
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Recap: "Kids to the Rescue" and "Duggars Focus on the Family"

Tonight on "19 Kids and Counting" Kids to the Rescue...
  • Jim Bob and Michelle, along with Gil and Kelly Bates, headed off to El Salvador. During their trip, the couples met with government officials to advocate for a quicker adoption process for Americans trying to adopt Salvadoran children. 
  • To prevent chaos from taking over while Mom and Dad were gone, the older Duggar girls and Anna planned plenty of fun activities for the kids, including go-cart races and homemade ice cream. The latter didn't go so well, but Anna pulled out some store-bought ice cream just before things got ugly.
  • While Jim Bob and Michelle were gone, Josie developed a mild fever. One night, the girls woke up to discover that her fever had skyrocketed, causing the preemie to experience seizures. Jill called 911.
  • "I was in bed sleeping," explained John-David, a member of the volunteer fire department. "I heard my pager go off, and I thought, 'man, that address sounds so familiar,' and then I remembered, 'oh, that's our address."'
  • Paramedics arrived, and John-David and the girls rode with Josie to the hospital. When the preemie was stabilized, Jill called her parents in El Salvador, and Jim Bob and Michelle immediately flew home. When they arrived in Arkansas, Josie was doing very well, and the two were impressed by their kids' maturity in dealing with the situation. 
  • Missed the episode? Click here to see a short video of Michelle giving Jim Bob a new do just before departing for El Salvador. "He's my most talkative client...The rest of them just sit there and I do it, but Dad, he likes to give me some instructions," says the mom of 19. Jim Bob was a little shocked at how much Michelle cut off, but when he realized he looked 20 years younger, he was content!
Tonight on "19 Kids and Counting" Duggars Focus on Family...   
  • Michelle flew out to meet the rest of the family in Colorado Springs, leaving Josie in the hands of a trusted friend. The kids enjoyed Whit's End, an indoor play area modeled after Focus on the Family's Adventures in Odyssey radio show. The best part was the three-story slide!
  • The following day, the Duggars encouraged a crowd of 1,800 with Jim Bob and Michelle's testimonies and music from the kids. 
  • After the speaking engagement with Focus on the Family, Michelle flew home to Josie, and Jim Bob and the kids, as well as Josh and Anna, headed off to the Royal Gorge canyon. Highlights of their visit included crossing the suspension bridge 956 feet above the Arkansas River, riding the gondola, and braving the Skycoaster.
What did you think of these episodes?


  1. I admit I was a little teary eyed when Josie had fever seizures. It's so great you have three children who are volunteer firefighters!

  2. Hello Duggar Family, this is more of a request on short notice. My name is Julie and my friend and I will be driving through your town tomorrow. I know you are very busy but it never hurts to ask if anyone may be free for a short visit. I only have one child but I admire how great your family works and love watching you all grow. Please contact me if you get this in time. I admire how well you all work as a team and think you are wonderful.

  3. Wow, what a great couple of episodes. The Duggars are getting involved in so many meaningful efforts, as if keeping their family going wasn't enough! I am saving these two on my DVR to watch again.

    Oh, and I have a guess about why the ice cream didn't work out: Rock Salt. Rock Salt is needed to drop the temperature below freezing to get the cream mixture to firm up. If you don't get it really cold during the churning.. it never really thickens up.

  4. I enjoyed the shows very well. I was sad Josie had gotten so sick but it was good to see her older siblings get together to help save poor Josie! I also enjoyed the family having fun together and stuff. I am like Jinger when it comes to heights. I would not have been able to cross that huge bridge that is for sure. I can't wait until next week!

  5. I am so excited for the new season! I am a supporter of Focus on the Family and I think it is wonderful that you are able to get these great Christian resources out on cable tv!

  6. Love the Duggar their love for God!! Was very excited to watch the show and even more excited when I saw myself on tv In the Focus on the family crowd!! Blessings on the Duggar family!!

  7. Loved the episodes. Enjoyed the Focus on the Family trip especially. Hope they come to our area someday. I'd make a trip!

  8. I heard the Duggars are going to be on The Today Show tomorrow morning with an exclusive announcement. Any idea what news they have? Did Anna have her baby? Is Michelle expecting #20? Is someone engaged? I'm so excited to know. What a great family!

  9. God bless Josie!

  10. Thanks for the tip about the Today Show!

    ~Lily and Ellie

  11. I just wish the TV had more great Christian shows like The Duggars on TV at times. That would be cool but now we have The Duggars. A show meant for adults that is more wholesome then most shows for children or so I think. I hope Josie just stays healthy. She a cutie.

  12. I'm so excited that the Duggars are on Focus on the Family! I listen to that pretty often, and I believe (like everyone here) that Bob and Michelle have lots of valuable insights to share. I feel encouraged that the Duggar kids are so mature in their actions as well - kids these days get frazzled too easily!

    God bless them, and Josie for speedy recovery!!

  13. My son had his first seizure when he was 7 due to a high fever. I will be praying for your family!! A seizure can be quite terrifying for the loved ones to witness. May God continue to bless your inspiring family.

  14. I had seizures when I was only five days old. I can't remember having the seizures because I was so young but it has effected my life in some ways.

  15. I'm so happy Josie OK!

  16. I would love to be able to watch these episodes, but we don't have the extended cable tv which costs a lot more, and 19 Kids and Counting is on a channel we don't get. I wish the episodes were posted on the internet!

  17. Anonymous:

    Have you checked Youtube? They may not have the newer episodes, but I was able to find the earlier ones, plus the documentaries they made way before the show.


  18. Hello Dugger Family! Another grateful fan here that loves everything about the show, your values and love of God. Question; the Bates family are a blessing to watch as well, would they consider a show of their own to help 'spread the Word'? Blessings to you all

  19. I really felt for the girls for the fear that they must have felt when Josie was sick. It was awesome to see how everyone worked together to help her. The girls did exactly what their mom would have in staying with her and comforting her. It makes a big difference that there are enough of them to work as a team.

  20. I know that this was a long time ago, but how fast were Jimbob and Michelle able to get home to Josie after they found out. Did TLC pull some strings to speed up the process, what were all the legistics of the way home if u know them, i have always wondered.


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