
Thursday, August 23, 2012


Next Tuesday, 19 Kids and Counting will enter into the second half of its sixth season. How long have you been following the Duggars' story? If you watch the show, what have been some of your favorite episodes?



  1. My favorite show was the one where josie was born. I remember Jim bob telling the kids to pray harder than they have ever prayed before. That was very inspiring. Also a duggar loss will also be remembered and very inspiring to all of us that have ever lost a child due to miscarriage or stillbirth.

  2. Came across their show at the start of summer, and was hooked. I've now watched most of the episode and feel like i know them :) Johannah and Jackson got me hooked!

  3. I loved the European Tour specials, mainly because they came to Britain where I'm from!
    Love the blog! xxx

  4. I have been following them since i think 16 kids and countin... maybe longer. Can't quite remember.

    Some of my favorite episodes were when Josie was born. Made me cry! Such sweet little ones!

    Josh and Anna's wedding also. The sond Josh sang made me cry too!

    Also, i like the ones when they are about Josh and Anna.

    I think over all though, i love ALL of them!


  5. I live in Arkansas, so I 'heard of' the Duggars before they were 'famous'. :) When Jim Bob was running for Senate, the local news did a story on the family at their old Johnson Road House and showed the children (I think it was 13?? at the time?). Just a quick 10 min clip of the family but it was obvious that they loved the Lord and wanted to serve Him.

    Then a couple years or so later there was the 14 Children and Pregnant Again special and so on until they got their own show. We've seen every episode here in our home and will continue to watch!

  6. I started watching the Duggars when 14 Children & Pregnant Again aired. Loved them then and love them more now. Couldn't possibly name a favorite episode. I have so much respect for their consistent witness to the glory of God. They don't miss an opportunity to bring God glory, I love that!

  7. Saw the Duggar family for the first time on "14 Children and Pregnant Again", in 2004. My life was changed that day because of them <3 I will forever be in debt to them, because that was the day I gave my life back to Christ !

  8. i been following their show since jennfier was born when show was called 17 kids and counting or it was Duggars' Big Family Album but when they had jennifer it news papers around the world i think about them i know it i read about it in my state about and said how can this mom have this many kids so i saw they are going to have tv reatly show called 17 kids and counting i told my self you want to know about them watcht the show so i watch the duggars 2007 so now this makes 5 years of watching the duggar my favorite episode is their book tour in 2011 and sad episode is their miscarrage of their 20th child and the watching that episode was hard for to watch after lossing my granny like 24 days before the episode A Duggar Loss" i cry during the when jim bob and michelle had their kids they loss their sibling i cryed.i always tell my granny about the duggars and their shows and now i cant.

  9. I've watched since 14 Kids and Pregnant Again! I love the shows that show them at home, in their daily lives. I hope that this season we see even more of their walk with the Lord at home during their Bible and praying time. The traveling is exciting but it's the day to day home life of this family that makes me feel the connection.

  10. I've been following it since it was 14 children and pregnant again then really started watching 16 children and moving in I love all the episodes I find myself watching old ones at some time every family should be like this one great inspiration to all in this crazy world!

  11. I've been watching them almost from the beginning. If I had to pick one episode, I guess it would be Josh and Anna's wedding. I always love weddings:) I do wish the then and now picture would have them in from of their home now.

  12. I must not have seen all the episodes as I thought, as I've never seen the "then" house. Looks like you've got got the family in front of the wrong house for the captions. I'm looking forward to the new season.

  13. I've been watching them since the beginning. My favorite episodes are the ones with Josh and Anna and Mackynzie and Michael. They are so inspiring.

  14. 2009 is when I first discovered them,I still just love Josh and Anna's honeymoon episode...the funniest part is when the camera guy says "so how was it?", Josh gets a funny grin and says "what..the house?", always makes me laugh, it's been neat to see their marriage develop and grow.

  15. I have watched their show since 17 kids and countin!

  16. We started watching when they premiered 14 Kids and Pregnant Again. We got addicted, but I don't think we want to get any help for it!

    Also I have a question for Lilly and Ellie: you said the second half of season six, but I thought the Duggar loss was the season finale, and if so, wouldn't that make this season seven? If not, please explain how that happened!


  17. my favorite shows were of Josie's journey in the nicu and the first specials. I love seeing how everyone has grown

  18. Who's is that awesome old house they are posing in front of?

  19. @Noah

    Hi Noah,

    Although TLC labeled "A Duggar Loss" as the season finale, they are calling the upcoming episodes season 6b.

    Thanks for reading!
    Lily and Ellie

  20. I am not able to watch them until they get posted online, through any of the links you have posted on this great blog. I don't remember when I started getting interested, probably a year or two ago, but I caught up with the episodes I missed and am hooked now! I couldn't possibly pick a favorite episode, they are all great! Thank you for all the diligent effort you put into researching and providing information and episodes! God bless!

  21. I lived in poteau Oklahoma when Michelle was pregnant with Jackson, I was having #4. My husband (the oldest of 7 ) believed if his mom hadn't gotten sick she would have had at least 15. I wanted 26 kids 1 for each letter of the alphabet. After 10 losses I called it quits. Michelle is a lucky lady to have been blessed so many times.

  22. There is an episode that is so funny, it's when Josh goes down to Anna's house when they are engaged and preparing for the wedding. Anna was not feeling well to go to dinner that night and so Josh went with his sisters to this Italian restaurant. Well, they had the funniest waitor! The waitor was hilarious, I don't know if he was for real or acting, but I can't believe hey had a waitor like that and their expressions (the sisters) were so funny they were trying to be polite but you could tell they wanted to burst out laughing. It's a great episode.

  23. i have watched them sence 17 kids and counting! i love the show!! my favorite episodes are when the bates visit or when they go cisit the bates! :) cant wait for the new sesaon! :)

  24. I liked the very early episodes/specials best. The Duggars were more real. For example, their trip to Disneyland was so fun and honest. Michelle almost danced at one point and the kids were naturally excited! Quite a difference from the newer episodes. Maybe now TLC or Gotthard directs how the family is portrayed and/or lives.

  25. Does anyone know if since technically they are still in the 6th season still, will the future episodes get automatically downloaded to my iTunes account since i bought the first half of the season?

  26. I have watched since the first. I like Duggars down the aisle,

  27. I find the Duggars to be just like all the other families on tv having multiples and huge families. The Duggars say they are living a Christian life but I think this could be argued by many. They are more like a cult to me. And I am so tired of hearing about how fugal they are. Please, they are paid for every episode and after forcing their children to begin work on their home, the discovery channel stepped in and finished it. The people at discovery furnished it right down to the pantry. They are having children that raise their the next children they have. They do not prepare them to live in the real world. They are not people to admire or look up to in any way.

  28. My names is Isabella Rice and I am 12 years old.
    I have to say that I can not have a favorite episode, (Except for maybe their family) and they really inspire my family as well. My family farms and foster/adopts. Five of us are birth and two are foster and their mom just had baby which we are sure to get. We thank the Duggars and the Bates for what they are doing for America that most are not willing to do. We pray for them and hope that the LORD blesses them with no end. Thank you again Duggars and Bates for continuing your work with the LORD. Amen

  29. I don't have a favorite episode!!! they are all my favorite!!!!

  30. I liked the episode when Jessa asks Jim Bob if he knows what lovesick means? They were on the bus to the Bates and Jim Bob had asked Ben if he was lovesick. She is going to be just fine when she gets away....there is a strong woman aching to get out in there somewhere...

  31. My favorite episodes include
    - When Josie was born
    - When Josh proposes to Anna
    - The Duggars say yes to the dress episode
    - When the Duggars do the Lemonade stand
    and my favorite special is 14 children and pregnant again special

  32. new dug gars on the block
    the big question
    bridal shopping

  33. i like jill's wedding

  34. I really love the one where the duggar kids put on a dinner theater for their parents. It's so sweet.
    Question for Lily and Ellie: What is y'all's favorite episode?

  35. @Alexis Rogers

    Hi Alexis,

    We have enjoyed all the episodes but have especially liked the ones that have shown the Duggars' mission trips to Central America. Thanks for asking! :)

    Lily and Ellie

  36. I like Jill and Jessa's wedding! So cute!!!


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