
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

If you don't watch TV, why are you on a TV show?

That's a good question, but I must explain why the Duggars watch very little TV in the first place. It all started 26 years ago.....
A marriage counselor advised Jim Bob and Michelle not to have a television for the first year of marriage, so they could have open communication without any distractions.  But right when that year was up, Jim Bob and Michelle got cable TV. "We quickly realized that we were addicted to TV," Jim Bob told CBS news. "We just stared at that TV and didn't talk to each other." So they dumped it. "That was one of the best decisions we ever made for our family," says the father of 19. ( The marriage counselor also advised them not to have a pet for the first year of marriage. When that time was up, they bought a rabbit. But when they tossed the TV, they kept their cuddly friend.)

So if the Duggars don't believe in watching TV, why are they on a TV show?
It took a lot of thought and prayer for Jim Bob and Michelle to allow TLC to film their brood. "We agreed to it as long as they agreed to not edit out our faith," says Jim Bob. Their purpose for "19 Kids and Counting" remains the same as it was for their very first show, "14 Children and Pregnant Again" : To share with the world that children are a blessing from God.
The Duggars have been convinced that agreeing to be on TV was the right choice; they have received countless emails from viewers whose lives have been changed by watching "19 Kids and Counting."


  1. I've never understood this question. It doesn't make sense to me. They're on a tv show, not watching one.
    And MY GOODNESS, there were a lot of typos in that CBS article. Good grief! Loved this one:
    "Don't let the son go down on your wrath."

  2. I may be off base here, but I believe the Duggars' are using their show as a ministry. Of course, many Christians watch and enjoy the show and feel encouraged by it. But many who have never had an opportunity to hear the word of God, or know Jesus as their savior can hear and see what Christ has done for the Duggars. I don't have any facts to back this up, but I feel in my heart that they have led people to Jesus.

  3. I was wondering if your family ever watches episodes of the show even though you don't watch other TV?

  4. Sometimes the Duggars go to a friend or family's house to watch their show, and I would imagine that they have all the seasons on DVD as well. They watch wholesome movies and shows, like Andy Griffith, so they do have a small TV. When the Duggars are on a Talk Show or there is an important public announcement/newscast, they pick it up with a pair of antennas.

  5. Being married over 20 years and childless, I have had the discussion often with my husband,why would God Bless the Duggars with 19 children and not even give us 1? He has health issues and didn't want to adopt or foster because he didn't want me to incur more "burden". Now that you have the resources to adopt or foster, it sure would encourage others to do the same.

  6. I'm sorry, I don't care if it's for ministry or not, I still find it highly hypocritical for the Duggars to publicly proclaim that they don't have a tv or believe that it is good to have and watch and yet they have had their own show for years. They can try and justify it any way they wish by calling it a "ministry" but there are others ways to get the word out there about what a blessing children are then by compromising your beliefs.

  7. I think it's kind of cool to watch with so much junk on tv now. To me. it;s okay they are sharing their wholesome lifestyle with whoever wants to watch because to some of us life has been really traumatic and it makes me feel good to see the goodness which I'm not familiar with. And I really can't find anything on tv that's not full of junk. It's no wonder our kids are so messed up thinking what they see on tv is okay. I've known young people who regular tv have influenced their lives in some way wrong choices.
    so good to you Duggar's. It;s corny but nice to see it really exists.

  8. Thank you for much for sharing your precious family with the world! There are so many dysfunctional families (even Christian ones) that seeing yours work so well is refreshing and inspiring! I love the interviews with the sweet smallest children and grandchildren. They are so precious! I love seeing the fruit of your labor in the oldest children---they turned out beautifully! Praise the LORD for your show! I look forward to seeing it every week. May God bless you mightily!

  9. I watch a lot of TV since I got spectrum tv select I sit and watch all day.


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