
Monday, February 13, 2012

Less than 48 Hours!

Less than 48 hours until the premiere of the sixth season of 19 Kids and Counting

What's in store for this week's episode? Watch as the Duggars landscape, visit a corn maze, and attend speaking engagements. The entire family is grieved when informed that Michelle's pregnancy has ended in a miscarriage. 

19 Kids and Counting, "Duggars Planning the Future" starts on Valentine's Day at 9PM EST/8PM CST. Only on TLC.

On a scale of 1-10, how much are you looking forward to the Duggars' return?


  1. I read the Duggars are supposed to be on the Today Show on Tuesday?? True??

    Looking forward to the premiere, but I know it will be so sad. :(
    Mrs P

  2. I love this family!!! As a mom, I am gaining so much wisdom through them. It's the only show we watch.

  3. Hello ladies. I wonder if you could tell us fans here in the U.K when you think these new episodes might be on You Tube. We're so far behind over here. We're so jealous that you fans over in the US have a new series to look forward to tomorrow night. I love the Duggars !

    Kim x

  4. well i won't be able to see them until they come out on You Tube so probable a 7 or so!!

  5. 10,10,10,10 cannot wait anymore.

  6. 10+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  7. i met the duggars a year ago today

  8. Our entire family is DEFINETLY a 10!

  9. I'm a 10, but I'm not excited for this episode. It will be too sad. Lily and Ellie, did you hear that the Duggars will be on the Today Show tomorrow morning?

  10. 10! I am very excited!

  11. 10 I can't wait to see the premiere.

  12. I am really looking forward to it. But I don't have TV. So when you can, can you put the full episodes on your blog so those of us who don't have TV's can watch it? Thanks. Marylynn

  13. I am looking forward to this so much it is off the scale!

  14. TEN! But we don't have a tv, so I hope you post a link to the episode when it's on youtube!

  15. 10 Tomorrow can not get here fast enough

  16. I am looking forward to the new season!!!

  17. Subscribing through iTunes, so we don't get to watch it until Wednesday night and can't WAIT!!!!!!!!!!

    I give this a 20+ tipping over the scale just a tad.

  18. Hi Sisters,

    We post the links to new episodes as soon as we can. They are usually uploaded to YouTube several weeks after they air, but sometimes sooner.

    Have a great day!
    ~Lily and Ellie :)

  19. It's true! The Duggars will appear on the Today show on the morning of Valentine's Day. Details here:

    ~Lily and Ellie

  20. Hi Kim,

    The episodes are usually uploaded to YouTube several weeks after they air, but we have seen them appear in as quickly as two or three weeks.

    Make sure to visit the blog tomorrow morning. The Duggars are scheduled to be on the Today Show, and we will post the info after it airs. :)

    Thanks for being a loyal reader!
    ~Lily and Ellie

  21. ten I just can't wait to watch them!

  22. I am really looking forward to another season, the whole family are inspirations and such blessings.

  23. Love the Duggars!

  24. 10!!! Can't wait!!!

  25. I am so excited to see them come back. wonder what they will announce tommorrow on the today show??


  26. Since the Catholic Church dismissed "Valentine's Day" in 1969; I am surprised Michelle and JimBob celebrate the very commercial holiday.

  27. I would love to watch the show on TLC, but we don't have TLC, so, Lily and Ellie, are you going to post the episode on the list of full episodes?

  28. Hi Anonymous (at 6:32 PM),

    For sure! We post links to all of the full episodes once they become available.

    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Lily and Ellie

  29. I so hope they will not announce this is their last season!

  30. I am very excited! I love the Duggars and can name everyone's middle name and first name. Along with most of their birthdays!


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