
Friday, January 13, 2012

Duggars' Choice for U.S. President

For the past ten days, the Duggars have been campaigning with presidential candidate Rick Santorum. Why do the Duggars support Rick Santorum for U.S. president? Michelle explains in the following video.

To spread the word, the family inscribed their bus with the words "Rick Santorum for President: Join the Fight."

Rick Santorum from WMtek Inc on Vimeo.


  1. What's a big fan of the Duggars and a strong Ron Paul supporter to do?? Guess I'm not surprised by their choice.

    1. Matthew, we too are Ron Paul supporters. We still love the Duggar family! :)

  2. The Duggars sure are great at taking a stand for what they believe in. I commend them for that.

  3. I'm not American, so I'm not informed about all of the presidential candidates. But the Duggars' endorsement makes me curious, so I might just do some research. :)

  4. Rick Santorum would be a great choice for America!!

  5. Rick Santorum is everything America needs in a President-- a man with strong, unwavering morals and values. He is not ashamed to be a Christian and his actions back up his words. (very unlike a politician)

  6. I agree with his view on abortion and that he is a strong Catholic family man! I am not shocked that the Duggars would vote for him!

  7. We are a homeschool family and have watched the Duggars and commend them for sharing their family and their faith openly on national tv. I think we need to look at the candidate as a whole and not only the fact that they home school.

    We supported Ron Paul back when he wasn't "popular" and will continue to do so in this current election year! We love that he has been consistent in all his years in congress, stands behind the constitution, limited government and so much more.

    Check out his site at Click on THE ISSUES link and find out why he should be our next president.

  8. Ron Paul 2012!!:) I'm kinda surprised that they chose Rick Santorum and not Ron Paul...but oh well! I still Love them!

  9. Obama 2012! Though I'm obviously not surprised the the Duggars have different ideas lol...

  10. Heck, I'm a Jewish Democrat, and I like the Duggars. They're reality TV stars, not political analysts, theologians, or clergy, and their religious beliefs and political preferences don't mean any more to me than Kim Kardashian's (nor should they). I like the Duggars because they're interesting, and they seam like nice, sincere people. Just like all of us, they have the right to believe in whatever they want to believe in, and to support any political candidates that they wish, but honestly, if someone chooses to support a candidate because their favorite reality starts endorse him or her, well that's just silly!


  11. @anonymous

    That's an interesting comment. Are you a Christian? Do you know that President Obama is a huge advocate for abortion? Abortion = murder. Also, in the past few years as president, he hasn't done much to help the country. There's a FaceBook page called the Liberty Bellow. I suggest you check it out. There is much valuable information on it that might help us in choosing a President who will honor God and His word.

  12. @Matthew M.,

    I agree! :(

    ~Johanna K.

  13. @Anna Lisa,

    Thanks! :) I am glad there are still responsible voters-- like you! :) My family and I have been for Ron Paul since late 2007. I love his consistency, his biblical and constitutional beliefs.

    ~Johanna K.

  14. As a fellow Jewish Democrat and Duggar fan, I´m with Kat!

  15. I am so disappointed the Duggars are endorsing Santorum. And I'm Catholic. Ron Paul 2012!

  16. I hope that you show my comment.
    I love watching the show and am a proud homeschoolin' momma of 6 (ages 14-4). I believe that God wants us to have large families and enjoy all that he has given us. I am, however, concerned and a bit shocked about the support for Santorum. My issue is some statements he has made and his voting record.

    He is condoning murder. Besides, that horror, what if these scientists were forced to work on the project? Murder is murder.

    Voting record:

    Don't take my post for it. ;) Research it out.

    I believe that Ron Paul would be a better fit for your family values. This is not said to condemn, but to encourage you to look deeper.

    God bless you all,
    Wendy Sprague

  17. I love the Duggars and I enjoyed hearing about their selection for President even though I support the President. I admire their deep faith, their commitment to their family, and to the growth and development of each of their children. I don't agree with them politically but I am grateful that they provide an example of faith and family that inspires me and many others. I am a committed Christian who believes in social justice and helping the poor. I believe in tax increases at the same time we find ways to cut federal spending. Isn't it wonderful that we live in a country where different viewpoints are accepted, and we can all learn from each other. If only the discourse at the national level were conducted with the same amount of grace and caring that the Duggars show to those who disagree with them.

  18. Hey fellow Jewish voters like would serve you well to follow the political example set by the Duggars. I am a Jewish Conservative republican (yes we do exist) and I did not vote for Obama unlike the rest of my fellow Jewish lambs led to the slaughter. He is no friend to Israel and has on more than one occasion insulted many of Israel's leaders. That's what matters most to me. Genesis 12:3 says those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed...please don't vote for Obama anymore if you value our homeland!

  19. So glad to see many Ron Paul supporters on here! He is the best option in my opinion, unlike any other candidate....ever. a constitutionalist, consistent voting record, and actually has a plan to fix the budget crisis. Santorum, will be more of the same, I think. RON PAUL 2012!

  20. I know how you feel @Matthew M. ! haha still love the Dugagrs though and still love Ron Paul!!

  21. For Ron Paul supporters:

    As far as the statement and link provided by Happeedae, I think a little snippet of information is not much to go on. I would rather see a debate. As long as there are evil people with evil intentions, and people who are responsible enough to do whatever is necessary to protect, there will be people killed such as Bin Laden. Were you against his death?

    I'm not decided yet on who I am for as a presidential candidate, but I'm certainly not going to make decisions based on You Tube videos and little statements. I will pray and ask God. The media today can do anything to sway voters in either direction just by posting such things.

    I highly suggest watching debates and praying for God's wisdom.

    I'm glad the Duggars are active politically.

  22. I love how the comments have turned into everyone offering our own reason for why we should or shouldn't vote for a political candidate. I'll answer the question addressed to me by saying that I've found Republicans and Democrats to be essentially identical as far as Israel is concerned (save for Ron Paul of course who I can't see any Jewish person supporting) and tend to concern myself with domestic issues (like support for labor unions, health care, education, etc.) when it comes to choosing who to vote for. I'm actually friends with several Jewish Republicans, and while I can't speak for every single one, those that I know chose their candidates based on primarily domestic issues as well.
    Funny thing, is my husband is Christian, and often hears comments about Christians blindly voting republican (though he is a Democrat himself), and I tend to get the reverse comments being Jewish. I will clarify to say that I am a Jewish person that is a Democrat, I am not a Democrat because I'm Jewish or vice versa...but, this thread is about the Duggars, not me...though I should say, that I found Josh's recent anti-Catholic Twitter comment pretty shocking. I know there are a lot of Catholic fans here and would be curious to hear your reactions.


  23. I agree with the person who said that anyone who votes for a president based on someone's endorsement is ridiculous. Come on people, do you really think anyone involved with Hollywood and yes Duggars that would be you has a clue what's going on in the real world. How about common sense, using your brain and thinking about what's actually going on it the world and with America. Common Sense and Thinking....what a novel idea!

  24. I agree with the Duggars 100% and also support and back Santorum.

    You can vote for Romney or Obama and neither of them will make any positive changes.

    Ron Paul is mentally unstable and Newt scared people, who possess lesser intelligence, away with his bid for a moon base.

    Rick Santorum can and will restore our country to the greatness it once was and he has the vote of our entire family.


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