
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Duggars Would Welcome 20th Child

We could be watching "20 Kids and Counting" in the near future. Just yesterday, the Duggars told the Today Show that they would welcome baby number 20. Josie is now 11 pounds and 6 ounces, and she is thriving. And the doctors' predictions are very positive. "They say that by the time she's 2 years old, she should catch up with someone developmentally who's 2 years old" said Jim Bob.

So why would they want another child after all they went through with Josie? To them, it's simple.....

"Even knowing that we went through the challenge that we did, we would do it again" Michelle announced.
“The precious life that we see here is not a coincidence,” she continued. “I just know that it is a miracle. I don’t take that for granted. I know that God is the one who gives life, and I’m just so grateful and thankful. We would welcome another if He saw fit, but we’ll wait and see.”


  1. Kinda deceiving title dontcha think?
    No link to the Today Show clip fyi.

  2. It is spelled "calendar"

  3. Thanks, Ginger. I was actually thinking the same thing when I looked at the post this morning. I changed the title and added the link, as well as a few more quotes. It was nearly midnight when I wrote this post, so my mind wasn't as sharp as it is during the day. I think next time I'll get some rest and write the post in the morning ;)

  4. For the first time, I thought the Today show was demeaning to the family in the way they worded their questions. I was happy to hear they responses given in an articulate way and true to their values and beliefs!

  5. Praise the Lord that Josie is doing so well!!!!!!! As long as Michelle is healthy and they can afford more children, then let God be the judge of all.

  6. I should never read a public comments section in a place like NBC. I do not have the sweet temperament most of the people on this blog have, I'm one of the warrior mothers. While I don't generally advocate violence (okay, sometimes) a few of the posters there (okay, more than a few) need to have their heads knocked together.

    It's not the questions that are bad, it's the disrespectful comments, like the "clown car" stuff and the ones that question Michelle's mental health, like only a brainwashed crazy person would give their lives over to God in this way. Jeez!

  7. Well, whether you are the Duggars or anybody else whether you are open to having children or not GOD has the last say, anyway. He is the creator of us all. I may not agree with the Duggars 100% on everything they do but I do respect the way they live their beliefs and raise their children the way they want to with God first. Every blessing & grace to them.

  8. If Michelle would have died during childbirth due, do you believe that it was God's will for her or does God hold us accountable for the decisions we make? He did create us with a free will. Are you using wise judgement with that privilege?

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