
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Duggar-Approved Children's Books

Get a behind-the-scenes look at one of artist Jan Bower's latest projects: an oil painting of Jackson and Johannah Duggar.

Visit the Bower Family Books website to browse their selection of Duggar-approved children's books. The painting shown above will be featured in The Garden Where I Grow, a storybook that is set to release on April 28th, 2012. Click here to pre-order.

"Young and old are inspired by Gary & Jan Bower's books.  What fun it has been to sit and snuggle with our children and read them!  The deep, yet simple, truths combined with rich, beautiful oil paintings guide hearts closer to the heart of God, promoting wise choices and a desire to build character."   

-Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar


  1. that was amazing! i wish she could do a painting of me like that! god has really blessed jan with a gift.

  2. It's the adorable duo Johannah and Jackson!

  3. johannah and jackson she is painting

  4. She is amazing! These paintings look just like a photo!

  5. its Johannah and Jackson!

  6. That's Jackson and Johannah! They're so cute! It tells you that at the end of the video. Jan is a VERY good artist!

  7. This was beautiful to watch. What a beautiful talent she has. Thanks so very much for sharing!

  8. That was really amazing. Jan's got real talent. Jackson and Johannah are always so cute together.
    God bless, Sarah

  9. Oh my goodness. What a great painting. The books look interesting for small children. I wonder what the older children read. I have not ever seen bookshelves full of books while watching their show. I just wonder how much of what is considered "great literature" the Duggar's have read. There are so many truly great books out there...and some really crumby ones too. I noticed a book shelf in the background on the Bates show.

  10. What a beautiful painting! Such a good artist! The painting is just like the photo! I majored in Arts. I love drawing and painting!

    I just don't have time to do it anymore since my kids where born... this video really inspired me! I think I'm going to paint my kids when then grow up and I have some free time. :)

  11. I am truly amazed at his woman's ability to paint. It is just awesome. I have also wondered if the children read many books. I have once seen/heard a recommendation of the older girls and they were just courting/purity books they recommended. I have never seen bookshelves in any of the shows I have watched or seen the children sitting and reading a book. Now I have not seen all of them, but I am surprised at not seeing any and I have watched many, many of the shows. The only time I have seen the parents with a book has been the bible open at the "devotion" time. Makes one wonder if they allow or if the children do read literature at all.

  12. I have high hopes that campaigning for Santorum and getting "out in the real world" has been an eye-opener for the Duggar parents that they cannot keep their children shielded from the "real world" all their lives -- including books. The bowling alley they went to with Santorum reportedly had pop music playing on the speakers and video that was not "Duugar appropriate." Santorum drank a beer. The Duggars actually went places that were "not church" and allowed their children to go along. Jesus did say we are to go out into the world -- and the world is not always pure. I pray this is the beginning of a new season in life for the Duggar parents and they can finally turn over reproduction to the younger generation and sit back and lead now without any more dangerous pregancies for both mother and child.

  13. ...and they have preached and preached against contraception although the Bible speaks nowhere about contraception. This is a Duggar belief. Therefore, I hope Jim Bob and Michelle force upon themselves abstinence, which is the only true form of birth control.

  14. They always make it clear that the quiver full rule is simply THEIR personal convictions. Again, since the Bible doesn't take a clear stance, I feel it is not for us to judge. They are generous, financially independent & kind people.

  15. Re books for children, would like to suggest the Elsie Dinsmore series--there are 28 of them, by Martha Finley--Michelle's and Jim Bob's grandparents and possibly parents would know the books. And it's the original series you want, not the watered down one that is more modern. Also, The Wide Wide World and Queechy by Susan Warner
    Little Women and the rest of the Alcott classics; Pollyanna and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. I think the Duggars, all of them, would love the books I have mentioned and be enriched by them. All available thru Amazon.


  16. You people are wild.


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