
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Duggars Return in 24 Days!

Mark your calenders for September 27th! That's the date TLC has set for the return of "19 Kids and Counting!" (A special thanks to Lemsgarden for her help!) We will announce exact episode times soon.

Until then, keep checking the blog for updates. And if your are craving a dose of the Duggars, be sure to tune in for reruns (click here for schedule).

Hope you are having a relaxing weekend!

On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you for the new season?


  1. On a scale of 1-10, I am definitely a 10!!!! I can hardly wait for the new season to start!!

  2. on the scale im a full out 10! love the show! cant wait for new season! thanks for the updates on the duggars! cant live without your blog thanks lily and ellie

  3. Definitely a 10. The Duggar Family is such an encouragement to watch. They are very uplifting and I can let my 3 year old watch it without worrying about their language or actions. We are so excited and looking forward to the new season! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I am totally a 10!!!! I am SOOOOOO excited to watch their show again!!!!!

  5. I am so thankful to God that our world has a family like the Duggars! They are a true inspiration!

  6. A Big 10!!!!! I am so excited they will soon be back! I call them my "family" and it will be so nice to have them back!! I don't have TV so I won't get to see the first episode until amazon releases it for purchase, but I am VERY excited =)

  7. I am a 10!!! I'm so excited for the new season!

  8. Super excited for the return of the Duggars!!!!!!

  9. A Big 10 for me!! I like the way the seasons aren't as spread out like other shows. I love the Duggars!:-)

  10. 10++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I have never missed a episode :)

  11. With out a doubt its a 10++++. I am so looking forward to the new season.

  12. A 10 because I'm really excited. I have been looking forward to this for a long time now.

  13. Very, very very very very very very very!
    I don't get to spend time with my own grandchildren, so I really love the Duggars letting us enjoy their children and grandchildren. They are wonderful, thanks so much for sharing you lives with us.

  14. On a scale of 1-10, I am a 10! I love their family! I really enjoy your blog, Lilly and Ellie.

  15. As a" Christian family " you placed a burden upon yourselves to represent us all on public TV or you would not speak of God. I am concerned about one thing you tend to do, which is always ask what would Jesus do ? I think if He and His Spirit was in you , in your mind yould have like mindedness with Him and you would not need to ask all the time. Jesus and deceit cannot coexist in the mind so we need to make up our mind to trust His Mind in us or not..

  16. At the risk of being a copycat, I'll have to say a "10" too!!!

    To the poster above, please remember that they are often teaching their little ones and so, while I'm sure the older children and Michelle and Jim Bob already know what Jesus would do, they are setting the example for the younger children (and maybe some viewers too!).

  17. Great news! My 6-yr old ds loves watching the Duggars every morning on TLC. For those of you in Ontario, Zellers is selling copies of "17 Kids and Counting" for $1.99

    Lake Lili

  18. 10! absolutely love them!

  19. As anonymous Christian I forgot to simply ask if it would be fair to tell your audience that your family represents Christianity as you all perceive it and understand it, and that not all of us share the same views. That is what I really wanted to ask before! Thanks

  20. On a scale of one-to-ten, I'm a 20!!!

  21. I've been watching since the first 1 hour special and haven't missed an episode so far! Can't wait to see the awesome Duggar family in a few weeks (and hopefully the precious Bates family, too!) Thank you, Lord, for these sweet families!

  22. Yeah!
    anyone know about The Little Couple?

  23. watching now
    wait, how the lottery changed my life is on,ugh
    today was my last daily dose of duggars before school starts

  24. i found a video from the Scottish Highland Games Parade Blairgowrie and Rattray Perthshire Scotland on September 4th and the duggars are in it on youtube


  25. The YouTube video featuring the Duggars in Scotland that Brittani is referring to can be found here:

    Thanks, Brittani!
    ~Lily and Ellie

  26. Yay!!! Praise God for the Duggars and all the people He speaks to and blesses through them.

  27. you are welcome ellie and lilly i put duggars in scotland sept 4th and what pop up was a video of them marching in the parade so that was cool and i the background you can the 19 kids and counting crew filming them so you will know it must be on the show and yes all 19 kids were there and josh's wife anna and mackynzie and michael, plus grandma duggar and cousin amy

  28. here the line up of the duggars in the parade in scotland games joseph holding something jim-bob, michelle holding jennifer's hand johannah,jackson,justin,james,jason,jeremiah,jedidiah,joy, have jordyn on her back in a Baby Back Carrier, cousin amy, grandma duggar, josiah, have mackynzie on his back in a Baby Back Carrier jinger, jessa, jill, john, jana holding josie, josh, anna has michael in a Baby Front Carrier and thats all the lines up

  29. How about 100! There are so few shows on TV I find that glorify God and/or that my children can watch. I'm so thankful for this show!

    To those who are critical of the Duggars: God made all his children, even Christian children, different. God loves wondrous variety! The MOST IMPORTANT things Christians need to do is LOVE GOD, AND LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with everything the Duggars do or say regarding their Christian beliefs, dress, lifestyle, or raising children. They will tell you they have felt "personally" convicted. They don't tell people to live a certain way. They just want all people to LOVE GOD and EACH OTHER.

  30. Definitely a 10+ ! I have been worried they might not be back as being too wholesome for some

  31. Definitely a 10! I cannot wait to see all the children again! Josie looks like she has really grown! I admire them so very much.

  32. Wonder how they are doing with all the flight time and everyone's problem with airsickness!?

  33. Very excited. I check the TV listings every week to see if they are back. Thanks for the info that they are coming back September 27.

  34. My family and I are all 10+ love the show, and love the family!! Can not wait to see what is going on with them and how they all are doing!

  35. EXCITED TIMES...A BILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. i'm sooo looking forward to add them back to my schedule!


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