
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Parenting Advice from Jim Bob and Michelle

Jim Bob and Michelle will be the first to tell you that they are not professional parents, but there is something to be said for having 19 respectful, well-behaved children.
Let's discuss some of their top parenting tips...

Before their first child was born, Josh and Anna chatted with Jim Bob and Michelle on the Today Show. Jim Bob gave them this piece of wisdom: "Teach your children to love the Lord with all their hearts; serve others."
In that same interview with the Today Show, Michelle advised Josh and Anna to "enjoy them because they will grow up really, really fast."

The parents of 19 also stress the importance of keeping up with each child's heart. In our interview with Michelle, she told us that they "love to visit and get to have those heart-to-heart talks with the older ones, and often, that is after all the others are in bed." But even though that means less sleep for mom and dad, Jim Bob and Michelle don't mind at all.
"I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world," Michelle told us. "No sleep can be any better than getting to have that time with your kids."

Do you agree with these tips? What are some of your top parenting tips?


  1. Hi Lily and Ellie!

    Great Tips! I just wanted to mention to you that I wrote a post about the Duggar Family on my blog. I thing they are so great! Of course, I mentioned your blog in my post as well! If you want you can see my post at: .
    Thanks- Sydney

  2. One tip I actually heard from Michelle Duggar at the Baby Conference was: Go deep fast!
    When I run errands, I take only 1 child w/ me. As soon as we're buckled up, I start asking: So, Elena, what's going on with you? What are you struggling with lately? Is anything making you mad/sad/happy right now? What do you want prayer about?

    After several months of doing this, my kids started asking me these questions. I've been able to share my own struggles and temptations with them, which has brought us much closer together.

  3. Great post, Sydney! The Duggars are definitely a wonderful example of Christianity. Thanks for mentioning our blog!


  4. Thanks for sharing that parenting tip, Ginger! Michelle sure is a wise woman. Heart-to-heart talks are a great way to deeply connect with your kids.


  5. Thanks Jim Bob and Michelle for giving us good and valuable parenting advice. I will suggest to parents to read our websites which is also related to parenting tips.

  6. Thanks for the tips. What tips and resources do they give engaged adult children? What is the name of the book they gave Josh and Anna on their wedding day?

  7. @Sheryl

    Hi Sheryl,

    Before the wedding, Jim Bob gave Josh two books: "Before the Wedding Night" and "Staying in Love for a Lifetime," both by Dr. Ed Wheat.

    Here is a list of other resources that Josh and Anna recommend:

    Happy New Year!
    Lily and Ellie

  8. How do Mr. And Mrs. Duggar discipline? Do the spank, give timeouts, etc.


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