
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Duggars on Dating

In the following video, the Duggars explain their views on dating and chaperones.

Click here to find out what traits the Duggar girls are looking for in their future spouses.


  1. It's nice to be reminded that your not alone!

  2. Priscilla has such a sweet voice, and I also agree that staying pure before marriage is very important, but most important to our Father. God Bless you guys!

  3. wow,It's so refreshing to see the Duggars and Wallers standing up for righteousness and going against the norm,I love the chaperone idea, I had never heard of it until now but it makes so much sense. It says I'm willing to do what it takes to be accountible to God and it shows that you really care for the one you are courting.

  4. I like Priscilla's skirt. Does anyone know where I can find a skirt like that?

  5. So true! Priscilla at the end ---- LoL

  6. Joy never mentioned what she was looking for in a husband

  7. priscilla really looks like anna!! i dont agree with the chaperone thing, cant they trust themselves? and they cant even kiss! not even on the cheek! but i think its nice that they all believe in that and choose to do that... although i have my suspicions about jimbob...

  8. Yeah, Joy is a little young to be looking for a husband. LoL She acted completely out of the conversation. Sweet Joy. :)

  9. I do not want to start a war at all but can someone please educate me in what a traditional marriage is and why the duggars and wallers etc are very against homosexual marring? I;ve heard Josh say he was fighting for the santuray of traditional marraige does anyone one know why he feels gay marriage threatens this? I have no opion on americans politic of this issuse as i am not american just very interested please please someoen teach me so I can make an informed choice on where I stand on the matter
    in god

  10. Anonymous- By her exressions I doubt she is even interested in boys yet!! I think she wanted to be anywhere but there during the discussion and just got included because she was an "older" girl now! My 16 year odl has no interest in boys yet!!

  11. Sonya, I am unsure where Priscilla got her skirt. Style J Denim skirts sells ones that look a lot like this one though and they are really good quality. Or NewCreation Apparel sells some in that style as well.

  12. To anonymous about homosexual marriage:
    Traditional marriage means a marriage between a man and a woman. Homosexual marriage threatens the sanctuary of marriage because it is entirely against the reason God created marriage in the first place. When God created adam and eve and decided they should become one. He was creating an image of what the end of time will be like. When all christians who are the bride will be joined with christ who is the groom. There will be a big wedding ceremony in heaven and we will be one with God and christ for eternity. Christ has a different role than the church does. That is, christ's role is to guide, lead, and love us. The church's role is to follow, obey, and respect christ, knowing that he ultimately is for our good. So, God created man as the leader to guide and protect and love his bride. God also created woman as the one who follows and respects her groom knowing that if he remains in christ then ultimately he will want what is best for her. Christ layed down his life for his church. So, husbands should love their wives enough to lay down their life for them. It's the way God designed the two genders. Men and women tick differently. They have different needs. Men need respect. They need to feel that they are doing a good job at what they do. Women need love. They need people who will do nice things for them and help build them up. It all works together perfectly with marriage. and human marriage ultimately represents our heavenly marriage :)

  13. check the goodwill store if the motto is the same as the duggars that is were they shop

  14. I think that was Joy's first interview on this subject with the older girls, so it seemed to me that she wasn't very interested it, or at least this topic, at all!

    Lisa, the Duggar's and Waller's are not supportive of homosexual marriage because of their religious beliefs. The bible says that God does not approve of homosexuality as part of His plan for marriage, so because the Duggar's and Waller's are Christians, they follow what the bible has to say on this issue. I hope this helps! :)

  15. Hey everyone this is a serious question, could someone please answer it? :)
    Is it a sin for me to believe homosexuality is ok? I know someone who is homosexual, he hasn't "came out of the closet yet" but I'm sure he is and he knows he is. I truly believe he's a kind hearted, good intentions person who didn't ask to be like this! He didn't ask for all the negative attention or to be a disappointment to his dad. I think knowing someone personally who's like this I believe he has the right to get married and be happy if he so choose to someday. I'm not personally, but I really do feel like he gets a horrible wrap and that it's a terrible life he lives thinking that he's a disappointment to God.

    I know this may seem like a stupid question to some, but I'm newly Christian I guess you could say, I've been raised with Christian morals, but am just now wanting to go to church, learn about the Bible, and become even closer to God.
    Thanks to anyone who responds in advance! :)

  16. I know most people are against chaperones, I personally thing it's a good idea for younger couple, but as for couples over 30, 40, 60, I sure would hope by then that they are mature enough to not do anything stupid or inapporaite. My Mom is in her mid 60's and courting, and she isn't big on being chaperoned!

  17. Thanks for posting this!
    I am 18 and I agree whit the chaperones I think it is a really good idea I also agree with not kissing until my wedding day not even on the cheek! I am saving my 1st kiss until my weeding day! It is a big encouragement to me to see I am not the only one who agrees with what they said and did!! It is raelly hard to fine good role models like the Duggar, Wallers and the Bates Family! I hope when I found the right Man GOD has for me we will get married and be just like the Duggars, Wallers and the Bates Family! They are all a blessing to me! Maybe not that many kids but how they all work together as a family in the good time and bad! God bless they Familys!!!
    I love Priscilla's skirt! Skirt like that are sooo hard to found!
    God Bless!
    Don't Quit on the Lord!
    Catherine K

  18. I can't imagine having a chaperone follow me around on my date; how would I truly get to know this person with someone else listening into our conversations? I can't imagine having our first kiss on our wedding day: what if its horrible? And what about the wedding night; what if that is awful? I think couples need some time alone, to get to know one another truly. Very hard to do when you have many eyes on you; especially those who are ready to report on your interaction! Such a concept just shouts that their parents do not trust their children after all their structured upbringing.

    1. Well for the more personal things I think that can be taken care of in letters and emails. A kiss and the wedding night can only be "awful" if you have something to which to compare. When my future bride and I save our first kiss until the wedding day, who's to say that we kissed awfully? Let's say I didn't wait.... I marry a young woman and start to think, "Hmmm... my previous girlfriend kisses better than my wife." It ought not be so! Saving the first kiss avoids all that. Besides, I am sure there will be plenty of time for a married couple (who saved their first kiss) to improve on their kiss over the years together. Haha. :-)
      Anonymous 011889

  19. I agree with the idea of chaperones. When I was younger, I used to think it was to prevent a dating/courting couple from doing something wrong. I realized that it was the wrong idea. Chaperones are not there to prevent from doing wrong/dishonorably, they are also not there to encourage to do right. To me they are a Witness for when I am doing right. If I was courting a young woman alone, how could I disprove something of which I could be accused? So, chaperones are a blessing, not a nuisance. :-)
    Anonymous 011889

    1. Sorry for the typo. Meant to put a lower-case "w" for witness there.

  20. Can anyone tell what both Anna and her husband are saying in the last few seconds? Hahaha

  21. I agree 100% with Anonymous 011889!!! Hope everyone is having a Blessed week so far!
    God bless!
    Don't Quit in the Lord!!
    Catherine K

  22. Dear anonymous @ September 9, 2012 9:14 PM,
    You are a wonderful person and are by no way at all sinning by supporting your friend in fact the fact that you care for him and feel sorrow for his situation shows but a good good person you are and are a real chirstian. The horrible people who claim that homosexuality is a sin and feel they need to guilt and shame the homosexual people are the sinners. I urge you to pray foe your friend for god to give him strength and courage to walk this hard path god himself has given him.
    Good luck and god bless you both xx

    1. Um, excuse me but let's not mislead people about homosexuality. Romans 1 is very clear that this lifestyle is a sin. Yes, the Lord loves the people who practice this behavior but He cannot tolerate this choice. It goes against Biblical principles, the law of nature, and the very character of God. It is sodomy and the Bible speaks to this as well. Support your friend in a way that does not compromise Biblical principles.

  23. @Michela g

    Hi Michela,

    At the end, Priscilla says, "Since we saved ourselves so long for each other, it was such a blessing when...God brought us...Why don't you talk? I can't say it!"

    ~Lily and Ellie

  24. If you can not trust you self. Than you will fail.

  25. Re: Josh's political activities: Just to add a diversity of opinion, here: There are a growing number of Christians who are changing their minds on the traditional teaching on the LGBTQ community and believe that being gay is a gift from God. In supporting your friend, I think we might all be able to agree that you are also walking in Christ's path as he supported the marginalized in society. Good luck!

  26. @Anonymous

    I'm sorry but God himself did not send anyone down a path of destruction. Mankind allowed Satan to do that. Just like any sin, it is not God choosing that path for us, it is us choosing. As painful as it is to know someone who is living a sinful lifestyle, we as Christ followers must still acknowledge that the lifestyle is sinful. That does not mean that it is unforgivable however. Christ died for all sin. A homosexual lifestyle is as dangerous as an adultering one. Jesus says that all sexual immorality is wrong. Pray for your friend, that God will open his eyes to the truth about his lifestyle. But turning your head and believing that "God made him that way" is not the answer. Love him through this as if he were cheating on his wife.

  27. Dear Anonymous:

    I am seventeen years old, and have the greatest respect for the Duggars. I am homeschooled, as well. I am not a homophobic, and believe that everyone (but not necessarily their lifestyles) should be respected as being made in God's image. However, I do need to disagree with some of your statements.

    "There are a growing number of Christians who are changing their minds on the traditional teaching on the LGBTQ community and believe that being gay is a gift from God."

    Christians who are changing their minds on the LGBTQ community are not following God's word. (Look up Leviticus 18:22) The "traditional" teaching on the LGBTQ community is not traditional: it is Biblical. We are to not tolerate a homosexual person's sin in any way. It is an abomination before God. Being gay is not a gift from God: it is Satan's taking God's wonderful gift of intimacy and perverting it.

    I do hope and pray that you will prayerfully seek God's word with an open mind, and see what He truly says about the matter. Please think about what I have said. I know that I stumbled across this comment much later than when the original article was published, but I hope at some point someone, hopefully the author of the above comment, will find it.

  28. @Anonymous The Bible also says judge not, lest ye be judged! There are many things in the Bible that no longer apply. It is not up to any Christian to judge anyone else. If a child is born homosexual, we have no right to judge him/her.


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