
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bates' Show: No Plans for 2nd Season

According to a news article, TLC has no plans to film a second season of United Bates of America.*


  1. did they give a reason why it was cancelled?

  2. I find it really strange, that the Bates gets cancelled, but TLC renews Here Comes Honey Boo Boo AND gives them a raise. There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with TLC!

    1. I don't understand why worldly shows get picked up and get all the ratings they get. As the morals go the shows the ones without any win out. I don't understand. I wish all Tv shows were like your show and the Duggars were the only kind of shows that we could watch. Y'all give us hope and love through watching the shows. It pains me from the bottom of my heart that we won't get to watch your show again. So many people need the messages about God and love and morals that y'all share with us.God bless y'all and I pray that talc opens their eyes about some of the shows that they have kept. God bless y'all and we love y'all. Joy Gossett

  3. Wonder why ??? Was it tlc doing cuz of ratings or did the bates decide to stop filming ?? Oh well we still see the on the duggars show from time to time . There r a wonderful family !

  4. Booo, I am so disappointed. We need more shows about inspirational families like these. :-(

  5. Why has it been cancelled?

  6. Sad. That was a GREAT wholesome show. Why was it canceled? :-(

  7. I am terribly saddened!!!

  8. I'm bummed too. I agree that I liked seeing another wholesome family on-air.

  9. awww...i wonder why it got cancle also...was wondering if anyone understood what Gil's mother said at the end of the 2nd episode that she didnt know that they were still recording? it was kinda funny but i couldn't hear well what she said. thanks

  10. NO but it's so good [:(

  11. Any advice on what we can do to help convince TLC to keep the show on? I LOVE the Bates show!!

  12. It was really boring and it got really bad ratings.

  13. Is there any other corroborative links or such like?

  14. sorry to say but tlc is called the learning channel and all the shows are pretty awful. what are we learning from these shows. the duggars might be the only nice show on that channel.

  15. Oh no!!! I loved that show! Why cancel that one and keep honey boo boo. What's going on with this world.

  16. I am very sad and disappointed to hear this!! I agree, they are much better than Honey Boo boo.

  17. I think they only planned to make it a mini-series. It wasn't cancelled.

  18. @eileensideways

    Hi eileensideways,

    No reason has been given. As of now, TLC has no plans to film a second season.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  19. Totally agree with anonymous on Oct. 7 @ 8:34pm!!! What's the Honey Boo Boo?! It's too bad about the Bates' show, but it's honestly not too surprising. Everyone loves the Duggars and people can only do so many shows about big families! :/ It's really too bad though. :-{

  20. I am a fan of the Bates family.I was looking forward to seeing there show again. I do not see how they could cancel the Bates and keep a show like Honey Boo Boo. That is what is wrong with this world today no wants good clean shows on tv anymore and to me Honey Boo Boo is not a wholesome show. I am very disappointed.

  21. Very sad they were cancelled. I like the Bates. Don't bash Honey Boo Boo, they need our prayers.

  22. Gil took a job as a preacher and is starting a church....I guess this is the main reason.

  23. No plans for a future season doesn't mean that it's cancelled.

    Cancelled and no plans at this time are two different things. When I emailed TLC they didn't say it was cancelled.

  24. I would rather watch The Bates then Honey Boo Boo Gil and taught their kids morals, manners that Honey Boob's parents didn't teach their kids and the Bates are far more wholesome then Honey Boo Boo's family! But that is me!

  25. Are people jealous because there not like the Duggers and Bates families?

  26. @Anonymous The only way to make a difference and bring the Bates back is for everyone to contact TLC's Viewer Relations department and tell them we want to see more of the Bates family.

    The TLC viewer relations link is at the bottom of their website.

  27. Fellow friends,

    The Bates family decided to not continue their show for certain reasons. They feel that it is important to train and raise up bold witness for the Lord.

  28. Wat thats annoying it was really good

  29. Grateful for what we got to see of their family! They're truly a blessing and so genuine. I'm supportive of whatever reason Mr. and Mrs. Bates decided not to continue. They'll do what's best for their family.

  30. I enjoyed the Bates show! I hope they give them another season!

  31. i posted a comment and i dont know why it wasn't posted!! it didnt say anything bad and all i did was ask a question about the second show of the bates family. why wasnt it posted? thank you!!!

  32. Gil Bates became pastor of a new church last month~the decision might have been their own and not TLC's. Whatever the reason, I trust God is leading them and I pray they are blessed!

  33. I was at Dollywood Friday and saw the bates there with their camera crew. So maybe they are doing another season.

  34. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    Perhaps your comment didn't go through or got caught in the bottomless pits of the spam filter. Would you mind posting it again?

    Thank you :)
    Lily and Ellie

  35. I am so sad :( I love watching the Bates! I am praying for they family! God bless the Bates family! Don't quit!
    Catherine K

  36. TLC is more concerned with shock value these days than in showing us something that we can watch without cringing!
    I think it's a crying shame the Bates got cancelled. They didn't even have a chance to get off the ground.
    I think they are more mainstream and they seem so down to earth that I enjoyed watching them. They are also in TN so it was refreshing to see local landscape!
    I hope that TLC has the good sense to bring them back for at least specials or something!
    The other families I have seen showcased on the Duggars are not nearly as easy to tolerate or get to know.

  37. Didn't like the Bates show much anyways. Seemed less genuine than the Duggars.

  38. TLC is only interested in making big money and healthy entertainment is not what people want
    and The Bates have good morals and are fine upstanding people which just proves that the almighty
    dollar is more important than good family programs! I am sure that the gossips on the Internet are
    thrilled but it is a sad thing when morals and good teaching is avoided at all costs! I think that the Duggars have also been on so long that they are pretty well contracted and part of the programming at TLC. If they had been taken off there would have been serious complaining cause they pioneered the large family reality shows! Love both families but the Duggars seem to have more "clout". The Bates were not as well known I guess.

  39. The Bates were definitely genuine... I was there for much of the filming, and they are the same folks whether the camera was on or off. And they certainly would like to do more shows. Perhaps it will happen on another network.

  40. We LOVE the Bates! They are so warm and real! I love the interaction between all the family members. I'm so tired of the Duggers. They're very controlled and dull.
    The Bates are fun and warm and sincere.
    When I watched the HoneyBooBoo show, it made me wretch. They are just nasty.

    Come on TLC. You air some really bad programing. Why take people like the Bates off?
    They're GREAT!


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