
Monday, February 4, 2013

Duggars in Central America: More Photos

Yesterday, we shared sixteen photos from the Duggars' 2010 trip to Central America that have never been posted. Here are a bunch more:

Jill Duggar in Honduras (day 4)

Bringing Christmas to a remote Guatemalan village 

Scott Enlow, Director of Photography
19 Kids and Counting crew

Taking a break

Straddling the Honduras/Guatamalan border

Jim Bob Duggar showing off his lemon the size of a grapefruit

Arriving at the village 
Joy-Anna Duggar (center)

Jill Duggar (right)

 Jill Duggar

 John-David Duggar

 Jana Duggar (Mary) holding an infant (Jesus)
Nativity play in Honduras

 Kids gather to receive gifts, sing songs, and watch the Nativity play

Jumping rope

 Jessa Duggar

 Jinger and Jessa Duggar (left)

 John-David Duggar

Fun with face paint

 Guess who?!

Group devotions

 Jason Duggar

 Guys' room at La Esperanza in Honduras

Day 4: Children's program in Honduras

 Jana and Jeremiah Duggar

 Bible story skit

 Jill and her friend, Enia

Singing songs

 Bible skit

 Jim Bob Duggar teaches the Bible to eager children


 Jim Bob Duggar shares a short sermon

 Jill and Enia 

 Jeremiah Duggar

 Center: Joy and Jessa Duggar

 Touring the Mayan ruins

 Jinger Duggar

 Jessa Duggar (left)

 Group photo at the Mayan ruins

 Jinger Duggar

Photos belong to Richard Shoemaker. More to come!


  1. Oh, Scott Enlow. What a funny picture! Great guy. :)
    I hope Jill is still in touch with Enia! So sweet. Great witnessing opportunity. God Bless the Duggar family!

  2. Beautiful pictures!Wonderful ministry!

  3. The totally creepy eye paint looks like Josiah.

  4. Nice pictures. Shows so many things that weren't shown on the show, makes you wonder about watching the shows because you do not see everything and draw conclusions about what you do see. I guess the family did not go in 2011 because they did not show it on the show plus the time they are normally there in December was the time they found out about Jubilee. Wonder if the went in 2012.

  5. loved the pictures! Especially of Jill and Enia!

  6. Is the guess who Josiah? Congratulations on 3,000,000 visits!

  7. Is Jill writing to her friend Enia like are they pen pals or something like that? How old is Enia? Jill said she was probably about 17.

  8. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    It is Josiah, and thank you!

    We are glad to have you as a reader.
    Lily and Ellie

  9. Do Jill and Enia write to each other?

  10. Love the pictures of Jill and Enia. What a sweet relationship they began in such a short amount of time.
    Jinger looks lovely as always.

  11. is there nothing for you to post becuase, these pictures are bo-ring. Nawt acceptable.


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