts as well as a new Facebook fan page they recently set up. They are directly linked from their official website, so I'm sure those ones are okay =) Any others out there aren't really them!

  13. Josh announced on his facebook account that Anna doesn't have a facebook account. But she does have Instagram. Amy duggar has a facebook account and so does her mother. Some of their production crew have facebook as well.

  14. I wonder why Josh and Anna have lots of social media sites seeing as how they grew up not having any.... Interesting why they decided to create them.

  15. cousing amy has an account, but her last name is not Duggar.

  16. josh and anna are doing things a little different from their parents. not only are they on the internet, they pierced their daughters ears. I don't think any of the duggar girls have pierced ears. but I could be wrong. with their long hair, maybe they are pierced and I can't tell.

  17. Thanks for sharing! I would love it if Michelle and Jim Bob would create a post with their thoughts on why their children should not do social media. I see such varied opinions in the homeschool world, and am still thinking this through for my own family.

  18. i wish the older girls were on there. even though i am MUCH older than them i enjoy & appreciate there outlook & options in life & growning up...i often look at them & pray my daughters will be like that & keep friends & friendships like very thankful they are coming out with a book for me & my daughters to have & read...them & anna are a blessing :*) xoxoxo if they ever do get on i would love to follow their post ;) i follow anna & josh


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