
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

180 Movie: Rock Your World

Do you have 33 minutes to watch a documentary deemed "life-changing" by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar? Then watch "180" Movie!
Here is a brief trailer. The full-length film can be found at

What did you think?


  1. I just watched that last night hoping that it would be the dynamic film advertised. Unfortunately, Mr. Comfort (whose methods & attitude I do not care for) utilized a flawed analogy to change the minds of the interviewees/viewers. There is a significant difference between a person who is autonomous and one who is dependent on another for survival. As such, it is not a film I could recommend to my "non-believing" friends.

  2. Interesting I was confronted with this movie twice today. It's fascinating but very graphic. Certainly NOT for little people to see.

  3. @HuetherGirl - not sure what you mean about a difference between someone who is autonomous and one who is dependent on another. Aren't newborns dependent on others for survival? Aren't some elderly dependent on others for survival?
    This movie is well worth watching. I certainly wonder if some of the people interviewed actually had a change of heart or were just being compliant to get Ray Comfort off their backs. Still, his reasoning and tactics leave people with something to consider and that's "not nothing." Sometimes all you can do is plant a seed.

  4. I agree with HeutherGirl! I'm pro-choice but respect those who are pro-life - everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. Sadly it seems that nobody mentioned this to Mr Comfort - he could have done this film in a much less agressive and patronising way.

  5. Well said Joshua Kriegshauser!!
    I believe that people do need to have rights on some things, but killing babies? Who in their right mind could say that is okay? It isn't a matter of opinion, killing is wrong, its as simple as that! People only tell themselves its okay to make them feel better about doing it.

  6. @ HuetherGirl
    Are not all babies dependent upon others for survival?
    I would hope that our society would value the lives of the innocent and defenseless and strive to protect them. Unfortunately, that seems not to be the case.

  7. I didn't like this movie. I am Jewish and I'm against abortion. What bothers me with this movie is the part where The creator of the movie changes people's view about themselves. They thought they're good people who deserve to go to heaven, and in a few words he convinces them the opposite is true.He proves them that they break some of the 10 commandments, but because he asks his questions somewhat aggressively, they forget the good things they do, and agree with his conclusions even though it's not true. Looks like brainwashing to me.
    And by the way, If he is Jewish, why does he preach about christianity in this way? I don't get it.

    [For me what is missing in this movie is showing a fetus activity in the womb, and his reaction to abortion.]

  8. Some people need the aggressive type to even hear what's being said. I think, once again, Ray Comfort has done a great job. He pulls it all from the Bible. He's direct, but why beat around the bush when it's concerning where you'll spend eternity?

  9. Tehilla, he is Jewish but a Born Again Christian. So, that's the difference. Jewish faith doesn't follow the New Testament that tells about Salvation through Jesus.

    Getting people to understand that you don't get to Heaven by just being 'good' is his point. He does this by asking them if they've done this or that which goes against the commandments.

    None of us are just 'good enough' to go to Heaven. We need Jesus. We need Him to save us from our sins, to be forgiven. He paid the price, but we need to tell Him this, to believe in Him.

  10. What I don't get is how people can sit there and say we have a right to abort babies, why is killing okay if its done inside the womb? Killing is killing, I don't see how you could say it any other way.

  11. So when did it become okay to murder? Isn't one of the ten commandments "Thou shall not Kill"? I don't care what the reason is, Killing is against God's law.

  12. I will never, ever, ever understand people that say life begins in the womb and are "anti-abortion" are FOR it if the life of the mother is in danger. The very people that say God creates ALL creation and that God is perfect and His ways are perfect, yet turn around and out the other side of the mouth say if the mother's life is in danger, then abortion is okay. Huh? Will someone other than me, somewhere, realize this contradiction? Of course, this will not be published, but at least the moderator will read it!

  13. I'm pro-life, but this is not a good movie. It's not logical, and it's manipulative. At the same time, it would surely fail to convince almost any pro-choice person who had actually thought about his or her position - and yes, there are pro-choice people who have put a lot of thought into their positions. All this movie will do is further entrench most pro-choice people in their belief that those who are pro-life are wrong. This is NOT what we need in the fight to stop abortion. Also, Ray Comfort's message was one of fear, not of love. Disappointing.

  14. I'm against abortion, but I was disturbed by this movie. I only watched part of it. I didn't like that he was yelling at them. Yelling only makes people defensive. I also didn't
    believe the part where he was asking them if they knew who Adolf Hitler was and they answered no or they said the wrong answer. Everyone know who Adolf Hitler was or they really must be dumb. I was really bothered by the guy with the Mohawk yelling at Ray Comfort and him yelling back. It doesn't make people change their minds by yelling at them, it only makes them continue yelling.

  15. Regardless of what one thinks about Mr. Comfort's "technique", the real question is, "But is he speaking truth?" Undeniably. He made several very good points. My mother wouldn't be here. Her grandmother and her mother were early-teens who had their babies AND ended up marrying the fathers and staying married until old age. My husband wouldn't be here; his birthmother was a teen who adopted. Therefore myself and my family (including my grandchildren, my sister and her children, etc.) would not be here if the rules for "can't afford to take care of the child" or "rape/molestation" or "surprise pregnancy outside of marriage" were the rules. All of my family (including the father and grandfather of my mother) became Christians and have led very successful productive and gracious lives. All life is a gift, an opportunity for God to show Himself in love to a loveless world. What is deeply disturbing (and needing action) is that there ARE many who do not even recognize Hitler, a MAJOR and RECENT historical figure. Ray's point, should any have missed it, is that our culture and our country has reached a point where history really is about to repeat itself, because we do not know that history. Ignorance breeds horror and that horror may not be limited to "someone else". That horror will be more personal than "someone else's choice". Perhaps Ray's efforts here warrant more consideration for his content. His technique is admittedly arbitrary and uncomfortable. Truth, however, will always be uncomfortable when it hits home.

    Thank you ladies, for uploading this film. Thanks for doing your part. Now I need to go consider how I can do mine.

  16. Honestly, I'm pro-choice, and this movie did nothing buy make me MORE pro-choice (if that's even possible) extreme, aggressive films like this really don't do anything but "preach to the choir."

  17. What a great documentary! THanks for the link!

  18. And they aren't always David said, would you kill them for a disability?

    A friend of the family had doctors tell her that her child would have Downs and he was born completely healthy.

    Another friend was told that the child wouldn't make it to birth, then she wouldn't live past a month, and she'd be born with this and that wrong....she's beautiful and 6 months old now. She did have a club foot that has been fixed.

    The doctors are only human. Tests make mistakes. God doesn't.

  19. Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this!!!

  20. @Joshua Krieghauser
    -Yes, a newborn is dependent on others for survival, though I wasn't suggesting a pre-natal/post-natal variance in autonomy. But to use the murder of adult humans as an analogy for terminating a human at the earliest stage of development is not, in my opinion, reasonable.
    Similarly, using phrases such as "killing babies" is not helpful to the conversation as a whole. We're all humans at various stages of development which means that either ALL human life is sacred or the "pro-life" argument, as it is, is invalid.

  21. I just watched the full video, and it was great!! Ray Comfort did an amazing job explaining to these people how killing is wrong. I encourage everyone to see this!


  22. not logical
    Other than for medical reasons abortions are un-Godly and wrong.

  23. The inalienable right to life possessed by every human being is present from the moment of initial formation, and all human beings shall be entitled to the equal protection of persons under the law. Learn more at:


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