
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Duggars Officially Returning Early!

TLC has just confirmed that the Duggars will be returning early! However, "19 Kids and Counting" is going to be running on a different schedule. The first episode is set for Monday, January 24th, at 10:30PM EST/9:30 CST. Then tune in on Monday, January 31st, at 10:PM EST/9PM CST and 10:30PM EST/9:30PM CST for two more new episodes.

The change might be permanent, but look on the bright side: Just one more week to go!

Will 10:30PM EST be a better time for you, or did you prefer the old schedule (9:30PM EST)?


  1. Wow that is LATE! Definitely will have to set the DRV! Kind of strange to put a family show on so late that families can't watch it together!

  2. Wow - that's kind of late for a family program.

  3. It is not late for me on the west coast it is on at 8:30 in Arizona.

  4. Bummer. I hope they will replay it during the day sometime! I won't be able to watch it if it is always on that late... :(

  5. When will we find out if Josh and Anna are having a boy or a girl? Are they planning on making a special episode of that or something?

  6. I absolutely HATE the fact that they have been put in a time slot SO late! I look forward to the Duggars every season... but unfortuneately 10:30 is too late for me to watch. I like the 9:00 Tuesday slot SO much better! Hopefully they'll soon change it back.


  8. I'm just glad they're doing another season!

  9. I was reading the program information for the premiere episode on my DVR - it says Michelle takes a pregnancy test. Wonder what it reveals??? :-)

  10. O bummer! I am in bed by then! Too late for me!

  11. I don't care that the show is late. I can't wait for it to start next week!!

  12. Is the later time slot because the ratings are slipping? I sure don't want this show to be phased out! It is such a wonderful show.

  13. Too late! Move it back, Please!

  14. I do prefer the 9:00 time slot. I find it very odd that a "Family Show" is being pushed back to a later time slot. This just proves to me that American Values are slowly becoming a thing of the past! On the other hand, I am absolutely thrilled that they are returning again! I would also love to see a show staring "The Bates Family" sometime in the near future.

  15. Yeah, my kids won't be able to watch it at that time either. Wonder why they're doing that . . .

  16. Just a note guys...I think the pregnancy test will be negative, because Michelle DID go sky-diving with jessa, and she wouldn't have been able to if she was pregnant at that time.

  17. Glad it's back! Too late for a family show... 8 CST would be better

  18. Wow. I think it's pretty obvious that it's too late for most people. I have to agree too.

  19. It's too late at night for me...AND it conflicts with recording of Castle and Hawaii Five-O - why, oh why, couldn't they have left it on when everyone knew it was!

  20. Unfortunately, it too late for me to stay up AND it conflicts with recordings of Castle and Hawaii Five-O!

  21. It looks like its going to be a very cool show with the Sky Diving and the older kids having fun and enjoying life. I live in the mid-west so I can watch it at Nine PM. I think they should keep The Duggar's around 9:00 PM or 8:00 PM because its a TLC that is wholesome enough for the kids to watch. It annoys me as well. I would love to watch The Bates family show if they choose to go on air like The Duggars.

  22. I have already emailed my complaint to TLC about the late time of the show. Let's get everyone to do it and maybe they will change it. I am afraid a late air time will put ratings down and they will get canceled. We can't have that!

  23. Wow! I love the Duggars and am proud of them for standing up for what they believe. 10:30 is too late especially for children that need to see this show!

  24. will be good. I can sit and watch after everything is done in my home

  25. there are so many bizarre shows on TLC that should probably be on at 10:30-why the Duggars?

  26. Angela,

    Can you get me the contact information for TLC? I've been wanting to send a letter as well, but couldn't seem to find anywhere to send it to.



  27. I just went on the TLC website and contacted them to let them know that I don't care for their new inconvenient time slot. Let's all write them!

  28. Too late for me!! Working people
    have to get their rest. I'm disappointed in the time frame.

  29. I fell asleep watching it last night, I knew I would! I am very disappointed in the late viewing time of this show. The one show I can enjoy with my whole family but it's on too late for anyone to see it, including me!


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