
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Josie's First Birthday" Reap

On last night's episode of "19 Kids and Counting" Josie's First Birthday...
  • Jim Bob and the older kids still in Central America, Anna had Michelle and the little ones over for dinner. The children enjoyed chasing Josh and Anna's new kitten, named "Kitty" to help Mackynzie learn a new word. "Cats really are my favorite pet," said Michelle. "I like dogs, but I love cats."
  • When the other half of the family returned home, there were hugs and kisses all around. Priscilla Keller, who was Michelle's sidekick while the older kids were away, had a blast with the little ones but admitted that she was exhausted. Jonathan, Jana and John's translator during their mission trip to Indonesia, was also visiting the Duggars and enjoyed helping Michelle out as well. 
  • The next item on the Duggars' agenda? A family party for Josie's first birthday. "This is the biggest one-year celebration we've ever had," said Jim Bob. "She is a little miracle," beamed Michelle. Everyone enjoyed cake and fellowship, celebrating the triumphs of Josie's miraculous first year.
 Are you a cat person or a dog person? Or maybe neither? We (Lily and Ellie) have a pet cockatiel named Pearl.


  1. I'm a student, so a pet would be too much work for me right now. Maybe later on down the road.

  2. I was so good to how Josh and Anna are both doing. I can't wait until we find out if they are having a boy or a girl. I love the new little kitty cat Josh and Anna bought. I just love cats. I thought it was a little odd that Josh and Anna bought a TV. I guess they were planning only to watch wholesome TV shows and cartoons.

    I am so happy sbout Josies birthday. She is getting so big. I hope Josie has many more wonderful birthday. She is truly a blessing.

  3. Cat person. That is a very nice cat...seemed very good with the kids! Anna is so calm - I would have been a mess having that many people over in a small area. Priscilla is so she older or younger than Anna? This was a fun episode to watch - I recorded it and watched it again today at lunch!

  4. You should record the episodes and put them on Youtube or something :) (we don't have TV, but we LOVE the duggar's show :) )

  5. I am a dog person.

  6. I love dogs and cats pretty much the same right now.I love dogs because their stupid and loveable.I love cats because their calm and intelligent.

  7. I prefer cats-quieter (usually) and less jumpy. I like an animal that shows appreciation quietly, and cuddles up to you gently. But, I mostly prefer other people's cats. I don't think I'd get one as a pet.

  8. I loved this episode. Celebrating Josie's first birthday is special because she is a miracle baby. Some wonder if there was any type of celebration for Jordan's first birthday last year or for her second birthday last year. Does any one know? How about the twins, did they celebrate theirs? I know they do not film every child's birthday celebration each year so that is why we can only speculate.

  9. I enjoy this show SO much, because of the family values they all exemplify every day. If only all children in the world could have parents like the Duggars. They are raising children who are responsible, caring, community-minded, and nurturing. I especially loved a recent episode will little Justin made breakfast for his little sister.

  10. On a comercial for next weeks show,Anna's sonagram showed 2 heads. TWINS!!

  11. That is so cool!!!

  12. Definitely a dog person! I love cats too but I don't think they are as fun. I have 2 dogs, a guinea pig, a dwarf hamster and 2 parakeets, so a cat would be a danger to my little pets and one of my dogs is a hunting dog so a cat wouldn't live very long in my house. On one episode Michelle said neighborhood dogs find their way to the duggar household. I think they should get their own dog!

  13. Twins? No kidding? Can't wait for Monday's show!

    I'm not a 'cat person' since I am allergic to them. I'd like to try a Siberian cat, but because we prefer to get animals out of shelters, as our 3 dogs are, I haven't found one, yet, in our area. Kynzie's kitten in just adorable!

  14. First of all, not twins! It was the head and abdomen.

    I'm sooo happy about Josie doing so well, she is sooooooo CUTE!

    Last, I just wanted to say that it doesn't matter if you love dogs or cats.. Please, please, please, ADOPT A SHELTER ANIMAL!! Do go to a pet store, and don't go to a breeder!! There are so many unwanted animals. Go to a shelter!!

  15. Dog
    Josie,you are a miricale

  16. You go Michelle! CAT PERSON!


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