
Friday, March 30, 2012

Daytime with Donna Recording

Missed hearing Michelle Duggar on Daytime with Donna this afternoon? Click here to listen to the recording.


  1. It was really sad to hear someone directly attacking Michelle today. I'm impressed with how she handled it, and I hope that the callers will be screened a little better next time.

  2. I'm so happy. Michelle answered my question about the Buddy Teams.

  3. Just listened to the recording. My blood ran cold at Robert's call. How dare he ask how they deal with negativity and then throw it at her? I do; however, think she answered with grace and wisdom.

  4. Thanks for the link guys. Will enjoy this. But there was NOOOO way I was getting up at 5 am to listen to it. lol (Even though I live in Melbourne, we run on the same time as Sydney)

  5. Thank you guys for posting this! It was neat to talk to Mrs. Duggar and hear her answers to the other questions. :)

  6. Why did your blood run cold at Robert's call? He dared to ask his question because we live in a free society and we are free to ask whatever we feel like asking someone without being censored as if we live in a Communist nation and we are all free to have our own thoughts and our own opinions. How dare you ask how he dared to ask the question? Robert did nothing wrong. He had a question--he posed it. Michelle answered. So, is your blood warm again? I hope so!

  7. Stacey: Why would the callers be screened??????

  8. I didn't have a problem with Roberts first question. How does one handle all the criticism? But his second comment was not needed and was downright rude and he just came across as someone who thought they had the authority to dictate who is a genuine christian and who isnt. My husband and I have both attended IBLP and most of what B.G. says we dont have an issue with, as B.G. encourages people to pursure a genuine relationship with God, and he makes it clear that he is just a sinful man saved by God's grace. We don't agree with everything he says. But do agree with a lot of it. Michelle was very gracious with her answer. (he would of copped an earful from me) and I agree that the calls should maybe be better screened. But you cant always stop the negative comments. Was glad to hear some different questions for her this time round instead of the same old, same old.

  9. Anon april 1, 2012 @ 1:43 am:
    his subsequent comments were uncalled for. If he wanted to pose such a comment he could of been more diplomatic about it. He came across as self righteous and accusitory. It may not of been his intention, but that's the way he came across.He is allowed to have his opinion, but trying to put others down in order to make yourself look good or more Godly is wrong. If he wanted to make such a comment he would of been welcome to make them via the Duggars web site. NOT on national radio. I personally would of cut the caller off if i saw what direction his comments were heading in. And i would of addressed his initial question only.

  10. @Mmolesy

    LOLing at the idea that you could ask the Duggars anything they didn't want to hear via their website. They even flat out say that they're not able to answer every question (understandable), but I'd be surprised if they even read them. When nothing gets to them that's not carefully screened and vetted first, why should you not take advantage of an opportunity to ask a question that they've never addressed by any other means? How is it "putting someone down" by asking them a direct question about the lifestyle that they promote on TV?

  11. The Duggars do belong to Gothard's "group", so it's perfectly reasonable to ask Michelle why she believes this is true Christianity.

    Why must it always only be one-sided? Why do the Duggars get to preach endlessly but no one can question them about what they are actually preaching?

  12. It was refreshing to hear some different questions. It was unfortunate the Michelle was unable to effectively answer them. I suspect it was difficult for her to think on her feet and give any kind of insight into the Gothard influence in their lives, when the question wasn't prescreened or submitted to her in advance.

  13. The Duggars voluntarily agreed to have their lives filmed and chose to broadcast their political and cultural beliefs through their television show, appearances, website, books, and other efforts.

    They are welcome to broadcast their opinions on hot-button social issues all they like. It's the beauty of living in a free society. But you have to deal with the other side of the coin--people also have the freedom to disagree, to argue back, and to ask questions about why you believe you do. Isn't freedom of speech a glorious thing?


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.